A Day for Shaker Aamer, 11 December 2010, Battersea
London Guantánamo Campaign , 12-12-2010 - 21:04
The Save Shaker Aamer Campaign (SSAC), along with numerous other human rights organisations, including the London Guantánamo Campaign, trade unions, political parties and social movements organised a day of action, involving a rally, march, public meeting and film showing to put pressure on the British government to press for the release and return of Shaker Aamer, the last British resident held at Guantánamo Bay, to this country.
Screening of Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo in Sheffield
2%Human , 30-11-2010 - 12:45
Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo
Is new documentary telling the story of Guantánamo: torture, extraordinary rendition and secret prisons. Examining how the Bush administration turned its back on domestic and international law, rounding up prisoners in Afghanistan and Pakistan without adequate screening and often for large bounty payments. Focusing on the stories of three prisoners, Shaker Aamer, Binyam Mohamed and Omar Deghayes, 'Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo' is powerful rebuke to the myth that Guantánamo holds “the worst of the worst”.
(Spectacle Productions, 2009; 75 mins., directed by Polly Nash and Andy Worthington)
Omar Deghayes (Guantanamo 'Detainee') and Poly Nash (Director) will be present to introduce the film.
Guantánamo: NOW is the time to take action
London Guantánamo Campaign , 26-11-2010 - 11:29
As the illegal detention camp at Guantanamo Bay rapidly approaches its 9th birthday and President Obama approaches the first anniversary of his broken promise to close it, the war crimes conviction of child soldier Omar Khadr, the British government’s cover up of its collusion in torture through an out-of-court settlement and other recent events show that justice is not only elusive but non-existent at Guantánamo Bay.
Guantánamo detainee, acquitted on 284 of 285 charges, faces 20 years
Tom Eley , 19-11-2010 - 17:24
In a blow to the Obama administration’s effort to manipulate the civilian justice system to achieve guilty verdicts for alleged terrorists, a New York City jury on Wednesday unexpectedly acquitted a Guantánamo detainee, Ahmed Khaifan Ghailani, on 284 of 285 charges. The case was related to the 1998 terrorist attacks on US Embassy in Dar es Salam, Tanzania, which killed at least 11 people and injured another 85.
How to create your very own terrorist state
Holger F. Winter , 16-11-2010 - 12:22
Tim Coles takes us through 11 steps necessary to create a “terrorist state”. Using Yemen as a case study, he argues that these steps precisely match US and British policies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran as well as Yemen to grow “very poisonous seeds”, some which have ripened while others are ripening. So, you want to create your own terrorist state, do you? Follow these simple instructions and you will be able to grow “very poisonous seeds. These seeds are growing now. Some have ripened and others are ripening,” as Eqbal Ahmad explained. In 2002, the Bush administration’s National Security Strategy (NSS) made it clear that America, with Britain’s help, intends to increase terrorism by chasing terrorists around the world instead of capturing them, or, better still, addressing their grievances – this is the real world, after all, which is dominated by financial interests, so there’s no time for rational solutions here.
Day of Action for Shaker Aamer, Brit left to rot in Guantanamo - Sat 11 Dec
On behalf of Save Shaker Aamer Campaign , 10-11-2010 - 14:16
British Resident Shaker Aamer has been held without charge or trial for over eight years in Guantanamo in the harshest of conditions. All the other UK Guantanamo detainees have now returned home. They have all suffered years of cruel and inhuman treatment as victims of the US policy of abduction, rendition to torture and indefinite detention in the so-called “war on terror.” Despite President Obama’s executive order to close Guantanamo by January 2010, many detainees, including Shaker, are still being held there without hope of an end to their ordeal. Meanwhile, the CIA prison at Bagram , Afghanistan , is the new Guantanamo . Hundreds of detainees are locked away, tortured and abused in absolute denial of all their human rights. They have been silenced but it is up to us to demand an end to their detention and torture.
On Saturday 11 December 2010 there will be a day of action for Shaker Aamer, and calling for the closure of Guantanamo, Bagram and other secret US prisons and an end to the US practices of "extraordinary rendition" and indefinite detention without charge or trial in the name of the so-called "war on terror". A demo, public meeting and film showing are already planned in Battersea, south London, home to Shaker's British wife and children, the youngest of whom he has never met.
'US humiliated by wanted Bush'
Joe Dimmers , 06-11-2010 - 10:44
Global prosecution of the former US President George W. Bush for his sanctioning of torture in the aftermaths of 9/11 humiliates the US, a former CIA analyst says. Bush has admitted to torture he is "unable to travel abroad … because of the principle of universal jurisdiction," Ray McGovern said in an interview with Press TV on Friday. In his memoir titled Decision Points Bush says that he ordered waterboarding, which is universally recognized as torture.
US troops and Iraqi torture
Ray Mitchel , 23-10-2010 - 16:01
US troops ordered not to investigate Iraqi torture ........ United States troops were told not to investigate allegations of torture by Iraqi security forces, according to documents found in the war logs. A comprehensive trawl of the secret military files show that US soldiers witnessed, or were told of, more than 1,300 cases of detainee abuse by Iraqi authorities. But following the Abu Ghraib scandal of 2004, they were given explicit orders not to investigate unless coalition personnel were involved. The logs reveal that more than 180,000 people were detained in Iraq between 2004 and 2009. This is equivalent to one in 50 of the male population. In comparison, the number of people detained in Afghanistan, which has a similar population, was 7,500. Most of those detained in Iraq detentions were in state-run centres. ..... http://www.iraqwarlogs.com/ .....
