UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive
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Undercover Cop Faces at N9
10-11-2011 18:34

Callout for a Solidarity Action – International Day to Defend the Egyptian Revol
10-11-2011 12:51
Saturday 12/11/11, 3pm St Paul’sOccupy London is calling for ‘A tour of shame’ on the 12th of November, starting at St Pauls at 3pm, as it is the International Day to defend the Egyptian Revolution. We will be touring central London, visiting 3 of the 6 Arms Dealers who accompanied Cameron to Cairo in February, in order to strike an arms deal with the Egyptian Army.
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Cops Hide ID Numbers at N9 Demo
09-11-2011 20:23

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Occupy London - Solidarity with Census Refuser Judith Sambrook
09-11-2011 19:30

Black Bloc: the culture of coercion and poor strategy at mass actions needs an overhaul
08-11-2011 09:14

Help needed at Occupy Sheffield!
08-11-2011 00:54

Q and A following UK Premiere of The Crisis Of Civilization
07-11-2011 21:38

10-min film that'll persuade others why they should support the Occupy movement
07-11-2011 02:45
Crisis of Capitalism explained, by David HarveyHow to explain to your friends and family members why it is important to support the Occupy movement for the 99% in a town or city near you? Get them to watch this 10-minute video of a lecture by David Harvey (with excellent accompanying snapshot annotation with cartoon illustration)
The Wind in the Trees
06-11-2011 16:25
This is a message to the revolutionaries on Tahrir Square from a rainbow warrior in Europe. You might doubt whether there is something useful to say from that position, but so did I before I found myself in the middle of the struggle for the freedom of our hearts and minds. You might also question whether there is anything worth to be squeezed through the prisoner dilemma that is between all of us, but so did we before we took up our last battle against the regimes we had found in our lives. Please take the time to listen to a few words from the deep woods – because as the old poem goes, after the oppressors have spoken the oppressed are going to speak.Sheffield Occupied!
05-11-2011 16:40

Occupy history: Luddite uprising began in Nottingham 200 years ago last night
05-11-2011 13:00

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
Protest Against Royal Bank of Scotland
05-11-2011 10:15

Saturday, November 5 · 12:00pm - 1:00pm
(meet at the camp earlier, or at the bank by 12)
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Occupy LSX – We are the 99% rally & march to Parliament
04-11-2011 00:55

5th November: No Gunpowder. No Treason. No Hidden Plot.
Rally at 2pm on the steps of St Paul’s followed by a peaceful March to Parliament. We will be distributing thousands of leaflets with our 8 point statement in central London.
We stand for progressive alternatives to making the majority pay for a crisis they did not create.
Pragmatic suggestions for improving security at Occupy protests
03-11-2011 22:35
Pragmatic suggestions for improving security at Occupy protests, and a common-sense response to feminist critique/s of Occupy protestsResisting the lure of the Freeman movement
03-11-2011 16:55

Nebulous in its nature, its promise of ways of claiming back power from the state is clearly seductive. Indeed, on a superficial level, it even looks quite like anarchism in action. The aims of the Freemen movement is to use a particular interpretation of the legal system against the government in the name of gaining back freedoms and advantages.
Its mixture of family, moral conservatism and individualism has given it the appearance of an apolitical movement that can easily hook up with both the left and right. So while you can find the Freemen at protests camps, where its apparent anti-government stance will fall on fertile ground, you can just as easily find them being supported by right-wing groups with racist agendas, whose critique of government is more it does not represent their own jaundiced views.
As I will hopefully show, the Freemen agenda is already falling into the sort of bastardized political thinking that gave rise to the likes of anarcho-nationalism. If anything, what it is, is individualist libertarianism, and as such acceptance of this movement needs to be challenged by anarchists.
Fascists Attack Occupy Newcastle
03-11-2011 14:26
On Saturday 29 October Occupy Newcastle came under attack, first verbally during the day, from a combined mobilisation of several fascist organisations, and later that night physically, from an unidentified group of racistsOccupy Birmingham vacates Victoria Square
03-11-2011 13:18
Around the 27th October, occupiers were handed a notice to vacate the Victoria Square site by Council officials. Birmingham City Council claimed they were preventing members of the public using and enjoying the square. They also claimed their presence would adversely impact on the switching on of the Christmas lights and the German Market. See
Vandalism and the Protesters’ Response at Occupy Oakland (+ PICS)
03-11-2011 10:15