UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive
UG#594 - Occupy 2.0 (Peer Produced Politics)
25-11-2012 08:56

UG#593 - Let Your Life Be A Friction (To Stop The Machine)
25-11-2012 08:53

the Bristol City Mayor Fix-Up
01-11-2012 15:32

Acme Acre - Stratford - New squatted space
27-10-2012 02:23
a new 1.5 acre commercial estate of warehouses plus a block of art studios has been opened in stratford. amazing space would have to be seen to be believed ;) all are welcome to come visit and help paint up the space and give ideas about what theyd like to see come from the project. the address is The sugar house, 9 sugar house lane, stratford, e15 2qs, just after the bow roundabout. if you visit please press buzzer h on the red gate. spread the word to like minded people and artists who would like to get involved.The Earth Needs Rebels
24-10-2012 00:19
15-10-2012 21:33

“Throw out the money changers from the temple”
14-10-2012 21:18

While Christianity Uncut unfurled a 5m x 10m banner outside the Cathedral urging the leadership of St Paul’s to “Throw out the money changers from the temple”, four Occupy activists staged a mic check during Evensong. [1] They are now locked on to the Cathedral pulpit not planning to leave.
For updates and images, keep an eye on Occupy London’s twitter feed (@occupylondon) and our live newsfeed at

Henry: Bristol's first victim of Ken Clarke's squatting criminalisation
09-10-2012 23:01

Anonymous: Barrett Brown - Communiqué from Prison 9/20/12
25-09-2012 02:31
"It is hard for me to express how much I appreciate your letter, which is the first I have received here, along with the support I’ve reportedly gotten from others so far...."Case dismissed for Occupy London’s #M12 five
23-09-2012 06:54

Five Occupy London supporters viewed as a threat to the reputation of the UK economy have had the cases against them thrown out of court – with every single arrest deemed unlawful by the presiding judge.
District Judge Lachhar at Hammersmith Magistrates’ Court in West London dismissed the case this week (19 September) against the M12 five who were arrested by the Royal Exchange, just over the road from the Bank of England on 12 May, at a peaceful Occupy London event.
This event, dubbed ‘Meet the 1%‘, aimed to highlight how City institutions which helped to cause the economic crisis are continuing to profit whilst the rest of society faces austerity cuts, and was timed to coincide with an international day of action marked in over 380 cities worldwide. [1]
Tax-dodging Barclay brothers suing the UK for £1bn
22-09-2012 20:12

The Mainstream Media Appears to be Censoring the Truth About Global Warming
20-09-2012 19:41

United Nations scientists have made it very clear that climate change is being caused by global warming which is the result of the burning of fossil fuels, but although the newspapers and television channels have been reporting some of the news about the natural disasters they seem to be ignoring the real reasons why they are actually occurring.
Teacher X: Why I'm striking, JCB
11-09-2012 23:17

Equivalent of 75,000 homes worth of empty office space in Bristol
26-08-2012 14:45
After calling Savilles I was astounded to find there was around one-and-a-quarter million square feet of empty office space in Bristol. I set out to discover how many homes that floor space was equivalent to.The Missing Option to Defuse Iran Threat
21-08-2012 11:58
Giving priority to making peace with Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinian people on the land – for – peace basis would disarm Iran of its Arab, Palestinian credentials and create a new regional environment that would in turn render any Arab alliance with Iran unnecessaryIllegal eviction resistance tonight in Queen Square, Bristol
14-08-2012 01:46

A real Big Society: South Bristol's practical example of sustainable development
11-08-2012 12:16

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
Free space Nether edge sheffield s7
06-08-2012 09:57
Large mansion 40 priory rd sheffield s7, all amenities ready for occupationNew Report Documents ‘Total Policing’ Clampdown On Freedom To Protest
25-07-2012 21:38

A detailed new report launched today by the Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) highlights how promises made by the police to ‘adapt to protest’ after 2009′s G20 demonstrations in London have been forgotten in a remarkably short space of time and a far more intolerant ‘total policing’ style response to protesters has developed in the UK.