Violence and Antiviolence
@ , 29-03-2011 - 14:27
Violence and Antiviolence
Why we took out Ann Summers on Saturday 26 March:
George, Julian, Dick, Anne and Timmy , 29-03-2011 - 01:36
A response to the confusion emerging from the broken Ann Summers windows on a march about... CUTS?!
Dancing in the Streets: Reflections on 26th March
Cautiously Pessimistic , 28-03-2011 - 23:05
Thoughts on some of the pros and cons of Saturday's demo, and where we go from here.
#ukuncut #ukunstuck what was the point?
adelayde , 28-03-2011 - 16:25
My sympathies go out to everyone in UKUncut who ended up being arrested piling out of Fortnum & Mason on Saturday, but I hope the question "what was the point of that?" is being asked amongst the organisers and the wider activist community.
Animal Warfare Revels: Bobby Roberts Address!
Animal Warfare , 28-03-2011 - 14:51
Bobby Roberts Super Circus conveniently posted their own details on the net!
Obama in Brazil: hearts and minds operations
Bruno Lima Rocha , 26-03-2011 - 20:12
March 26, 2011; from the south of Brazil, Bruno Lima Rocha (, political scientist (phd and msc), and journalist (bsc)
March 26th:Where do we go from here? (complete version)
Open Discussion , 26-03-2011 - 09:59
Open Discussion leaflet for today's demo. Please feel free to comment or pass it on.
March 26th Demo: Where do we go from here?
Open Discussion , 26-03-2011 - 09:16
What do we do after today's march. What is behing the cuts and the drive to war? Why Labour is not an alternative.
Increasing the uncertainty: beyond activism as usual
Shift magazine , 25-03-2011 - 12:36
As we edge closer to the TUC demonstration this Saturday the internet, airwaves and blogosphere are becoming increasingly excited about what might happen. However, as is to be expected, much of this is already focusing on the usual themes of police fairness/repression, the likelihood of violence etc. This article seeks to reaffirm the real successes of the previous few months – an openness to change, a new found humility and greater social resonance – by calling for an intervention which focuses on moving towards uncertainty rather than falling back on tired, clichéd direct action strategies.
About public debt,budget deficit and the General Strike on Saturday
A/A , 25-03-2011 - 12:04
About public debt,budget deficit and the General Strike on Saturday
Obama’s imperial twist: “Humanitarian” regime change in Libya
Glen Ford , 24-03-2011 - 21:54
President Obama demanded regime change in Libya more than three weeks ago, but now acts as if that’s not his policy. He will use the assault on Muamar Khadafi’s forces to introduce so-called “humanitarian intervention” as an anchor of the Obama Doctrine. Regime change will remain a basic tool, while the “humanitarian” ruse expands imperial options. Obama may well opt to turn Libya into a kind of protectorate, as Haiti has become. Meanwhile, France interprets the UN mandate in Libya as allowing the Euro-Americans to act as air support for the rebel armed forces, as the French did at Benghazi.
Another "Bankers' Budget" From George Osborne
Infantile Disorder , 24-03-2011 - 10:08
As Chancellor George Osborne prepared to leave Downing Street for Parliament and deliver his budget on Wednesday afternoon, he found his way temporarily blocked by a small group of courageous female demonstrators. The women locked onto each other, compelling police to remove them from the road. Others held a banner proclaiming "Block the Bankers' Budget". It was a small taste of what is to come, ahead of the big anti-cuts demo on Saturday.
Obama’s War in Libya
Margaret Kimberley , 23-03-2011 - 21:30
The continuity between the Bush and Obama administration’s is now complete. Almost exactly eight years after Bush invaded Iraq, Obama’s Euro-American military alliance swooped down on Libya to enforce a western world order. “Obama definitely took a page out of the Bush administration recipe book,” including “peddling scary stories of poison gas stockpiled at a remote desert location.” All this may serve Obama well in domestic opinion polls, since “American blood lust is always just below the surface.”
BBC to be funded by US State Department.
BBC employee , 23-03-2011 - 12:02
The BBC World Service division, responsible for foreign language broadcasting of "news" into other nations around the world, has approached the US State Department for funding.
White Hat Report #15
The White Hats , 23-03-2011 - 05:03
The core objective of the White Hats is to inform and advise America’s population, and Global associates, of the transgressions being perpetrated by our governing entities, and their criminal Banking Cabal.
Lies, damn lies, and humanitarian intervention
Stephen Lendman , 23-03-2011 - 02:54
Masquerading as "humanitarian intervention," Washington launched full-force barbarism on six million Libyans, all endangered by America's latest intervention.
Beginning March 19, it was visible. However, months of planning preceded it, including US and UK special forces and intelligence operatives on the ground enlisting, inciting, funding, arming and supporting violent insurrection to oust Gaddafi and replace him with a Washington-controlled puppet like in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Plan to "destabilize" the Country
terratech , 22-03-2011 - 20:24
CAUGHT ON TAPE: Former SEIU Official Reveals Secret Plan to Destroy JP Morgan, Crash the Stock Market, and Redistribute Wealth in America
Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! No Intervention!
Party of the Laboring Masses - Philippines , 22-03-2011 - 11:02
No to imperialist intervention in the Libya! Saudi, UAE troops out of Bahrain! Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! End imperialist wars in Iraq, Afghanistan!
Letter to Male Activists
Sisters of Resistance , 21-03-2011 - 13:36
This letter arose from a specific set of experiences in the activist community and we are aware of the fact that many men will find it difficult to read. However, we publish it here in the hope it will provoke some critical self-reflection among those who need it.
Reasons to oppose the attack on Libya
* , 21-03-2011 - 12:45
This is the text of a leaflet suggesting some reasons for opposition to the attack on Libya.