Placard sticks, and a job too
bwrp , 23-03-2011 - 08:22
A message to the housing minister
Persons Unknown , 23-03-2011 - 08:22
South-West Anarcho-Punk Listings
Anonymous Promotions , 23-03-2011 - 00:22
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Bristol University Strikes Over Pensions
Syder , 23-03-2011 - 00:22
Today staff at the University of Bristol from the University College Union (UCU) were on strike over the proposed changes to the USS pension fund scheme. The proposals are currently to provide a two tier scheme, where existing members will continue with their final salary pension plans, but new members (or anyone who takes a substantial career break to start a family or because of illness) will be placed on a career average plan. The USS pension fund is, and continues to be in good health, and UCU have proposed that any future stresses to the fund can more than be met by increasing contributions. Professor Brian Cantor, chair of the Employers' Pension Forum, has rejected UCU's request to continue talks, saying: 'we are not persuaded that it is appropriate to re-open formal negotiations, even with the involvement of Acas'. Striking members of staff were joined on piket lines by numerous students carrying placards stating 'I support my lecturers.' A poll of Bristol University students conducted by the University of Bristol Union overwhelmingly found that students support the industrial action. At 11:45 pickets gathered at Senate House, before a short march down to the Wills Memorial building where there were numerous speeches made by UCU representatives and students, along with a range of speakers who supported the action from groups including the NUT, Bristol and District Anti Cuts Alliance, and Anarchists Against the Cuts
For full size images and more photos go to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/17251154@N00/sets/72157626200733911/with/5549823243/ All images are issued under a creative commons 3.0 share-alike license, feel free to re-use and redistribute
Queer Anti-racists Reading Group
bristol queer caf , 22-03-2011 - 19:22
Following on from the Queer Modes of Belonging reading group and gathering, organised by Race Revolt, those of us who took part from Bristol have decided that we want to keep meeting for discussion of racism within queer/alternative communities. Monday 28th March, 7pm @ Kebele Social Centre, 14 Robertson Road, Easton We think that ongoing discussion on how gay rights discourses and actions are being used to further marginalise people of colour is an important part of taking action to fight this racism. We invite people commited to anti-racist practices to take part even if you didn’t attend the earlier conversations. At the session next monday we will be looking at two concrete examples of racism within lgbtqi alternative spaces; Kinky Salon's (a London based queer sex-positive club) decision and 'apology' to proposing a jungle themed night and critical responses by queers of colour; and a critique of islamaphobia and ideas of censoring on Ladidah,a queer organising list. We will also draw on two more 'academiccy' pieces that talk through some of the racist practices present in these two current examples. This reading group address race and racism in LGBTQI communities,which primarily impacts on people of colour. We want to conduct our discussions in a safe anti-racist space, and therefore we have collectively developed groundrules which we ask you to carefully read and think through. For the groundrules and the readings see: http://queerbristolsantiracistreadinggroup.wordpress.com/2011/03/17/march-reading-group/
Bristol University Strike: Report and Photos
Syder , 22-03-2011 - 17:22
Petition to get BCC to keep its promise to bring local school up to scratch
St Pauls Unlimited Community Partnership , 22-03-2011 - 12:26
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queer anti-racists reading group
bristol queer caf , 22-03-2011 - 10:31
green space sell off in bristol
ian wright , 21-03-2011 - 16:22
Callout March 26th - militant workers bloc
solidarity , 21-03-2011 - 08:22
Cardiff Uni had an Astrobiology Dept. to Close
roy , 21-03-2011 - 08:22
UCU Stirke Support Statement
Bristol Anarchist Federation , 19-03-2011 - 12:22
Members of Anti-Cuts Action Bristol, Bristol Anarchist Federation, and Bristol IWW wish to express support for, and solidarity with, UCU members who will be going on strike regarding pension reform (further information available here... http://www.ucu.org.uk/index.cfm?articleid=5145) We wish to express our support for, and solidarity with, those members of the UCU in England who will be taking part in the forth coming strikes, on the 22nd and 24th of March, with particular regard to members at the University of Bristol and the University of West England. We also wish to express our support for, and solidarity with, those UCU members who have or will be taking part in strikes in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland on the 17th, 18th, and 21st of March respectively.
It is perverse, in a time where students fees are being raised, that staff are being subjected to such an attack on their pension schemes. We see, reflected in this move, further evidence of attacks – justified in the context of a crisis we neither created nor facilitated – on the services on which millions of working class people depend, either for education or for employment.
Further more, we wish to plead with those members of staff who will take it upon themselves to undermine strike action by performing their duties on the day. As fellow workers we understand the cost of a days wages, and of the potential repercussions that supporting this action may entail, but also understand and whole heartedly believe in the power of collective action. It is only by standing together that – in any such struggle – objectives can be met.
Equally, we call upon the students of these institutions to support their staff, much as the staff supported them in the struggle against the rise in Tuition Fees. Support your staff in any way you can, by attending the picket lines or refusing to cooperate with scab staff, or through more inventive measures. Again, it is important to recognise the power of collective action.
Yours in Solidarity,
Anti-Cuts Action Bristol Bristol Anarchist Federation Bristol IWW
"Hands Off Libya!" - Protest Saturday 19th March
info@bristolstopwar , 18-03-2011 - 12:34
Bathonians Won't Pay For Bankers' Crisis
Matt Banning , 18-03-2011 - 10:24
Squatting to be criminalised
alan , 18-03-2011 - 10:24
FROM FUKISHIMA TO HINKLEY....calling on all collectives and individuals
SOUTH WEST AGAINST NUCLEAR , 17-03-2011 - 16:28
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Council Does U-Turn on Promised New School - Sign to Petition to say 'Keep Your Promises'
FW , 17-03-2011 - 11:22
Uk Uncut Turning Banks Into Libraries (Shhhhhh!)
Bristol UNcut , 17-03-2011 - 11:22
Turning banks into libraries, Shhhhhh! On Saturday 19th March Bristol Uk Uncut will turn a bank into a library. We’ll be having poetry readings, story time, and educating people on the actions of the banks and the ways in which they can and should contribute more to repairing the damage caused by their negligence and greed. So bring a good book, a poem, library/librarian signs and equipment, banners and flyers, cakes (?) and sweeties, and as many people as possible. Engage with the public and bank staff, stay safe and have fun. Where? The meeting place is in front of the Bristol University Students’ Union, Queens Road, Clifton right in the heart of LibDem MP, Stephen Williams’s constituency. (Right near to bus routes from City Centre and Bristol Temple Meads station.) We’ll be meeting at 11am, then moving onto our target location. Why We Are Taking Action In 2007, years of irresponsible lending, rash and reckless speculation and a lack of regulation in the banking sector came to a head, causing a global financial crisis and subsequent recession that led directly to the current program of massive cuts. Several banks were saved from collapse by the government; the National Audit Office reported that the amount of public money used to bail them out reached almost £1tn at its peak. Yet the City continues to reward itself. The bailed-out Royal Bank of Scotland has just handed shares worth £28m to nine of its top executives in the latest round of multi-million pound bonus awards by the high street banks. If that’s not disgraceful enough, Barclays have just announced pay-outs for its top five bankers amounting £110 million. THIS IS MORE THAN THREE TIMES THE £30 MILLION THAT BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL HAS MADE IN CUTS. Full article
Vigil for Fukushima
South West Against Nuclear , 17-03-2011 - 03:29
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Make them learn English/ Cut English classes
no cuts , 16-03-2011 - 16:22