London Indymedia

Incredible confession by mayor Ken - the Surrogates are out of order!

© Muhammad Haque /AADHIKARonline 2006 | 01.09.2006 17:30 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Indymedia | London | World

Today's ‘news’ headlines in the UK [Friday 1 September 2006] include 'London mayor Ken Livingstone's alleged denunciation of CRE 'chair' Trevor Phillips. But what created this very presenting himself as very white? Who are the forces behind the tragedy of the Ethnic Surrogates in Britain? Who are the Ethnic Surrogates I devised this analytical tool in the 12980s when I was engaged in the battle against Ken Livingstone’s GLC-based programme of corrupting London by abusing the presence of racism.

Ethnic Surrogates are those selected from the ethnicity linked population that is udnergoiung discrimination based on ethnicity to carry on the perpetuation of racism and discrimination. The Ethnic Surrogates are given the backing of their racistly controlling pay masters and approvers.

Trevor Phillips has been a long standing Ethnic Surrogate. New ones added to the list include the BBC Surrogate George Alagiah. Many others are now installed in the media who regularly spew out pro-racist lies at the expense of the presently targeted section in the population in the UK.

Could it be that behind the degeneration as exhibited in the antics of the Blaired Commission for Racist Enslavement [CRE] are to be found such powerful ethnicity-linked careerists and self-seekers who made their names and boosted their profiles by abusing the targeted communities that were already deprioved of human rights and by obstructing those in the multi-backgrounded population of London who questioned the abuse of ethnicity via the creation of ETHNIC SURROGATES for furthering political careers?

How many Ethnic Surrogates did Ken Livingstone help to fund and furnish whilst he was seeking to come across as a non-racist himself at the Greedier Livinsgtone Conurbation [GLC]??

How many are currently in his ‘London mayor’ kitchen cabinet at the expense of accountable ethically sound social discourse dialogue and representation in London?

Will Livingstone come clean and confess that he has been wrong all along [that is for over 30 years of his ‘municipality-based career’] to have fostered the new and the mental slavery in London by cultivating the corruptible among the diverse population and by abusing his access to power to sideline the opponents of real injustice and rightslessness in society?

Will Livingstone confess to the crimes against democracy that he has spawned and backed for decades in London essentially to get himself in positions of power while he has violated the rights of those whose 'offence'’ in Livingstone’s litany of lies was to point out that the Ethnic Surrogates whom Livingstone is only now grudgingly identifying were not doing the cause of justice in London any service at all and that Livingstone and others holding various municipal positions in London must not be funding them, sponsoring them or endorsing them?

Why is Livingstone only now speaking about Trevor Phillips?

Surely he has known all along that Phillips was not any different when he was adopted by the trendies in the 1970s as their hope to beat the opponents of racism in the NUS?

Phillips was never any different. He was groomed as an Ethnic Surrogate and he is one. And he will not be any different ever.

The damage that the Ethnic |Surrogates were designed to cause to the human rights of the people from particular backgrounds and origins have been done over the past decades.

And the beneficiaries personally in terms of their own careerist have included Ken Livingstone himself

In fact Livingstone has been as guilty of backing racist and pro-racist forces as the Ethnic Surrogates and the Commission for Racist Enslavement themselves
Just as the Ethnic Surrogates have been actively engaged ins sabotaging those who have worked tireless to minimise racism and its impact, so have the careerist users of Ethnic Surrogates have been busily available to undermine the critical work that have been attempted by ordinary people in the inner cities to expose racist injustice.

Ken Livingstone’s record of backing Ethnic Surrogates makes him unfit to appear to be a legitimate source of comment about their pernicious role against liberty and human equality.

© Muhammad Haque /AADHIKARonline 2006
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Display the following 4 comments

  1. correction — AADHIKARonline
  2. Trevor Phillips, George Alagiah get regular plugs on Daily Mail — justthought
  3. don't forget the Guardian took apartheid Barclays cash — guardian-anobserver
  4. KHOODEELAAR! Told you so! That the CRE, Ken Livingstone and the surrogates lied. — KHOODEELAAR! No to "Crossrail, the Big Business scam" CAMPAIGN


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