Bristol: occupied homeless centre faces eviction
The Hub , 14-02-2011 - 17:23
Homeless people in Bristol have occupied a former homeless advice centre recently closed down by the council. They are now facing eviction by notorious bailiffs Constant & Co
Guerrillas Of love & Saint Valentine
Guerrilla Of Love , 14-02-2011 - 15:18
Guerrillas Of Love & Saint Valentine
Soli attack in Bristol out skirts - the fire is spreading.
BRISTOL HIT AND RUN BRIGADE , 11-02-2011 - 14:51
We have come to terms with the extent of the damage done to our individual lives, our planet, what could laughably be called the remains of some *community* (now a politicians' poisoned term - we see nothing reflective of what community means to us in this society) by the ravaging of capitalism, the State, social hierarchies of race and gender and our own seeming inability to confront and systematically destroy these entites as they suffocate us. This realisation can too often lead to paralysis or chasing one's own tails in a frenzy of self-righteous *activism* that leaves participants exhausted, the quality of their struggle cheapened, and our enemies unfazed. We have assessed the terrain in which we find ourselves and pledged a trajectory of wild rage despite the spell of tranquility that society attempts to cast, living passion and experimentation despite the inertia and obsession with dead objects this society fetishizes, and real affinity despite the empty shell of social networks and meaningless interaction we are sold as leisure or *community*. Many tools are ours in this lived resistance - but none of these find any context when not held up against a relentless and determined assault on the open prison that unfolds everywhere our enemies tread.
Loss of a protestor
Bilston road protest site , 10-02-2011 - 19:18
As many are now becoming aware a fellow protestor has died in a tragic accident
early year gathering at shropshire 25-28 feb
defendhuntingtonlane , 10-02-2011 - 10:14
The Shropshire anti-coal site at Huntington Lane was set up almost a year ago to defend the site against UK coal’s plans to mine the huge site set in thousands of hectares of beautiful woodland in the heart of Shropshire’s beautiful countryside.
On october 13th uk coal in cooperation with the national eviction team begun work on the southern part of the site and have begun work, trashing the land with a large array of massive earthmoving equipment. since then the mine has become an operating opencast however the camp is still going as good as ever and getting stronger by the day!
Hackney Marches Against the Cuts!
Kev , 09-02-2011 - 18:35
Protest against the cuts in Hackney on Saturday 19th Feb 2011!
Oxford's January round up
Player of Games , 07-02-2011 - 21:30
Welcome to the latest round up of grassroots news from Oxford. It's proven to be another busy month for activists and campaigners in Oxford. Local, national, and international attention has focused on our little city somewhere between London and the Midlands.
Do The Nihil - riots in germany
Indymedia , 05-02-2011 - 19:43
After evicting an old legalized squat (tricky and not legally by blocking the residents' lawyer off the house) there were riots in Berlin, Hamburg and Copenhagen for minimum 2 days and militant actions, gatherings and small rallies all over Germany
Berlin: Liebig 14 under attack
autonomen , 02-02-2011 - 16:06
over 20 years of resistance under threat
Video of Occupation of Hetherington Research Club.
Vegan Lefty , 02-02-2011 - 14:55
Video of Occupation of Hetherington Research Club.
ConDem Coordination Event
networkx , 01-02-2011 - 22:13
The ConDem government is having a conference in Sheffield on March 11-13 2011. Meeting to discuss coordination and convergences against them.
Glasgow University Occupation
fleabite , 01-02-2011 - 15:23
Glasgow university students are currently occupying a building against the attacks by the university administration on the Hetherington research club and the cuts agenda of the government and the council.
