The struggle of the Venepal workers (Venezuela)
Jorge Martin , 13-10-2004 - 17:01
On September 7, 2004, the owners of Venepal, a paper mill in Morón, Carabobo, in Venezuela, decided to cease their operations and not pay their 400 workers their wages. This is not the first time something like this has happened. A year ago the company took the same decision alleging financial difficulties. At that time the workers decided to occupy the premises in a bitter eleven-week struggle. Now they are demanding that the government nationalises the company and puts it under workers’ control and management. This is an extremely important struggle which could be crucial for the future of the labour movement and the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela.
Venezuela: After the Referendum
El Libertario's editorial staff , 13-10-2004 - 12:42
* The August 2004 elections legitimized Hugo Chávez's presidency, approved by the multinational powers-that-be, despite the opposition's claims of electoral fraud. We, at El Libertario (issue 39, September/October 2004), presented an indepth analysis of the consecuences of the referendum, as well as proposals for action in the new circumstances. We shall now quote a couple of notes from that issue that express the essence of the venezuelan anarchists' perspective.
El Libertario / Venezuela: 9 years, 40 edition
El Libertario's editorial staff , 13-10-2004 - 12:29
* The Comisión de Relaciones Anarquistas (CRA) of Venezuela is happy to announce the upcoming (early November) release of issue # 40 of our publication El Libertario, celebrating the 9th anniversary of the CRA and our newspaper.
Cesar Zelada still in jail
Fuerza de Izquierda Socialista (Perú) , 08-10-2004 - 17:17
We have just received news that Cesar Zelada, the Peruvian Hands off Venezuela Campaign organiser and member of the Fuerza de Izquierda Socialista jailed in Bolivia, is still in jail.
October 12th (Tuesday ESF Week) Pachamerican Day of Action!
simon bolivar , 08-10-2004 - 15:41
This year's European Social Forum in London starts early, with a host of actions taking place on Tuesday October 12th, as part of the Global Day of Action in support of the people's struggles across Pachamerica (the non-colonial term for Latin America - "Pachamama" being the indigenous word for "Mother Earth").
Cesar Zelada is FREE!
Fuerza de Izquierda Socialista (Perú) , 06-10-2004 - 16:23
Cesar Zelada, the Peruvian Hands Off Venezuela organiser and member of the Socialist Left Force (FIS) in Peru, has now been released pending trial from the Bolivian prision where he was being kept.
Some upcomming meetings on venezuela and latin america
Sam Lopez , 01-10-2004 - 12:00
Meetings on Venezuela and latin america
Chavez Announces that Venezuelan State Will Switch to “Free Software”
Hermes , 30-09-2004 - 00:00
Chavez Announces that Venezuelan State Will Switch to “Free Software”
Chávez, Blair and a Knife in the Back
charley allan , 27-09-2004 - 02:28
short message to Labour grassroots this Conference week (HOV speaking at LRC fringe meeting Wednesday 7pm, Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Kings Road, Brighton, all welcome)
Free Cesar Zelada Campaign (jailed in Bolivia)
Jorge Martin , 24-09-2004 - 11:49
latest update: Cesar released on bail
previous updates: 2004-9-29 | 2004-10-6 | 2004-10-8
Cesar Zelada is a well known student activist in Peru. He is also a member of the Fuerza de Izquierda Socialista, a left wing group, and the organiser of the Hands off Venezuela campaign in Peru.
He was in Bolivia as part of a delegation of Peruvian student activists invited by the Youth wing of the Bolivian Workers' Union (COB - the Bolivian TUC) to show solidarity with the struggle of the Peruvian students, particularly those at the Oruro Technical University.
He was arrested on September 14th, in the capital La Paz. He was strip searched and handcuffed by the PTJ police and then questioned without having access to a lawyer. He is being kept in jail in the San Pedro Penal, in La Paz. When making the case against him at the hearing, the prosecutor alleged that he was in possession of explosives, had lied about his address in Bolivia and was carrying "Marxist propaganda" with the aim of "subversion".
THE REVOLUTION HAS NOW BEEN TELEVISED -review of GWS Venezuela debrief 2004-9-18
maria anaconda , 23-09-2004 - 04:20
review of the Global Women's Strike's debriefing on the recent recall referendum in Venezuela, with Selma James and Nina López (who were in Caracas as invited International Observers) speaking, plus premiere of their new documentary, "Enter the Oil Workers!"
Call to Action for Venezuela and all of Pachamerica - Oct 12th
Diego Lucio (edited by richarddirecttv) , 20-09-2004 - 14:34
At oxford indymedia's "Bolivarian Venezuela" screening it was announced that there will be a "Pachamerican" action on "Columbus Day" - October 12th. Here is news from the recent meeting in London to plan this action.
