UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
Vans travelling to Scotland: WARNING!
19-06-2005 17:23
Police are hassling van drivers travelling up to Scotland in advance of the G8 protests.Reson8! Music against the G8
19-06-2005 15:25
RESON8! a night of indie rock and northern soul fundraising for convergence space. 02//07/05Leak of Secret Plan to protect G8 leaders Sparks Security Alert
19-06-2005 14:56
Tony Blair's preparations for the G8 summit were last night thrown into disarray as confidential security information relating to the Gleneagles meeting was leaked to The Independent on Sunday.Learning Without Limits – A Call for Autonomous Education
19-06-2005 10:04
This is a call to build an non-hierarchial/anti-authoritarian/libertarian/autonimous Education Network replacing for some the failed and collapsing system that indoctrinates in capitalist mode - Education With No Limitstear gas info
18-06-2005 22:36
tear gas info and gasmask details for the Ghate cribbed from s/hawks site.G8 Climate Meeting
18-06-2005 18:15
The G8 is coming… IN THREE WEEKS!!A last minute meeting is happening at Rampart Street this Monday evening for people interested in organising, educating and mobilising around climate change at the G8.
Activist Trauma Gathering
18-06-2005 15:30

Cre8 Summit has begun!
18-06-2005 12:35
On Sunday the 12th of June the Cre8 Summit began. An inspiring local project set up in response both to the approved building of the new M74 northern extension and the G8 summit to be held in July 2005.Antimilitarism And the G8
18-06-2005 12:04

Haringey Critical Mass Bike Ride 2005
18-06-2005 09:26
Can't make it to Scotland? Didn't get tickets to Geldof's fancy dress? Don't despair...join us on 2nd of July for the 2005 Haringey Critical Mass. A leisurely ride down the Green Lanes to reclaim our streets and send a breath of fresh air to those meeting in Gleneagles.CALL OUT FOR LEGAL OBSERVERS
18-06-2005 01:01

video of sit down protest thursday 16 June Devonshire street
17-06-2005 22:26

Sheffield G8 Corporate Reports
17-06-2005 22:06
Links to mainstream media reports of the Sheffield G8 actions, feel free to post more links as comments :-)