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16-02-2005 02:03

Glasgow day of civil disobedience 15th February 2005.

George Square being refurbished. Statues are of Robert Peel and Prince Albert.
This is a 1,000 word report with photos of the day of civil disobedience in Glasgow on Tuesday 15th February 2005. Read more >>

14-02-2005 17:43

Valentines Party Pooped

Even the Asian Dub Foundation Soundsystem was booked, but the Law likes a soft target. Read more >>

13-02-2005 23:30

ready for iran yet?

so why iran ?

09-02-2005 14:20

Proletarian Revolution and Civil Law

A Revolução Proletária – proletária não apenas em termos de forças que a desencadearam, senão também, em termos de objetivos perseguidos pelas massas que a executam, de modo instintivo ou consciente –, possui como meta realizar, cedo ou tarde, a substituição do sistema burguês-individualista pelo sistema socialista-coletivista. Read more >>

09-02-2005 02:21


Many fo you may have seen the Daily Mirrors recent expose on a Mr. Abu Abdullah from Finsbury Park Mosque. If you haven't you can read it here. Read more >>

07-02-2005 09:42

Palestine Awareness Day

Palestine Awareness Day, Saturday 19 February, Cambridge University. Speakers to include Glen Rangwala, Dr Uri Davis. Read more >>

06-02-2005 09:21

Amazing, how Gloria Arroyo can smile and at the same breadth strangle and starve

In all of this, one thing is reaffirmed: a government cannot be subservient to foreign corporate interests without, at the same time, strangling and starving the Filipino people. And if there is no solution to this crisis that isn’t within the unwritten rule of this regime’s obedience to foreign capital, then it is hard to know what is— without actually having to dismantle it. Read more >>

04-02-2005 12:07

Darfur - UN is all words, no action

“The new UN report on Darfur is all words and no action. It is a cruel betrayal of black Africans who are being slaughtered by Arab Islamists. These killings are racially motivated and the UN’s failure to condemn them as genocide is craven appeasement of the Sudanese government and the Janjaweed militia,” said human rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell, a member of the ad hoc Darfur Solidarity Campaign. Read more >>

04-02-2005 02:13

Premiere of Danny Schechter's new film `WMD weapons of mass deception` .

WMD weapons of mass deception poster.
This is an announcement of the film premiere in Glasgow of Danny Schechter's new film `WMD weapons of mass deception` with some photos, a biography of Danny and a review of the film. Even if you can't get to see the film it can be ordered through the film website (given in the article). If you can, you should try and watch it -it's a must see! Read more >>

03-02-2005 20:26

Torching cars

The rights and wrongs of torching cars

02-02-2005 08:22

Peter Hakala: Miscarriage of Justice

I accept tat I was handed the first interview and read it. Therefore common sense dictates they will contain my DNA and fingerprints, but I will state that interview 2 and 3 were fabricated and that I had never been present or had ever been handed the notes to read as stated by Shepperdson. Therefore if I am telling the truth no DNA or fingerprints of mine will be present by carrying out there tests and it will confirm once and for all whether the two police officers are telling the truth or if in fact they committed perjury and conspired together to pervert the course of justice.


31-01-2005 18:17

Wireless World: Powell's legacy at the FCC

A story about FCC chairman Michael Powell and his career there. Read more >>

25-01-2005 21:12

Wireless World: Tracking pets with RFIDs

Great story about tracking pets using RFIDs.

25-01-2005 15:21

Tories: The desperation continues.

1) Wooing the female vote: "Go on give us a kiss, I wont bite, promise..."
After grabbing the headlines for a full 45 seconds by stealing immigration policies from the BNP, the tories unveiled 2 new potential vote winners today (pictured below). Read more >>

19-01-2005 05:41

Review of Danny Schechter's new film `WMD - weapons of mass deception`

Major media do not want you to see this film!
This is a detailed review with photos of independent filmmaker and Emmy award winning journalist Danny Schechter's latest film `WMD - weapons of mass deception`. Read more >>

14-01-2005 14:12

`Dear Mrs Blair` shows at the Scottish Parliament.

View of the new Scottish Parliament.
This is a short report with photos of the showing of the film `Dear Mrs Blair` at the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 13th January 2005. Read more >>

14-01-2005 10:11

On Ethnic Cleansing: Israeli Zionist Historian Benny Morris Speaks Out!!

Benny Morris says he was always a Zionist. People were mistaken ... when they thought that his historical study on the birth of the Palestinian refugee problem was intended to undercut the Zionist enterprise. Nonsense, Morris says ... So they came to the mistaken conclusion that when Morris describes the cruelest deeds that the Zionist movement perpetrated in 1948 he is actually being condemnatory, that when he describes the large-scale [ethnic] expulsion operations [against the Palestinians by Israel's founders] he is being denunciatory. They did not conceive that the great documenter of the sins of Zionism in fact identifies with those sins. Read more >>

14-01-2005 07:32

5. World Social Forum Brazil: Lula, ATTAC and the Crisis of the "Another World"

Das 5. Weltsozialforum findet von 26. bis 31. Januar in Porto Alegre, Brasilien, statt. Er wird ein guter Moment für eine Bilanz der Vorschläge sein, die in den letzten Weltsozialforen vorherrschend waren und bis heute immer noch sind, d.h. im Wesentlichen: Die Humanisierung des Kapitalismus. Read more >>

07-01-2005 08:52

Well, There It Is Lads and Gents....The Glorious American Democratic E

And we should export this to the rest of the world? Read more >>

03-01-2005 07:18

Pink Science, tsunami and other Global Warming Threats to come

Inuit’s are seeing grass hoppers for the first time, polar bears cannot migrate due to melting ice flows and Snow Resorts are opening all year while promoting walking trails while snow disappears, slowly even those who refuted the Global Warming Theory are now Warming to the theory becoming a fact, and no ones investing in development on Tuvalu.

But are rising seas, desturbed weather and migrating patterns all there is to worry about? Read more >>


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