04-10-2006 14:58
Next tuesday's (10/10) E4e Cinema screening at Everything4Everyone will be Bullet Boy.
20-09-2006 17:50
You guessed it - as a member of management of Notting Hill Housing Trust we had to ban this site - far too much of the truth is being known by the public and the taxpayers - and worse of all the slimy shite tenants. So we just put that extra bit of pressure on those who work at Indymedia - it works like a dream!
10-09-2006 03:46
It is probably no coincidence that a useless video of old Osama bin Laden reruns mysteriously appeared on Al Jazeera at about the same time George W Bush decided to break the Guiness Book of Records on 'terrorism speeches' -even though he already held the record ! And it was also probably no coincidence that his terrorism speech fest was timed to kick off the U.S. midterm elections. In fact it is both humorously and sadly all too obvious.
09-09-2006 07:20
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It is not designed to convince, but to browbeat and intimidate. The editorial is one more indication that an assault on Iran is being planned for sooner, rather than later.
06-09-2006 16:58
The Blaired news media led all day yesterday with the alleged prescription for a 'Blairing departure' by the man whom today’s [Wednesday 6 September 2006] Guardian has raised to the highest level of praise possible. Triumph of Blairism. What is the commodity? Where is it to be found? Certainly not in the East End of London whence Blair has now recruited THREE tokens and tools of propaganda, as if to compensate for the ouster of Oona King from her over-Blaired seat in Bethnal Green and Bow. The Crossrail hole plot has been endorsed by Alan Meale who obstructed evidence being given to the Crossrail Select committee [June 2006] that would have exposed crucial defects and the fundamental flaws in the sham CRASSRAIL project. So how is Blairism seen to those fighting the oppressive Blair schemes down in the East End?
01-09-2006 17:30
Today's ‘news’ headlines in the UK [Friday 1 September 2006] include 'London mayor Ken Livingstone's alleged denunciation of CRE 'chair' Trevor Phillips. But what created this very presenting himself as very white? Who are the forces behind the tragedy of the Ethnic Surrogates in Britain? Who are the Ethnic Surrogates I devised this analytical tool in the 12980s when I was engaged in the battle against Ken Livingstone’s GLC-based programme of corrupting London by abusing the presence of racism.
18-08-2006 16:33
Is Tesco above the law? It would appear so on planning matters.
17-08-2006 08:58
A British court on Wednesday extended the warrants for 23 people held since August 10 in connection with the alleged plot to blow up commercial airliners flying from Britain to the US. An additional person was arrested Tuesday. The judge issued his ruling late in the evening following a closed-door hearing that lasted most of the day.
14-08-2006 09:06
An evening of films on Monday 14th August as part of this years Portobello Film Festival in West London curated by Filmmakers Against War, includes, from the Independent Film School in Baghdad, 'Baghdad Days'
13-08-2006 19:58
Why the economic war on the East End is just as bad as other forms of war
12-08-2006 15:19
Next weeks E4e Cinema screening at Everything4Everyone will be the
Constant Gardener.
11-08-2006 11:30
In the midst of doom and gloom realizations that the Heathrow 'terror network' is mainly to sideline concerns about the war in Lebanon and head off possible sympathies for the main vicitms in this war, a bright note:
Just as 7/7 pushed more people onto their bikes in London, so too perhaps this farce will help put a few people off flying.
11-08-2006 05:37
The claim that American and British security forces have thwarted a terrorist plot to blow up commercial flights between Britain and the United States should not be accepted uncritically. It is impossible to determine at this point whether or not such an attack was in the offing, although the mass media have, as usual, reported the assertions of the British and American governments as indisputable fact, without bothering to ask for any specific information that would substantiate the official story.
06-08-2006 15:39
How the concept of democracy is being used by neofascist leaders in order to justify a capitalist system that is falling apart at the seams.
06-08-2006 11:01
An evening of films on Monday 14th August as part of this years Portobello Film Festival in West London curated by Filmmakers Against War, includes the feature film 'Sir! No Sir!'
02-08-2006 22:39
'No Planet B - The History Of The World Backwards'
Described as a musical, No Planet B is actually part musical, part stand-up comedy and part play.
30-07-2006 18:58
This is a collation of 16 reports from this weekend's demonstrations for Lebanon. There are 8 from the UK including 2 from London and the Prestwick Airport demo and 8 from overseas.
27-07-2006 08:16
"Threat to burn Monica Ali book at meeting" reads the sub-heading in today's Guardian newspaper [page 14] allegedly reporting on an alleged campaign meeting. This is a serious item of 'news'. What is the context? Why is the Guardian able to 'find' such 'threats'? Is the Guardian being genuine in its reporting or is there perhaps an agenda to further distort the image of the community and make it look even more deserving of deprivation and misrepresentation?
25-07-2006 18:39
The UK House of Commons Crossrail Bill Select Committee has just published a set of ‘decisions’ that confirm what Khoodeelaar! The campaign against CrossRail hole attacks on the East End of London had said from the start.
25-07-2006 12:05
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THE ANARCHIST FEDERATION'S agitational bulletin Resistance no.86 is out.
IN THIS ISSUE: Trade union strikes, John Reid new Home Secretary, Armchair cops, Left-wing in South America, Russia G8, ASDA depot action, Jerry Springer Opera, General Strike 1926, plus the usual activist's events diary, industrial frontline news. Read too PDF: