UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
Come to the Cabar8!!!
20-06-2005 18:15
Come to the Cabar8 - July 1st Bongo Club , 37 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh.9pm-3am and celebrate the creative genius, the inspiring tours, and our
diverse resistance to the G8.
20-06-2005 17:06
George MonbiotTariq Ali
Victoria Brittain
George Galloway
Mark Curtis
Hilary Wainwright (Chair)
To the Gates of Gleneagles Hotel by Tariq Ali
20-06-2005 16:51
June 20, 2005To the Gates of Gleneagles Hotel
Making the Noises Politicians Don't Want to Hear

G8 Report: Africa Pays Price of G8 Climate Blindspot
20-06-2005 16:12
AFRICA PAYS PRICE FOR G8 CLIMATE BLIND SPOT SAY TOP AID AND ENVIRONMENT GROUPSMonday 20th June: New report from a UK aid and environment coalition says act now on climate change or efforts to end poverty in Africa will go Up in Smoke:

Medic Trainings before the G8
20-06-2005 15:58
The Action Medics have a few trainings left befor the G8 protests start, a weekend course in Glasgow, two one day courses, and several two hour courses.Cre8, Liber8 & Gyr8 against the G8: 2 events in Brum
20-06-2005 14:25

In the run up to the G8 summit in Gleneagles Scotland there will be events in Birmingham to raise funds for, awareness and entertainment around resisting the G8 and Beyond!
Sheffield G8 Events 6 Guantanamo Bay orange jump suits
20-06-2005 11:45

Sheffield G8 Events 5 Press Conference at Marriot Hotel
20-06-2005 11:41

Charles Clark - Home Secretary,
Lord Goldsmith - Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales - US Attorney General,
Sheffield G8 Events 4 Cutlers Hall for Diner, police and escorts
20-06-2005 11:35

Sheffield G8 Events 3 Covergence Space & Indymedia Media Centre
20-06-2005 11:30

Sheffield G8 Events 2 Police lines in Fargate & Lyceum Theatre
20-06-2005 11:25

Sheffield G8 Events 1 Press Conference at Marriot Hotel with Americans
20-06-2005 11:19

The First Embedded Protest - Guardian
20-06-2005 10:05
Two Dissent! activists manage to get a decent criticism of MPH into the mainstream media.
New Amnesty Report on Detention Centres (20th june)
20-06-2005 09:56
UK: New Amnesty report calls on government to reveal annual asylum detention figures.Amnesty also asserts that detaining children at Dungavel is unlawful.
A protest at Dungavel detention centre is planned during the G8 Summit for Tuesday 5th July.
20-06-2005 03:30
The Resist G8 train leaving London on 1st July and returning on the 9th July (long stay train) has been 100% CONFIRMED.A short history of the G8...
19-06-2005 21:36
A short history of the G8...GARDEN PARTY with live music at Inst. for Autonomy
19-06-2005 19:00
Anti-G8 benefit Saturday 25th June 6pm-6amCre8 Summit Community Garden Pictures
19-06-2005 18:54

AUDIO: Cre8 Summit Community Garden Action (G82005)
19-06-2005 18:43
Interview with permaculture activist about the week of community gardening just completed in Glasgow, Scotland - where a piece of vacant land was occupied in opposition to the planned M74 motorway and the fast approching G8 summit.MP3 11.30mins 48kbps mono