UK G8 Germany 2007 Feature Archive
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We are all 129a!
08-08-2007 12:33

Four German activists have been arrested on suspicion of being members or supporters of an alleged 'terrorist organisation' (the so-called Section 129a) [lawyers' press release]. The German federal police suspect that Militante Gruppe (MG or Militant Group) was behind several arson attacks against police and army vehicles since the group surfaced in 2001 [Federal Prosecution's press release]. The direct actions are said to have included an attack on German federal police vehicles to protest against their involvement in immigration deportations and another in response to the G8 raids earlier this year. If found guilty, the four could face up to 10 years in prison. Another three men have been accused but not arrested.
A number of solidarity actions have already taken place, including a demo in Berlin last Wednesday (August 1st) and another at the prison where the four are held on Sunday (August 5th). A Germany-wide protest against police repression is planned for September 15th [call], while many solidarity protests and actions are expected throughout the world.
For more information: website of the solidarity group [en] | solidarity blog [en] | Indymedia Germany.
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G8 Protest: Summit Blockaded From All Sides
08-06-2007 09:35

Friday 8th June:
On Friday the blockades ended and a few thousand people assembled at Rostock train station for a march down to the harbour. Many were returning from spending the night camped out around Heiligendam. It was unbelievably hot and the occasion had a party atmosphere. Following the demo a few hundred people headed down to the prison to show solidarity with those still being held. The Police stopped them from getting up close to the prison so a main road was occupied nearby for a few of hours.
To see the full picture of what happened see: Breaking News (en)
Read more for previous daily summaries, overview about mobilisations, infopoints, protest agenda etc ...
Follow the continuous flow of latest updates in english at IMC Breaking News (also available in 5 other languages: de, it, fr, es, gr) and check Indymedia Germany in English for latest reports.
Information Resources: Listen Live! - 4 radio streams | G8 TV - daily video stream | Flashradio - daily podcast (en) | G8 Global Infopoint Network | IMC UK Topic G8 2007
Websites: dissentnetwork | Dissent! UK | Interventionist Left | all for all | | Gipfelsoli | people global action | | Alternative Summit | Camps
Nottingham G8 Delegates Report From Germany
06-06-2007 20:31

From June 6th to 8th the "representatives" of eight of the most powerful states from the global north are planning to meet in Heiligendamm near Rostock in Germany. Without any legitimacy to decide about global politics they will coordinate their decisions and therefore stand for the continuation of the state the world which for the majority means hunger, misery, war, and exclusion. Despite police repression and political propaganda, the summit will face one of the biggest mobilisations ever to shut down the G8.
People from Nottingham report:
Nottingham folk report from G8 in Germany #1
Nottingham folk report from G8 in Germany #2
Nottingham folk report from G8 in Germany #3
Recent news: Reports of over 10,000 people involved in blockades of the summit yesterday. Pics 1, 2, 3, 4
Indymedia: IMC Timeline of Events (eng) | Indymedia Germany in English | UK Indymedia feature
Links: Dissent! (Germany, in English) | Dissent! (UK) | G8-TV | Anti-G8 Action Faction
Rostock: Tens of thousands protest against the G8
03-06-2007 14:17
In the run-up to the G8 Summit next week, tens of thousands of anti-G8 protesters, with several thousands on the Black Bloc alone, took part in the international demonstration in Rostock on 2 June, 2007. With colourful banners and puppets, protesters of different backgrounds tried to draw attention to the bigger problem of capitalism and the 'empire'. Police was very aggressive and provocative, using batons, water cannons and tear gas, not only against the 'bad protestors' but 'normal' ones as well. Violent confrontations were taking place while, on stage, the concert and speeches were trying to continue. Over 100 people were arrested and many injured on both sides.Reports: [en] 1 | 2 | 3 | [de] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | [it] 1 | 2 | 3]
Pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Video: 1 | 2 | 3
Audio: [de] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] | [en] 1
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Police Raids Against G8 Mobilisation in Germany
09-05-2007 08:59