Revolution in UK Solidarity with Venezuela
pescao , 18-09-2004 - 05:11
SOLIDARITY ALERT! "Hands Off Venezuela" Peru organiser arrested in Bolivia - Free Cesar Zelada!
The level of solidarity between the UK grassroots movements and the Venezuelan people, alongside their popular radical government, has reached a new high. Activists from all political stripes are transcending ideological and personal differences to defend Venezuela's embryonic "Democratic Revolution".
All eyes are focussed on the upcoming "Global Day of Action in Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution" on October 12th. Events are planned world and UK-wide, with at least three happening in London on this Tuesday of ESF week: a day-school in Middlesex University with the Colombia Solidarity Campaign, a rally with Rhythms of Resistance, and a debate at NUJ headquarters. The day will also be an opportunity to launch a "Bolivarian Block" to carry through the rest of the week's activities, culminating at the big demo on Sunday 17th.
Report on solidarity meeting with Venezuelan Ambassador 2004-9-14
charley allan, HOV london , 17-09-2004 - 16:42
quick debrief from tuesday's meeting at the vz embassy - i think i need a sharper suit!
SAT Venezuela report-back: Oil-workers, the grassroots & the historic referendum
GWS-inspired , 17-09-2004 - 15:29
International Election Observers Selma James and Nina López (with video clips) and contribution from Identidad Bolivariana, The Netherlands. Plus documentary premiere of "The Bolivarian Revolution: ENTER THE OIL WORKERS!", followed by celebration of the referendum victory with music and refreshments.
Venezuela and the "Labour" party: Unions have the Power to Change
charley allan , 15-09-2004 - 00:12
short piece relating this week's TUC to venezuela.
report from Venezuela film screening
Rebecca , 13-09-2004 - 11:32
report from the screening of '"BOLIVARIAN VENEZUELA: PEOPLE AND STRUGGLE OF THE FOURTH WORLD WAR", Asian Cultural Centre, Oxford, Sept 12th, 2004.
Los Trabajadores Petroleros, las Bases y el Referéndum Histórico
Círculo Bolivariano de la Huelga Mundial des Mujeres , 10-09-2004 - 14:43
Observadores Internacionales Electorales Selma James y Nina López (con vídeo clips) y Estreno del documental: La Revolución Bolivariana: Trabajadores petroleros ¡Presentes!
Contribución de Identidad Bolivariana, Países Bajos Sábado 18 de septiembre 15:00-18:00 Trinity United Reform Church, Buck St, Londres NW1 Metro Camden Town Entrada a pie de calle, servicios disponibles en las cercanías Entrada: £3 asalariados; £1.50 sin sueldo Se celebrará la victoria del referéndum con música y refrigerio.
The Bolivarian Revolution: ENTER THE OIL WORKERS!
Bolivarian Circle of the Global Women’s Strike , 10-09-2004 - 14:32
July 2004, 34minutes, Spanish with English subtitles, VHS PAL/NTSC Produced by the Bolivarian Circle of the Global Women’s Strike Venezuela is the world’s 5th largest oil exporter, yet 80% of its population lives in poverty. In 1998 President Hugo Chávez was elected to use the oil revenue to tackle poverty. In April 2002 a coup against him was defeated by the millions who took to the streets. A few months later the élite and the CIA paralyzed Venezuela’s oil company PDVSA to bring Chávez down. Oil workers took over and worked round the clock to recover production. In this documentary José Bodas, Luís Felix Marín, Jesús Montilla and Tania Suárez tell how they saved PDVSA and how they are organizing to “put the oil industry at the service of humanity”.
La Revolución Bolivariana:
Círculo Bolivariano de la Huelga Mundial de Mujeres , 10-09-2004 - 14:28
Julio 2004, 34 min., Español subtítulos en inglés, VHS PAL/NTSC Producción Círculo Bolivariano de la Huelga Mundial de Mujeres Venezuela es el 5o exportador de petróleo del mundo, sin embargo el 80% de su población vive en condiciones de pobreza. En 1998 Presidente Hugo Chávez fue electo para que se utilice el ingreso petrolero para eliminar la pobreza. En abril del 2002 se dio un golpe contra Chavez pero fue derrotado por los millones que salieron a la calle. Pocos meses después la elite y la CIA paralizaron a Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) para derrocar a Chávez. Los trabajadores petroleros tomaron la industria y trabajaron 24 horas diarias para recuperar su producción. En este documental José Bodas, Luís Felix Marín, Jesús Montilla y Tania Suárez cuentan como salvaron a PDVSA y como se están organizando para “poner la industria petrolera al servicio de la humanidad”.