Guantánamo Bay: Military Tribunal for Child Soldier Starts Today
London Guantánamo Campaign , 10-08-2010 - 12:34
The first trial of a minor for war crimes in over 60 years starts today setting a dangerous international precedent. Accused of war crimes in Afghanistan aged 15, a young Canadian victim of the Afghanistan war and the war on terror today stands trial in a kangaroo court + demonstration in support + petition + Amnesty Canada trial blog
Take action for Omar Khadr
London Guantánamo Campaign , 05-08-2010 - 07:56
Next week, on Tuesday 10 August, 23-year old Canadian Omar Khadr, who has spent over a quarter of his life illegally detained at Guantánamo Bay, will become the first person to be tried at Guantánamo under the Obama administration and the first person to be tried for offences allegedly committed as a child (when aged 15) anywhere in the world in over 60 years. International law considers child soldiers like Omar Khadr to be victims and not criminals and in practice is against any form of trial for them.
No war crimes trials for child soldiers: demonstration: 6 August, US Embassy
London Guantánamo Campaign , 30-07-2010 - 18:02
The London Guantánamo Campaign’s monthly demonstration outside the US Embassy in Mayfair will be extended on Friday, 6 August to a two-hour action from 5-7pm to mark the first military tribunal at Guantánamo Bay since President Obama took power and the first time since World War II that a child soldier is being tried for war crimes.
Ahmed Belbacha: Guantánamo to Algeria? Frying Pan into Fire?
London Guantánamo Campaign , 28-07-2010 - 11:22
A ruling by the US Supreme Court on 17 July paves the way for the remaining Algerian prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay to be returned there. All are innocent and cleared for release, but have chosen to stay at Guantánamo as Algeria is so dangerous. One man has been returned: he "disappeared" promptly on return and has now resurfaced under "judicial supervision" and subject to unspecified charges. Take action!
British Betrayal
Fahad Ansari , 16-07-2010 - 14:11
One of the hallmarks of the Labour government’s counter-terrorism policies in the last decade was the promotion of the concept of Britishness and British values. For almost ten years, the British public was subjected to endless speeches and lectures by government ministers propagating the importance of British values, responsible citizenship and the pressing need for integration. The target audience was of course, the Muslim community, whose loyalties to the UK were perceived as being susceptible to manipulation at best, and completely absent, at worst. Muslim community leaders were influenced with generous amounts of funding to promote the ideology of supporting and celebrating “our boys” fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Muslim youth were tarnished with the discussion-stifling label of “extremism” if they dared to believe in the supremacy of Shariah law over British law. No stone was left unturned in the Labour government’s efforts to consummate this forced marriage of Britain’s Muslims with the concept of Britishness. The message was clear: You were British first; your Muslim identity had to be suppressed.
Inquiry Confirms UK Collusion in Torture
coronea , 15-07-2010 - 14:51
Highly classified documents have been disclosed that detail the involvement of Tony Blair's government in the torture of its own citizens. The documents not only support claims by six former Guantánamo detainees that British Intelligence were complicit in their mistreatment but also implicates the previous government in a number of illegal operations and thwarting attempts by Foreign Office officials to try the suspects in the UK.
Report: 26 June Demo in Solidarity with Victims of Extraordinary Rendition
London Guantánamo Campaign , 29-06-2010 - 11:47
On a hot Saturday afternoon at the end of June, as the British media and government sought to use British troops as a weapon on the home front to defend their senseless warmongering in faraway lands on Armed Forces Day, the London Guantánamo Campaign took a stand against the indefensible and marked a far more poignant anniversary with a demonstration in solidarity with victims of extraordinary rendition outside the US Embassy in Mayfair on UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.
26 June:International Day Against Torture:Demo in Support of Rendition Victims
London Guantánamo Campaign , 23-06-2010 - 17:46
26 June is international day in support of victims of torture - please come and support a demonstration outside the US Embassy in Mayfair, London, calling on the US administration to end its policy of kidnap and torture around the world, AKA extraordinary rendition
26 June:Demonstration in Solidarity with Victims of Extraordinary Rendition
London Guantánamo Campaign , 10-06-2010 - 11:12
26 June is international day in support of victims of torture. Over the past decade, up to 200,000 people all over the world have been swallowed alive into the black hole of extraordinary rendition - torture, kidnap, simulated live burial, sensory deprivation, physical, psychological and sexual torture...all in a day's work for the torturers
Bring Shaker Aamer home now! Demo in Parliament Square, Tue 25 May
via London Guantánamo Campaign , 19-05-2010 - 12:25
Shaker Aamer has been imprisoned without charge or trial in Guantánamo Bay for over eight years. He is a legal permanent resident of the UK, married to a British national, with four British children (the youngest of whom he has never met) living in Battersea, south London.
Next Tuesday (25 May), on the day of the state opening of Parliament, a demonstration and rally in Parliament Square has been organised by the Save Shaker Aamer Campaign: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=82639210948
Five new UK screenings of “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo”
Andy Worthington , 16-05-2010 - 11:29
Between May 21 and June 2, in London, Oxford and Brighton, there will be five screenings of the new documentary film, "Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo," followed by Q&A sessions with former prisoner Omar Deghayes and journalist and co-director Andy Worthington. Come along and find out how to put pressure on the new government to secure the release from Guantanamo of Shaker Aamer..
Shut Down Guantánamo! demonstration, Friday 7 May, 6-7pm, US Embassy
London Guantánamo Campaign , 05-05-2010 - 10:42
Join us at our monthly demonstration (6-7pm) on the first Friday of each month to call on the US government to close down Guantánamo Bay and other illegal prisons, end the use of torture, arbitrary detention and extraordinary rendition, and ensure freedom and justice for prisoners. Respect for human rights and the rule of law. Liberty and Justice for All...