UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
Report of `Reclaim the Streets` demo at Holyrood on June 8th with 10 photos
09-06-2005 01:10

G8 summit, protestors campsite and giant poverty sculpture
08-06-2005 22:31

"I can tell you that the sculpture is a symbol of that particular period when disadvantaged communities were for the first time, demanding to be heard. That collective voice was and remains powerful."
Jimmy Boyle, Art the catalyst, Craigmillar Communiversity Press, 2004.

rampant at the rampART
08-06-2005 21:03
Here's your weekly reminder of what's coming up at rampART E115 RampART Street, London E1 (
Anti-G8 Trains Poster to Download and More Info
08-06-2005 18:29

Anti-G8 Event in Brighton: How the Cops See Crowds
08-06-2005 16:16
Anti-G8 Event. Please publicise widely>>>>Make Poverty History campaigners form a human ring around Radcliffe Camera
08-06-2005 15:38

Mexico, Brazil, China, India and South Africa at G8
08-06-2005 14:23
The UK Foreign Ministry reports that Mexican President Fox and others have been invited by British Prime Minister Tony Blair to participate in a broadened meeting of the G8 on July 7th.
08-06-2005 11:48
GET ON BOARD THE SOUTH EAST ASSEMBLY TRAIN!The South East Assembly has chartered two trains to take people up to the protests against the G8 summit in Scotland.
Corporate Watch guide to the G8 in Scotland - map available NOW!
08-06-2005 10:51
This is a colourful, informative, double-sided map exposing corporate agendas at the G8 summit and Scotland Plc.Sheffield G8 in Yorkshire Post
08-06-2005 01:29
An article from yesterday's Yorkshire Post on the protest bans in Sheffield.Sheffield G8 Policing plans
07-06-2005 22:41
The details of the repression planned for Sheffield have been released...Exclusive premiere STILL WE RIDE - London thursday 16th
07-06-2005 22:31
the rampART is proud to present...A SPECIAL FREE PRE G8 BIKE RIDE PREMIERE
Regional Stop-The-War News : THE G8 SPECIAL : June 2005 : (VIRTUAL Version)
07-06-2005 21:52
BRISTOL & REGIONAL ST0P-THE-WAR NEWS : June 2005[West Midlands, Wales & South West] Please send us your events.

Meet @ Berkeley Square (Top of Park St.) @ 1:30pm (See Section 2)

For events and news publicised between newsletters, please
keep an eye on our message board, and other links provided.

DOWNLOAD: A printer friendly version of this newsletter is available.
Please print copies & give / sell them to people who don't have email.

Regional Stop-The-War News : THE G8 SPECIAL : June 2005 : (PRINTER Version)
07-06-2005 21:48

07-06-2005 17:26
Theatre Workshops latest production Black Sun over Genoa tells the human story behind the anti-G8 demonstrations Genoa 2001. Based on documentary accounts, the play portrays the hope, the passion, the dedication of the protestors in the face of overwhelming opposition, and the tragedy of a young man, Carlo, who made the ultimate sacrifice for his belief in a better world.Genoa G8 retrospective (Sat 11th, London)
07-06-2005 14:08
With plans for massive protests in Scotland next month for the 2005 G8 summit now developing rapidly, this event at the rampART offers a chance to look back at learn from the experiences of the 2001 G8 summit in Genoa."300.000 people were protesting in july 2001 against the g8 in Genoa: the collective dream 'another world is possible' turned into a nightmare overwhelmed by the violence by the police, finding it's climax in the murder of Carlo Giuliani."
Saturday 11th June (after the Naked Bike Ride and before the Reclaim The Future Party so you don't have to miss out on anything and can experience a real roller coaster of highs and lows)
This is a chance to speak and share experiences with people who took part in the protests against the G8 in 2001. This is not an event intended to scare anyone. It is an important chance to reflect and learn and most importantly PREPARE for Scotland...
What happened in Genoa? Why did it happen? Could it have been avoided or handled better? What does any of this mean for us this July? What precautions and preparation should we be making and are we!? These are just some of the possible valuable questions we can discuss on Saturday.
- Were you in Genoa? Please come to rampART on saturday and share your experiences of the event and the aftermath.
- Are you going to Scotland? Please come on saturday and ensure you are fully aware of what lessons our collective history may have to offer.
- Are you party of a team working on accomodation, alt media, legal monitoring, or medical aid etc for Scotland? Please come let people know what is being organised and how they can help.
G8 2005: Why Are People Protesting?
07-06-2005 02:52
Tony Blair recently said "it would be very odd if people came to protest against this G8... I don’t quite know what they’ll be protesting against" - a comment that underlies the way that the UK Government has been working to paint the G8 as a progressive force for good when it comes to tackling Climate Change, Poverty and Debt.G8 Fiction and Fact - 2004 Intro to G8 Failures
07-06-2005 01:49
Copy of 50 years is Enough G8 Briefing pre 2004 Summit:
Get Clued Up About the G8
06-06-2005 17:52
Midday until 5pmSaturday 11th June, at the Basement, 24 Lever Street Manchester.
A jam packed day of short films, speakers, workshops and performers tackling and discussing issues around the G8.