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London Analysis Newswire Archive

13-01-2006 18:00

China and India form power block

Today we consume around 4 times as much oil as we discover. Approximately half of all know oil reserves have already been recovered, and oil production will peak in the near future, or perhaps already has. Demand for oil by the world growing economies will soon outstrip supply.
Oil prices will continue to rise, as will the cost of transportation, industrial production, consumer goods, and food... Read more >>

13-01-2006 17:27

Sramble over oil sands begins?

Most analysts agree that once we pass the half-way point in the world’s oil reserves, production will begin to drop off as the remaining reserves are more difficult to extract. Some believe that point will come in the next 12 months, others think we have 10 years or more left. But either way, we need to prepare now by reducing our dependency on this finite resource.Oil and gas supply 85% of the energy used in the UK. By comparison, nuclear supplies 4% and renewables 1%. Can nuclear be expanded by a factor of 20, or renewables by a factor of 85? Will coal fill the gap, and at what cost to global warming? Do we have enough coal left to expand its use 12 times over?

We rely on energy to produce, process and transport food. As energy becomes more expensive, will our food system revert to local production and organic methods? Can the world continue to feed 7 billion people at all without cheap energy? What steps should we be taking right now to avert future hunger?

Does the end of cheap oil herald the end of globalisation? Is the notion of continual economic growth consistent with a shrinking energy supply? Some observers predict a recession of 1930s proportions, but lasting much longer. Others believe the economic system could be reinvented along sustainable lines.

The article below is just one news story out of many that illustrate the scramble already taking place to secure the dwindling supplies of oil... Read more >>

13-01-2006 17:01

Peak Oil news - first instability and then the downslide

Experts agree, we're either at or very close to peak oil productions which means we will soon be seeing supply fall below growing demand and see massive price rises for energy, transport, consumer goods and food. If you haven't clued yourself up on the implications of peak oil, it's time you did.

Meanwhile, it's business as usual... wind power getting slagged off, nuclear powers trying to maintain their monopoly on power and increasing conflict over dwindling oil reserves around the world.

Below you will find some of todays news stories which together help to reveal the state of our peaking civilization.

13-01-2006 08:09

Brick Lane London E1 Area camapaign against Crossrail hole Bill - role of 'MP'

Forthcoming publication by the KHOODEELAAR campaign documents and evidence on the role of the former MP for Bethnal Green and Bow in relation to the Crossrail hole scheme Read more >>

12-01-2006 19:40


Free to rebroadcast
A review of news, opinion, and photography recorded, from the Indymedia Newswire. With times and freqs for tuning in anywhere you can at your leisure. Free to rebroadcast. The world & recorded for the community archive! Read more >>

12-01-2006 18:12


A review of the Bolivarian Revolution achievements and the threat against Hugo Chavez by the U.S. Read more >>

12-01-2006 16:06

rioting breaks at out rampART

Tonight (thursday) the free weekly cinema at the rampART is showing films related to the french riots.

During the last few weeks these riots have been used to fuel race hatred by nationalist and other right wing scum in the hope of gaining power and influence for their fascist agenda.

In France, Le Pen's Front National party has been milking the situation for all it's worth and apparently gaining support. Opinion poll commissioned by the newspaper Le Monde, suggest that only 39 percent of the French now believe that the views of the Front National party, are "unacceptable." That suggests up to 61 percent, now see Le Pen as a legitimate political candidate, along with his policies of compulsory mass expulsion of immigrants, including children born in France.

Moreover, the ideas and resentments that underpin Le Pen's message have become widespread. Nearly three out of four (73%) declared that "the traditional values of France are not adequately protected." while almost two out of three (63%), said that there are too many immigrants in France.

Le Monde also reported another poll organized by France's National Commission for the Rights of Man. It was accompanied by a confidential report to the Minister of the Interior, noting that "the word 'racist' has been liberated." Indeed it appears that the word is no longer used with shame in France. The poll found that 33% of French adults used the word 'racist' to describe themselves (in rural districts the percentage is even higher at 48%!). In the same poll a year ago, only 25 percent would call themselves 'racist.'

The poll showed that the public acceptance of racist attitudes is strongest among men, the elderly, skilled workers, small business people, company heads and workers. The report concludes that, "the end of the taboo against racism is confirmed by the finding that 63 percent of respondents said that certain behavior (by immigrants) can justify racist reactions."

Slightly less than the previous poll, this one reported that 56% thought that there were too many immigrants in France - even immigrants saying the same apparently! France has the highest proportion of immigrants in Europe with some 10 percent of the population, mostly of Islamic backgrounds in North Africa.

