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UK Smash EDO Newswire Archive

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the big story - decommissioners documentary

17-08-2010 22:38

a documentary about smashing edo and winning in court.

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ITT's Hammertime - Mass Siege of EDO MBM/ITT

17-08-2010 11:49

Smash EDO Mass Demo - Wednesday 13th October
Venue to be announced - to receive updates email or text 07538093930

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Smash Edo: 18/01/10 remember gaza demo arrestee needs help

04-08-2010 23:44

please help to sue the police for their aggressive and fascistic response to a bystander at the remember gaza action in brighton january 18th just gone...

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EDO Attacked

03-08-2010 12:07

EDO, in Home Farm Road, Brighton, was attacked last night

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Wigs and silver dresses demo at EDO

26-07-2010 17:37

Come to EDO MBM/ITT to celebrate the decommissioners victory...

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Corporate Watch: Decommissioners Victorious

26-07-2010 16:02

As the zionist press angrily whip up media smoke screen around the real meanings of the decommissioners acquittals Corporate Watch take an in-depth look at the trial...

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Zionist lobby may succeed in changing UK law on war crimes

22-07-2010 12:07

After much pressure from Israel the ICC Act may be ammended so that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) must approve any arrest warrants for israeli war crimes suspects.

This could allow Israeli officials to enter the UK without fear of arrest.

Current DPP Kier Starmer today announced there would be no criminal prosecution of police over death of Ian Tomlinson.

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EDO Decommissioners Trial Transcript of Judges Summing Up

15-07-2010 16:44

the full transcript of the judges speech from last day of the trial.

from JC

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The EDL in Bradford would mean trouble

15-07-2010 13:17

The English Defence League plan to hold their biggest ever trouble causing demo in Bradford this August. But in a city like Bradford, can we really expect this one to pass off peacefully? And after the aftermath of 2001 would we not expect protests like these in Bradford to be banned?

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Bath Bomb #31 Out Now

08-07-2010 23:17

The newest edition of Bath's monthly radical tabloid rag is now ready for hungry eyes: featuring rants about cuts, privatisation, the budget, lions, vegan fayres, climate camps, and nefarious plotting...

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Decommissioner Elijah Smith finally released from prison

07-07-2010 21:25

Elijah Smith was granted bail at a hearing today and was finally released from prison at around 5.30pm after 18 months on remand.

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Demo for decommissioner Elijah Smith this Wednesday‏

05-07-2010 22:59

Despite the EDO decommissioners' victory Elijah James Smith is still on remand in prison. He has been on remand since the decommissioning a year and a half ago. He has got a bail hearing this Wednesday which we hope will see him released.

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Reminder: EDO decommissioners victory demo today!

05-07-2010 00:32

As resisting war crimes is now officially not a crime, there will be a victoy demo for the EDO decommissioners today (Monday 5th) outside EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton, from 12 noon.

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Photos from the Decommissioners trial

03-07-2010 23:24

On Wednesday after five of the Decommisioners were acquitted
Some photos from the closing days of the Decommissioners Trial, Hove Crown Court, July 2010

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EDO/ITT Decommissioners: photos

03-07-2010 17:34

photo call on the steps of hove crown court
A few photos from outside the court yesterday after the verdicts for Chris Osmond and Elijah (James) Smith had been announced, and from the press conference afterwards.

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Hammer time: EDO decommissioners victory demo!

02-07-2010 23:32

There will be a victory demo to celebrate the EDO decommissioners' acquittal this Monday (the 5th) from 12 noon outside EDO/ITT on Home Farm Road, Brighton.

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EDO decommissioners victory complete!

02-07-2010 11:10

Smash EDO

Press Release

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Another EDO decommissioners trial update

29-06-2010 20:01

The jury went out in the EDO decommissioners trial this morrning.

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EDO Decommissioners' verdict getting closer!

27-06-2010 19:05

Just a short update and some reminders...
The EDO decommissioners' trial is now almost over with only a few closing speeches to go! Although exact time frames are hard to predict, we are currently expecting the jury to retire on Tuesday the 29th. It could then take them anything between a few hours and several days to reach a verdict. If you can, please come along and show the defendants some support!