Worldwide Autonomous and Intentional Community Network
Zarathustra , 29-01-2011 - 15:08
An explanation of some of the ideals behind the work being done to create a worldwide network of autonomous spaces...
information for action anti-eviction L14 berlin 29/01- 02/02
L14 , 26-01-2011 - 11:25
EVICTION DATE SET FOR LIEBIG 14 Today 10.01.2011 the house project in Liebigstraße 14, Berlin-Friedrichshain received a written eviction notice for all apartments. It will be enforced the 2nd of February at 8:00 AM. The lost legal processes and the failure of politics! The eviction notice for our house project is the outcome of an almost 4 year-long legal struggle over the termination all apartments contracts, a struggle between the inhabitants of the houseproject and the owner Suitbert Beulker (also owner of the houseproject in Rigaerstr. 94) and Edwin Thöne, manager of the child protection association Unna. The pleaded ground for the terminations was the display of banners and Beulker taking offence with the construction of a door in the stairway. (For those interested in juridical farce: [German]) The attempted negotiations with regional and senate politicians to find a legal solution for the continuation of our house project or to buy the house with the help of a foundation have failed. Firstly politicians claimed to be unable to have influence over our situation. Secondly, responsible senate politicians have been conspicuous by their absence. For example our beloved interior senator Erhard Körting and the senator for city development, Ingeborg Junge-Reyer who for years have been pushing an agressive neo-liberal housing policy, and who, for example, abolished rent benefits for people on unemployment benefits (Hartz IV). Also Holger Lippmann, manager of Liegenschaftsfonds (the Berlin real estate holding company), refused up to the end to negotiate honestly for an alternative space for the project. Accompanying all this were a series of successfull actions, from colorful to black, loud to clandestine. The houses in which they live! We are not the only ones threatened by forced relocation, evictions and the whole property valorisation-scandal. Besides the struggle of the few remaining self-governing free spaces (for example Rigaer 94, Köpi around the corner, there are also the squatters struggles in Amsterdam, London and everywere else). More and more people in Berlin are hit by increasing rents and lose their apartments and social environments. To them we giver our full solidarity and support! KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN AND FOLLOW OUR BLOG (!! BE CREATIVE, ORGANIZE AND SHOW OFF! SOLIDARITY IS A WEAPON!!!
Events & actions during the squatting ban (Netherlands) part II
amsterdoom , 25-01-2011 - 20:09
A timeline of events and actions in the Netherlands during the squatting ban
First part of the timeline was posted in November and can be found at
OFFMARKET, a new squatted open space in Hackney, London
offmarket , 23-01-2011 - 20:08
OffMarket is a new open squatted space, a small shopfront on 111 Lower Clapton rd E5 0NP. It is run by volunteers who all live in or around hackney. The aims of the space is to be an open resource for local people and groups, but also to house various projects: InfoLibrary with books and zines, a FreeZone, info about squatting, skill sharing...
Dissident Island Radio 21 January - ready for download
Dissident Werewolf , 22-01-2011 - 17:12
Stop GM // Bloomsbury Freeskool // Anti Cuts Updates // Free radio veteran in Amsterdam // Thessaloniki 4 trial update // Drowned City // Sarah Bear
Sharing n Caring!
Skill Sharer , 21-01-2011 - 21:20
Sumac Skill Share Days every Thursday at Sumac Centre in Nottingham
Gathering to discuss occupying space in sheffield
psysiuk , 19-01-2011 - 19:42
first meeting to discuss ideas to occupy spaces in sheffield and south yorkshire for event space and community project. will look into potential sites and gauge amount of people would be planning on moving in and how many people can offer help. please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested.
SchNEWS 754: We'll Fight Them on the Beeches
SchNEWS 754 , 13-01-2011 - 22:44
Last week (see SchNEWS 753) we covered the protests against the sell-off of the Forest of Dean. But the implications of the Public Bodies Bill for the Forestry Commission go a lot further than that. Essentially the Tory’s are planning (in time-honoured fashion) to flog off the family silver and privatise forests up and down the country. The sale is intended to raise £2bn - less than half of one years tax avoidance by Vodafone. Links: | | | | Local campaigns we know about: Staffordshire | Exeter | Nottinghamshire | East Anglia | Gloucestershire In SchNEWS:SchNEWS 753