Racism appears to be making gains around Europe. In Belgium, the successor to the Vlaams Blok party (a party banned two years ago for it's 'extremism'), has 18% of the vote and is the second largest party in the Flemish parliament. It is also the largest party on Antwerp city where 'Mohammed' is now the most common name in new registrations of births.

In the UK, the British Nazi Party have also been striving to gain support for their fascist agenda by capitalising on peoples fear after the french riots. All over the internet you can find right wing websites exploiting stories of gang rape of white women by muslims men in order to fuel the race hate that gives them power.

Where the riots in france really race riots by terrorist inspired muslim youth or simply a class issue of alienation, discrimination and poverty? Whatever the answer that fact remains that tensions are growing as the cap between the haves and have nots widens under global capitalism and as the worlds finite resources are squandered at an ever increasing pace. Read more >>

12-01-2006 11:12

BBC should tell the truth about Crossrail HOLE Bill

BBC must tell trtuth about Crossrail hole Bill attack on the East Ende. BBC is wrong to give plugs for Tower Hamlets Counciol which has colluded with Crossrail poromoters in the planning of the attack on the BRick Lane London E1 and Bow London E3 areas Read more >>

12-01-2006 01:20

Stop The Endless Summer

Help expose this week's talks
We cannot let the Australian and U.S. Governments shirk their responsibility for tackling climate change. Click here to write to your newspaper, help expose this week's talks for what they are, and urge the Government to take real action:


11-01-2006 16:35

Campaign statement on G Galloway's reported role re Crossrail hole Bill

brief statement in response to many queries we received about Mr George Galloway’s reported role on a scheduled debate on the same Bill

10-01-2006 23:02


Independent Media Transcript
A review of news, opinion, and photography recorded, from the Indymedia Newswire. With times and freqs for tuning in anywhere you can at your leisure. Free to rebroadcast. The world & recorded for the community archive! Read more >>

10-01-2006 17:43


Just as George Galloway MP who unseat a 'Blair Babe' on 5 May 2005 gets himself entangled in another row over British media bias against him, we focus on how open is the lack of care ion the British 'mainstream news rooms' about what they want to say against Galloway. The DAILY MAIL is as inaccurate as Channel4 news online. And they don't seem to care how many facts they get wrong when publishing against George Galaloway ! Read more >>

10-01-2006 11:34

Brick Lane London E1 Area Manifesto 2006 Against Crossrail hole Bill

Tony Blair’s hogging of the ‘headlines’ over the ridiculous ‘respect agenda’ today Tuesday 9 January 2006 is an indulgence that must be put into perspective. The Blairite behaviour of the controlling group on Tower Hamlets Council has been abysmally anti-democratic. Read more >>

09-01-2006 17:47

Peak Oil Gathering - London

Plans are being made to host a gathering on the issue of peak oil and it's implications. It will be be hosted at the rampART social centre, most likely sometime in February.

People are being sought to help organise the event and we are also keen to find out how much interest there is generally in the idea of the event. Please get in touch either if you would be interest in attending or in helping to organise the event...

Since nobody denies that peak oil will happen, the idea is to concentrate on likely timing and the implication and priorities for those who are currently campaigning on various issues in the hope of creating a better world.


09-01-2006 13:58

Brick Lane London E1 campaign against Crossrail hole Bill - news reports 9 Janu

We have now asked the MP a very brief question on the veracity of one report in particular that ahs appeared on the London Evening Standard website. We are going to issue a statement later on today [Monday 9 January 2006] based on what we are able to find out about these assertions relat8ng to the present MP.

06-01-2006 14:48

Exposing record delyas and brazen corruption in London Councils

Rotten Boroughs as never seen in any news reports in the UK. coming here exclusively for Indymedia readers Read more >>

06-01-2006 09:31

Oh Brother!

Is Big Brother ready for Gorgeous Galloway's charm offensive?

04-01-2006 19:20

The Day the Music Failed

A reflection on 6 months after the Live 8 concerts, the broken G8 promises and the silence of the campaign leaders. Read more >>

04-01-2006 15:06

Brick Lane London E1 Area Manifesto 2006 against the Crossrail hole Bill

Part B of the Brick Lane London E1 Area Manifesto 2006 for the scheduled May local council election to the east London borough of Tower Hamlets Council. That Council has been controlled by elements that are pro
Big Business and pro the city of London interests. The result is that a serious assault on the East End of London under the Crossrail hole Bill is due to be made lawful. The best way to stop[ this is to make the local Council representative of the community which needs and deserves fullest support and defence by its 'elected local council'. This manifesto has been drawn up to hell that defence. Read more >>

02-01-2006 16:59

OPEN MEETING: A debate on working class representation.

The 2005 RMT Annual General Meeting passed a motion calling on the union to organise a conference to discuss working-class representation. Read more >>


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