Oxford's January round up
Player of Games , 07-02-2011 - 21:30
Welcome to the latest round up of grassroots news from Oxford. It's proven to be another busy month for activists and campaigners in Oxford. Local, national, and international attention has focused on our little city somewhere between London and the Midlands.
300 Migrant Hunger Strikers - Common Day of Action
Open solidarity initiative of Thessaloniki , 06-02-2011 - 11:04
EITHER WITH THE STRUGGLES OF MIGRANTS OR WITH THE DICTATORSHIP OF THE BOSSES! Support the 300 migrant hunger strikers in Greece! Call for a Common Day of Action – 11th February 2011
Calais update: people urgently needed!
Calais Migrant Solidarity , 04-02-2011 - 01:26
The past month in Calais has been particularly violent, and we are in desperate need of more activists to give those on the ground a break.
Sheree Wilson Denied Bail for 'Involvement' in Hunger Strike
Hunger Strikers Are Freedom Fighters , 02-02-2011 - 12:31
Yesterday, one of the 5 people moved to prison during the Yarl's Wood hunger strike, Sheree Wilson, was refused bail at an immigration court in Hatton Cross. The Judge said that her part in the hunger strike was a reason for denying her bail.
Demonstrate on 01 February for Egypt !
Beno Klee , 31-01-2011 - 22:23
The European Commissian published today their Council conclusions on Egypt. Since this action does not go beyond a declaration (diplomatic action of degree 1), it is a slap in the face from the Egyptian freedom movement and every sincere democrat. Time is running out, don't wait 'till friday !
Sexual Prey in the Saudi Jungle
Walden Bello* , 29-01-2011 - 02:34
He was an officer in the Saudi Royal Navy assigned to the strategic Saudi base of Jubail in the Persian Gulf. She was a single mom from Mindanao, in the Philippines, who saw, like so many others, employment in Saudi Arabia as a route out of poverty. When he picked her up at the Dammam International Airport in June, little did she know she was entering, not a brighter chapter of her life but a chamber of horrors from which she would be liberated only after six long months.
Activists blockade Belgian detention centre
arnaud borderer , 28-01-2011 - 12:51
Activists are blockading the Merksplas immigration detention centre in Belgium. Updates through the day on indymedia bruxelles and http://gettingthevoiceout.wordpress.com/
Italia: Silvios Bambinas
Tonio Parapuzzi , 26-01-2011 - 16:18
Das System Berlusconi: "Europa heute" dokumentiert Auszüge aus Mailänder Staatsanwaltschaftsakten - Von Kirstin Hausen - Redaktion: Ursula Welter .... Es ist ein Protokoll der Peinlichkeiten: Auf 396 Seiten hält die Staatsanwaltschaft Mailand Regierungschef Silvio Berlusconi den Spiegel vor. Die detaillierten Abhörprotokolle geben Einblicke in das enge Netz, das rund um Berlusconi für Frauen und Günstlinge gesponnen wurde. Erst kürzlich konnte der Regierungschef seinen politischen Hals erneut aus der Schlinge ziehen - Berlusconi überstand denkbar knapp ein Misstrauensvotum. Seine Kritiker warfen ihm Stimmenkauf vor. "Europa heute" dokumentiert in vier Folgen die Anklagedetails und stellt Aussagen Berlusconis dagegen. Die umfassende Anklageschrift verdanken wir einem aufmerksamen Deutschlandfunkhörer. Teil 1: Protokoll der Peinlichkeiten - Die Ermittlungsakte der Mailänder Staatsanwälte http://www.dradio.de/aod/?station=1&broadcast=196846&datum=20110125&playtime=1295943522&fileid=038af6e9&sendung=196846&beitrag=1372478& Teil 2: Wein, Weib und Gesang -Die Partys des Silvio B. http://www.dradio.de/aod/?station=1&broadcast=196846&datum=20110126&playtime=1296029551&fileid=06fb0f37&sendung=196846&beitrag=1373379&
'Free at Last!': Denise McNeil Released on Bail
Free Denise Now , 26-01-2011 - 11:16
On Tuesday, one of the Yarl's Wood 3, Denise McNeil, was granted bail at an immigration court in Hatton Cross. Her supporters in the courtroom clapped as the judge announced his decision.
Olga Noveselova must stay!
NiShaguNazad , 25-01-2011 - 20:42
Olga Novoselova, a prominent member of the Russian-speaking community in Merseyside, has been arrested for an alleged breach of UK immigration law and is currently being held at the Borders Agency detention centre at Yarlswood. Please support her.
Launching the Network of Accommodation for Asylum Seekers
MH via OxIMC , 23-01-2011 - 13:46
A call out for people interested in providing practical support for asylum seekers.
300 immigrants start hunger strike in Greece,in 25 January!!
solidarity , 23-01-2011 - 11:27
Solidarity in their social struggle,worldwide!!
Airplane forced to return to Paris to stop deportation!
interact.net , 22-01-2011 - 12:30
After spontaneous protests on board against an ongoing deportation, yesterday's Air France flight from Paris with destination Bamako in Mali was ordered to return by the airline. Eight activists of the "caravan for freedom of movement and fair development" as well as other passengers that had participated in the protest were arrested, and are now awaiting the next flight.
Demonstrate against Britain's racist immigration laws! 1 Feb - London
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! , 21-01-2011 - 22:40
Fight Britain's racist immigration laws! Close Communications House! Tuesday 1 February • 4.30-5.30pm outside Communications House Immigration Reporting Centre Old Street London, EC1V 9BR (called by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! All welcome)
Homophobic tory minister criticises islamophobia
jigsaw , 20-01-2011 - 11:31
Baroness Warsi has criticised the social acceptability of Islamophobic prejudice. Perhaps in her new campaign against bigotry she should look towards her own faults, having campaigned for parliament in 2005 on a platform of opposition to equal ages of consent for homosexual and heterosexual sex, and support for the homophobic Section 28 from the days when the tories were honest and open about their bigotry.
Imminent eviction of Gypsies and Travellers from Dale Farm- Info night, Brighton
Dale Farm , 02-01-2011 - 14:13
Talk, film and discussion about practical solidarity action to support the Dale Farm Community- Brighton, 8pm, Cowley Club, London Road. Wednesday 5th January 2011
Oxford Review of the Year
Player of Games , 31-12-2010 - 18:36
It's been a busy year for activists and grassroots campaigners in Oxford. Peace campaigners have kept up the pressure on the war-mongers, including those at AWE Aldermaston and BAe systems. Campsfield Detention Centre has remained a target for people opposed to the inhumane treatment of migrants. And, of course, the anti-cuts movement has grown from strength to strength closing down shops, occupying buildings, and bringing angry people out on the streets.
Calais: Christmas has no borders...
noborderer , 28-12-2010 - 23:09
...Jesus had no papers
No Borders activists from various parts of Europe have gathered in Calais for what looks like a sort of informal Winter camp.
Free the Yarl’s Wood 3! - New Year’s Eve Solidarity Demonstration
Free Denise , 28-12-2010 - 12:37
A solidarity demonstration will be held on New Year’s Eve outside Holloway Prison, London, in support of the 'Yarl’s Wood 3' and all those locked up in immigration prisons.
Abdel must stay in Brighton - stop his New Year's Eve deportation - ACT NOW
Brighton friend , 24-12-2010 - 14:30
Abdelkrim Madjoudj, 39, fled Algeria 13 years ago after being tortured. Since Friday he has been held in Brooke House detention centre and has been served with a removal order that will put him on a plane to Algeria on New Year's Eve. Take action NOW to help stop his deportation...