UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive
The Coming War on the Occupy Movement
18-11-2011 11:43
November 17, 2011As I begin to write this, Occupy Oakland circulates in a by-now familiar pattern: forced from the camp at the break of day, the occupiers reconvened as they have done before on the steps of the Public Library. Later, they will attempt to close a repeating circuit that stretches a short six blocks along 14th Street between City Hall and the Library.
This circuit, moreover, is one which draws its familiarity not only from recent weeks, but also from the early moments of what is a single cycle of struggle spanning years: it was down 14th Street that Oakland Police pursued us during the first rebellion, on January 7th of 2009, that greeted the murder of Oscar Grant. And it was in front of the same Public Library that I crouched behind a bush as an armored personnel carrier sped past, only to sprint off as heavily-clad militarized police-troops dismounted to chase myself and others on foot.
It has become all too apparent that the Occupy Movement is under attack, and that even my title is wholly insufficient: this war is not “coming,” this war has already begun.
Democracy & Capitalism - Reform and Revolt.
18-11-2011 01:21

Italy: November 17 Occupy Everything protests
17-11-2011 21:36
…And here we go again! Italy’s streets were put under occupation once again today, as part of the “International Student’s Day”, originally created to commemorate the students deported by the Nazi regime after a protest in Prague. Thousands of college and university students all over Italy took to the streets to protest against the progressive dismantling and privatisation of the education system and the new measures announced by the government. There were in several towns and cities, with often violent clashes with the police. Here’s a summary on some of the biggest protests, based on communiques and articles published on InfoAut:Some Critical Notes on the General Strike in Oakland, California USA
17-11-2011 03:25
Remember, remember, the second of November -- and what needs to be done a lot better the next time around...Occupy London solidarity with Occupy Wall Street (at US Embassy)
16-11-2011 17:06

OWS Solidarity: Occupy DC storms DC offices of Bloomfield, hits US Conference of Mayors
16-11-2011 16:59
The sickening November 15 police raid on Occupy Wall Street, complete with videotaped beatings,cries out for payback. Late afternoon the same day, Occupy DC stormed into the Victor Building on 9th st, housing the DC offices of Bloomfield Office properties, "owner" of Zucatti Park the home base of Occupy Wall Street.Occupy DC's arrival seemed to take Bloomfield by complete surprise, as the door was unlocked, allowing protesters to swarm into the building, reinforced lead banner and all, until no more would fit in the first floor hallway. I do not know if anyone tried to get upstairs or otherwise further into the building to the actual offices of Bloomfield Office Properties.
Billy Bragg at Occupy Sheffield
15-11-2011 13:37

N9 Undercover Cops - More Photos, New Faces
15-11-2011 12:27
[Removed 16 images on which Declan Hunter claims copyright, demanding $35 per image licensing fee -
Following the photos and videos that appeared on You Tube, Indymedia and Fitwatch etc of undercover cops attacking Nov 9 students and electricians protests down in London, here's a new set;
Police use unprovoked force against peaceful Occupy London
15-11-2011 08:36
Repressive policing of Occupy London direct action at Guildhall at Lord Mayor's Banquet.Mic checked - How Occupy Wall St Occupies Your Heart (good read)
14-11-2011 17:53
First, you tried drinking a lot, in bars, with your friends, or people who seemed like they could be your friends. But it was expensive, and you kept getting up late for work. So you tried online dating, and went to wine bar after wine bar, tapas restaurants and gallery openings, until finally you found someone to bunker down with for awhile. That ended, or perhaps never really began, and next you tried reading critical theory at night, a glass of wine by your side.11/11/11. Report and photos: Alternative Armistice Day Event, London
14-11-2011 14:17

Occupy Cardiff 11.11.11. What happened?!
14-11-2011 13:19

Time for Occupy Cardiff to show solidarity with all the other Occupy movements across the globe. I got there a bit late so I missed the initial gathering at the Aneurin Bevan statue, but I soon noticed that they had set up camp outside the castle. Everyone was in good spirits, there was plenty of tents, and it was a buzzing hive of activity. There was a stock pile of donated food building up with more donations coming in at a steady pace, and a good community spirit at the heart of it.
One member of the public who was passing by struck up a conversation with me, saying how great it was that this is happening here now, and that he supports it 100%. Cars were honking their horns as they went past as well, which was good to hear, but the police presence was steadily growing in numbers which was a little irritating. They were getting more involved than was necessary for the situation. It seemed very odd because a similar protest camp had been set up on the same grounds earlier this year without any initial police interest whatsoever. The other Occupy camps all across the UK have all been relatively free from police interference too, so I was wondering what was going on.
Billy Bragg to sing at Occupy Sheffield and other events this week
13-11-2011 13:06
Events at Occupy Sheffield this week include talks about the campaign against the arms trade with Israel organised by the Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign with speakers from Smash EDO, on Monday at 1pm and 7pm. A visit and songs from Billy Bragg on Tuesday at 1pm. On Thursday there will be a talk from the Sheffield Equality Group on "You can buy happiness - how closing the wealth gap would help everyone" at 7pm.
#OccupyLSX solidarity with the revolutionaries of Egypt
12-11-2011 18:49

About 40 people responded to a callout for a 'tour of shame' of the arms companies who accompanied Cameron to Cairo days after the fall of Mubarak.
The tour left the camp at about 3.30pm and called at the offices of Qinetic and BAe.
Occupy Leeds!
12-11-2011 02:55
Leeds now has an occupation! City Square, opposite the swanky Queens Hotel, right in the middle of the financial district.
Leeds now has an occupation! City Square, opposite the swanky Queens Hotel, right in the middle of the financial district.
Wrap up warm, and if you're heading there and want to bring us something nice, here's our wish list:
Things already on this list
Ready made banners - it's a bit wet to do much banner making on site at the moment and there's loads of space for banners, so please make and bring your own!
Whiteboard pens (without which the whiteboard is less useful...)
Water and water containers (Rain doesn't count. No more rain please.)
Rope, e.g. polyprop.
Hand sanitiser
Plastic crates, especially with lids, for storage
Chopping boards
Entertainment, e.g. a deck of cards, a radio, some board games
See you there :-)
Nuclear powered crime: EDF hacking conspiracy directors jailed
12-11-2011 01:04

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
Occupy Cardiff not allowed to Occupy
11-11-2011 22:27
'Total policing' methods stop the setting up of Occupy Cardiff.Remember, remember, the fifth of November…
11-11-2011 11:54
On 5th November people from Occupy Birmingham protested outside RBS and Natwest. Below is the content of one of the flyers handed out at the protest.