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London Analysis Newswire Archive

12-05-2004 15:46

Cult Stigmatises Psychological Distress.

The Elan Vital organisation - considered by many observers to be a cult, is using the stigmatisation of psychological distress and mental ill health to denigrate its critics Read more >>

12-05-2004 15:09

Morris Material Handling P&H : Seeking Mr./Mrs. Right on a tight budget.

Corporations often employ executives, which are not experienced nor educated for the type of products and services they sell. Is this a fact that could put life of consumers and users at risk?. Here we analyze P&H – Morris Material Handling of Milwaukee, USA. Read more >>

12-05-2004 08:10

Evaluation of IMC Facilities in Dublin (EU Mayday Mobilisation)

Text of an evaluation doc sent to indymedia ireland email list after the dublin eu mayday mobilisation, where it's become one part of an ongoing discussion and review process following the events in dublin.

We thought it should also be published here.


10-05-2004 21:56

Galeropia: call for articles, inks and digital media

This is an open call for articles, inks, digital media or audio files on the topic of insurgency. The work will appear in the first issue of Galeropia, a digital magazine produced by Why War?. Galeropia's vision is a nonviolent theory and practice more potent than the prevailing reliance on polemics and death. Our method will be a targeted expansion of the movement's self-knowledge, aesthetics and practice. Read more >>

09-05-2004 18:06 (pdf), in spanish: La alternativa libertaria, Catalunya 1976-1979

A very interesting book about the anarchist mouvement in Spain after Franco
Direct link to book:

05-05-2004 16:29

The Real Butchers of Baghdad: G. W. Bush and His Army of Mercenaries

The Bush administration is feigning shock and disgust over the revelations of systematic torture of Iraqi prisoners. But there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that the White House was fully aware that such crimes were being committed and by whom. Not only that, they continually took steps to cover their own butts should the matter ever come up - like refusing to sign onto the International Court and declaring an instant end to the war in May 2003 to circumvent the Geneva Convention. Among the mercenaries being trained in the US and deployed to Iraq, some on the Pentagon payroll, are former commandos from the brutal Pinochet regime and "enforcers" from South Africa's former Aparthied regime."

03-05-2004 19:08

Don't Live the Lie, Boycott It.

Americans need to change their federal system of government. They can't do it through the electoral process nor can the engage in violent confrontation with their masters. Read more >>

03-05-2004 03:37

Root of Islamist Fascism:

Khomeini’s real father, William Richard Williamson, was born in Bristol, England
* * * * *
Khomeini’s real father, William Richard Williamson, was born in Bristol, England, in 1872 of British parents and lineage. Read more >>

01-05-2004 04:48

Torture Ban in Iran: "Mullahs' PR Ploy is Dead on Arrival

29-04-2004 09:53

The conditions of Nurses and the Development of Psychiatry

The Conditions for Nurses
The average working life of a nurse is 10 years. Many end their working life’s earlier than this due to family needs but other factors are at work for example back injuries. Read more >>

22-04-2004 18:17

Iranian Freedom Movement SLAMS EU Policies of Support for Ayatollahs

21-04-2004 00:01


Family members of SINALTRAINAL (Food and Beverages Colombian Union) were assassinated yesterday by ppmm Read more >>

20-04-2004 19:36

Dublin Mayday - Freelance Article on Press Propaganda (unpublished)

Mark Paul, a freelance journo in Ireland, pitched an article about the media bias in the run up to the EU Mayday in Dublin. In the end it wasn't run, so he published it on Irish Indymedia: Read more >>

20-04-2004 11:24

Mayday: Rise and fall of anti-capitalist movement (The Scotsman)

Interesting / off plot article from The Scotsman on the demise of the autonomous big London Mayday demo reflecting the demise of the anti-capitalist movement - ahem. Since of course the london mayday demos were the high point of the movement :-) well anyway, their analysis of numbers demonstrating post 911 is simply not true, they fail to mention the big mobilisations just last year in 2003, like 100,000 people marching and blockading in Geneva against the G8, the 2-300,000 who gathered for the Lezarc "the world is not for sale" festival in France, and the other hundreds of thousands who protested at the EU summit Thessaloniki, the WTO summit in Cancun, the FTAA protests in Miami... or for that matter the 120,000+ who met to discuss alternatives at the World Social Forum in Mumbai, and the 100,000 or so at the Paris European Social Forum... and so on and so on. It seems newspapers keep running the same story each year, but the reality on the ground speaks against this. The rest of the article is interesting, but I'd also say some way off the mark.

Oh yeah, and OF COURSE they don't mention EU Mayday in Dublin. Read more >>

19-04-2004 17:24

Britain's Cashing on Cyrus the Great!

New British Movie on Cyrus the Great.

15-04-2004 11:53

19 May London. Noam Chomsky Speaking Event. (Admission Free)

Announcement from RIP:

13-04-2004 15:17

"Social" Capital ? a quick reposte

a recent posting purported to introduce us to "social capital", which seems to suggest that capitalism can be separated from its exploitative nature. capital is NOT something which remains unused in production as someone would have us believe, but a form of production, and not the only possible one at that. capital is ACCUMMULATED, as the title of Luxemburgs book makes clear. Read more >>

13-04-2004 10:29

Weapons of Mass Destruction being shipped into Iraq

Various reports suggest that the missing weapons of mass destruction are likely to be 'found' in the near future as shipments arrive been unloaded in Iraq by US forces. Read more >>

12-04-2004 16:46

When U.S. Aided Insurgents, Did It Breed Future Terrorists?

When U.S. Aided Insurgents, Did It Breed Future Terrorists?
April 10, 2004
In the varied explanations for the 9/11 attacks and the
rise in terrorism, two themes keep recurring.

06-04-2004 20:07

Historically British Shiet Ayatollahs Threaten Iraq's Future

Iraq's future government
Threat of Theocratic Rule in Iraq.


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