it is reported that china rushed thru 200 executions in the last 2 weeks , in advance of the lunar new year. from december to january the number is said to be over 650 tho of course that is only part of the whole picture.
china, we should note, is not a country that is part of the axis of evil, however north korea is and now reports emerge (again) that the usa was told privately 2 yrs ago of its nuclear weapons.
iran is another one of those nasty regimes in the axis of evil. its airspace is currently being penetrated by usa drones and manned fighter planes of the usa and uk. the flights as have been reported are from afghansitan and iraq so that an electronic order for battle can be determined. these operations began mid to late 2004.
the large scale 'covert' operation is supposed to not only destroy irans nuclear facilities but also support an iranian puppet regime. the usa is trying to erect a covert infrastructure in iran capable of supporting the usa efforts. it is reported by former cia that these include israeli and usa assets using 3rd party passports who have created a network of front companies that they own and staff . a usa administration official calls it a 'covert infrastructure for material support'.
the network would move money weapons and provide safe houses within iran.
whilst this 'covert' operation is taking place in full public view, it seems unbelievable, lets not forget that the build up and invasion of iraq was also in full public view from the start too but the media just rolled over and got neutered.
back home in the usa sen. rick santorum has introduced a bill in the usa senate that would tighten the screw on iran's islamic regime and give millions of dollars to groups fighting for 'freedom' from the current leadership.
the iran freedom and support act of 2005 codifies existing sanctions, controls and regulations in place against iran; expands the list of entities that can be sanctioned under the iran-libya sanction act; and authorizes $10 million in assistance to pro-democracy groups opposed to the current iranian regime.
santorum in a statement:
'we cannot delay taking action to protect americans at home and abroad. according to the united states department of state's 'patterns of global terrorism 2001' report, iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps and ministry of intelligence and security continued to be involved in the planning and support of terrorist acts and supported a variety of groups that use terrorism to pursue their goals. this same report has shown that iran has provided varying amounts of funding, safe haven, training and weapons to lebanese hezbollah, hamas and the palestinian islamic jihad'
ironically this as reports filter out of the training funding and support bythe usa of the proscribed kurdish terror group 'mek' within iran.
note that blair has been using the 'humanitarian' and 'terrorist' argument as his main source of attack and justification for his promised action alongside bush.
the usa is not only gunning for iran but also the removal of elbaradei because the administration believes him to be too soft and of course not having the same neo con dream as fellow travellers such as blair, howard and berlosconi.
for the first time in 2 years elbaradei is not producing a written report for the upcoming un board meeting.
while investigations continue into past and present suspicions about iran's nuclear program, un agency officials say that no major revelations meriting the need for a written report have surfaced this time around.
but usa officials suggest the lack of a written report is the latest reflection of the iaea's failure to be tough on iran's nuclear transgressions, which, they say merit referral of tehran's dossier to the un. security council.
does this all sound familiar too? it should.
usa intelligence is unlikely to know much about iran’s nuclear programme and could be vulnerable to manipulation for political ends..according to former chief weapons inspector david kay, the first to declare usa intelligence on weapons of mass destruction in iraq a failure warned that the bush administration was again relying on evidence from dissidents as it did in pre war iraq.
'the tendency is to force the intelligence to support the political argument,' kay said in a cnn interview on . he added that the cia has yet to give usa policymakers an up to date comprehensive intelligence assessment on iran.
he says 'we’re talking about military action against iran and we don’t have a national intelligence estimate that shows what we do know, what we don’t know and the basis for what we think we know,'
'if usa intelligence was bad in iraq, and it was atrocious, it’s probably going to be worse vis-à-vis iran,' says richard russell a former cia analyst who teaches at the national defence university.
not even covert forays into iran by usa military units would likely bear much fruit, the former official added.
well as a footnote it would appear the russians have arrived at an agreement with the iranians. russia is ready, willing and able to complete the construction of Iran's nuclear plant following an agreement between the countries to return spent fuel rods to moscow.
the russian atomic energy agency said today it would sign a key agreement with iran on the return of nuclear fuel later this month that would complete moscow's construction of the state's first nuclear power plant.
the elusive agreement, which has been delayed for over a year, is to be signed during atomic energy chief alexander rumyantsev visit to iran scheduled in 2 weeks.
the fuel's return has remained the key impediment to the $800 million bushehr project.
SO WHY iran apart from the obvious rhetoric that we are led to believe is the cause for our concern .. terrorism , nuclear proliferation and humanitarian issues.
to gain an insight we should be aware of what is happening on the other side of the globe, between the usa backed regime in colombia and venezuelas chavez .
the intention is to create an excuse to invade venezuela for its oil - why? because the final stroke will come this year when president chavez switches to the petro-euro, or creates a latin american currency.
in as much as the usa is preparing colombia to invade venezuela, the faster chavez acts the better.
a good time to make the switch would be in june when iran opens their oil exchange, which will trade oil in dollars and euros. at that point it would be too late for the usa - colombia to invade either iran or venezuela.
venezuela has every reason to denominate oil and gas in euros ... the time is right and it might pre-empt an invasion.. anyone who holds dollars has to contend with a 9 1/2% inflation rate plus depreciation of the dollar.
most commentators suggest that a conflict in iran would precede the opening of the iranian exchange, and if we are to understand blair it will happen soon after the election because the threat to the petro dollar, the usa and the uk economies is far greater than any threat of the 'mad' mullahs or terrorism..
want to know more - well this is an interesting link:

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