Police raided about 40 buildings in Germany on Wednesday morning, 9th May, including social centres and several private homes in Berlin and Hamburg, as well as the alternative web provider Police forces searched the Rote Flora in Hamburg as well as parts of the Bethanien in Berlin. Both social centres are planning to be convergence spaces for the G8 protests in early June. See for up-to-the-minute info.
Reports so far on IMC-UK: 1 | 2 | 3 | press groups press release (en) | statement
On IMC-Germany: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
On IMC Scotland: feature | call for soli-protest | paint attack statement | 4 | 5 | 6
Solidarity demonstrations and actions have taken place in several cities around the world, including Amsterdam, Berlin [more], Hamburg [more], Cologne, Goettingen, Managua, Vienna. Internet activists hacked "" , a police bulletin board. The German consulates in Edinburgh and Amsterdam were attacked with paint. This last wave of state repression in Germany just followed a weekend of over 100 arrests in the Netherlands , where the G8 bicycle caravan was disrupted in Utrecht.
Many more demonstrations were planned and have taken place in the following days. These included one in London [Pics 1 and 2 | Video] and another one in Edinburgh [Pics], both on Friday 11th. Next G8 UK mobilisation meeting in London May 17th.
Resistance At The Fence And Beyond
17-01-2007 16:23

From 6-8 June 2007 the G8 summit 2007 will take place in a hotel in Heiligendamm next to Rostock at the Baltic Sea, Germany. 6 month before the resistace is taking shape: Several alliances prepare carawans, blockades and other forms of direct action.
Last August about 1000 people allready gathered close to Heiligendamm in a first protest camp for 10 days. Since then numerous direct actions all over Germany. 4 numbers of a newsletter have been released in more than 8 languages. More than 400 people from NGOs to anti-authoritarian groups attended the second "G8 Action Conference" in Rostock while hundreds of people gathered at several dissent+x network meetings.Activists sucessfully used the Nuclear Waste Transport in November as a start into the protest season.
In the UK the mobilisation started with an Info night in London and a first UK-wide meeting in Nottingham on January 28th (1 | 2). Dissent! Belgium started with an action week in gent last december. The international mobilisation will continue with a gathering in Warsaw, Poland from February 10-11th. more ...
Websites: | | Revolutionary Alliance | Action Conference | Newsletter: News From The Fields And Beyond | Convergence Center Hamburg | Camp 2006 | NGO Mobilisation | gipfelsoli | moving europe | outofaction (de) | NoLager | Block G8 | Topic on de.indymedia.og | Dissent! UK | Wombles/G8 | input paper: Antiracist Perspectives in regard to G-8 Summit 2007
Camping Against G8 And For Something Completely Different.
13-08-2006 11:41

“Camp Inski”, the preparation and information camp for the forthcoming G8 summit in Germany, took place from August 4th-14th in North East Germany. Somewhat less than one year before the G8-summit, autonomously organized resistance meets and plots for several days(en) in close proximity to the future summit location in the nearby town of Heiligendamm. Numbers are difficult to guess – several reports speak of more than 500 while others say many more came during the week. The workshops ranged from meetings about mobilisation, blockades and bike caravans to general questions of resistance and social movements.
While discussing and organizing next year's protest, various actions took place showing the wide range of activities started by the camp, including going from door to door in nearby villages and towns to inform residents of the future protests. A villa was occupied in opposition to the commercialisation of the increasingly posh seaside resort. An anti-racist demonstration (Video: 1 | 2 ) was held in the nearby city of Rostock. On friday hundreds of activists gathered at the beach outside summit venue(en), on saturday protest closed down an exhibition of the nazi artist Arno Breker while activists protested at a GMO field nearby the camp.
Video (de): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Pictures and Reports (de): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 (en) | 6 (en) | 7 | 8 (en)
Camp Website:
Websites about G8 2007: (de) | |