G8 Protest: Summit Blockaded From All Sides
((i))uk-de | 08.06.2007 09:35 | G8 Germany 2007
Friday 8th June:
On Friday the blockades ended and a few thousand people assembled at Rostock train station for a march down to the harbour. Many were returning from spending the night camped out around Heiligendam. It was unbelievably hot and the occasion had a party atmosphere. Following the demo a few hundred people headed down to the prison to show solidarity with those still being held. The Police stopped them from getting up close to the prison so a main road was occupied nearby for a few of hours.
To see the full picture of what happened see: Breaking News (en)
Read more for previous daily summaries, overview about mobilisations, infopoints, protest agenda etc ...
Follow the continuous flow of latest updates in english at IMC Breaking News (also available in 5 other languages: de, it, fr, es, gr) and check Indymedia Germany in English for latest reports.
Information Resources: Listen Live! - 4 radio streams | G8 TV - daily video stream | Flashradio - daily podcast (en) | G8 Global Infopoint Network | IMC UK Topic G8 2007
Websites: dissentnetwork | Dissent! UK | Interventionist Left | all for all | antig8.tk | Gipfelsoli | people global action | heiligendamm2007.de | Alternative Summit | Camps
Daily Summaries of Events
Thursday 7th June:
On the second day of the summit (and the seventh day of protest), the two big blockades continued the second day, while the west gate was blockaded again and cleared by police with water canons several times. Several barricades blocked roads all over the area, making it hard or even impossible for delegates and journalist coaches to move in the area. Protestors also stopped and attacked a delegate's car. More than 500 people were arrested only on thursday. Reports:1 | 2. Pics:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10. Video:1.
Wednesday 6th June:
The first day of the blockades saw most of the roads leading to Heiligendamm blocked. Throughout the day different groups set out to shut off access points to the G8 venue, using a variety of tactics, from sit-down road occupations, building barricades to breaking through police lines to reach their blockade locations. Despite police use of water cannon, mounted police and helicopters to ferry in reinforcements, many more than expected made it through the no-protest zone to blockade right up to the G8 security fences. Pics:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5. Video:1 | 2. By 2pm the four registered rallies/blockades surrounding the Rostock-Laage airport had ended. Pics:1
Tuesday 5th June:
Over 1,500-2,000 people participated in a demonstration against arm company EADS near Rostock. The mood was high; there were many speeches and police are standing at a distance from the rally. In the early evening George Bush is expected to arrive at the a href=/en/2007/06/373276.html">Rostock-Laage Airport. Also today, Medecins Sans Frontieres provided a visual spectacle to highlight the scandal of people dying in poor countries due to the price of life saving drugs.
See Breaking News (en) for updates.
Monday 4th June:
The actions focused on demands for Freedom of Movement and Equal Rights for All. In the morning there were several decentralised actions in Rostock which included one at the city's Immigration Office, and another one at the Sonnenblumenhaus in Lichtenhagen (the place of the Nazi attacks against refugees in 1992) [morning report] These were followed by a demonstration in the city centre and a conference in the evening. Police have been aggressive throughout, especially when they charged into the protest at Sonnenblumen House to snatch some people. Police have also been carrying random stop and searches at train stations, and stopping groups of people and buses on their way to the demonstrations. Early reports talk of at least 10 people having been arrested so far. Click here for the latest updates.
Sunday 3rd June:
Around 5,000 people took part today in a demonstration as part of the 'Agriculture Day of Action' in the city of Rostock under the theme of "Resistance is Fruitful". The demonstration has passed peacefully, although reports talk of police trying to escalate the situation. Reports also inform of police carrying out stop-and-searches all around the area. Earlier in the day, a group of people staged a sit-down solidarity protest outside the detention centre in Industrie Str where most of those arrested are being kept, and another one took place later in front of the court in Werder Str.
Saturday 2nd June:
The week of planned mobilisations and actions against the G8 started in full swing in the city or Rostock. Around 80,000 people followed the call to participate in two different demonstrations which converged in the downtown port area for a concert [Collected reports]. Police eventully became very violent and kept attacking the crowds several times, even those attending the concert. This resulted in some clashes with the protestors. The legal team reports a total of 164 arrests, whilst many reports talk of hundreds of people having been injured due to police violence. [Full Report and Timeline of Events] [Reports and Pics in IMC-UK newswire 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Videos: 1 | 2] Later on the night, police attacked a RTS street party by wading into a 500 strong crowd indiscriminately. On the other hand, anti-fascist activists mobilised in the city of Schwerin as a response to a nazi demo that had been called in the city, but police heavily repressed the anti-fascist activists preventing them from marching [Report and Pics]
The "hot phase" of the protests started at the ASEM summit in Hamburg last weekend ( 1 | 2 ), with a Critical Mass and a massive demonstration ( Reports 1 | 2 | 3 | Timeline | Pictures 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (nl) | 5 (indybay) | 6 ). Reports speak of up to 100 arrests but most people have already been released. Another demonstration was announced for tuesday night and a "moving assembly" under the slogan Beat Capitalism for Wednesday afternoon.
Some Basic Information
International protest is being organized for months and is going to increase in the weeks before the summit. This article is an attempt to give an overview of the preparation process:From June 2nd until the end of the summit there will be a broad range of protest activities (Overview). In the weeks before the meeting protest is organized in different cities refering to the Europe-Asia-Summit:
Friday 25th: Opening of the Convergence Centers in Berlin, Hamburg, and Rostock; Arrival of bike caravans and Critical Mass in Hamburg
Saturday 26th: Action Day for Education: International demonstration against the G8 education politics in Berlin and Hamburg
Monday 28th: International Demonstration against the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Hamburg.
Tuesday 29th: Arrival of the No Lager Caravan Tour and decentralized activities against Asia-Europe Meeting in Hamburg.
Wednesday 30th: "Beat Capitalism": Move your ass for a swinging protest! Rally with Bands and "Spoken Words" in Hamburg.
Thursday 31st: Activities at the deportation camp Horst.
Friday 1st: Temporary re-settlement of the "Bombodrom"-Area (Call and infos | Dissent!)
Saturday 2nd: International Demonstration in Rostock (Call) :: Stop the nazi demonstration in Schwerin (Infos) :: 6pm: Move Against G8 Concert
Sunday 3rd: Action Day on Agriculture (Dissent!)
Monday 4th: Action Day on Flight & Migration | Decentralized activities in and around Rostock in the morning, 1pm: Demonstration to the center of Rostock, 5pm: Concert at the place of the final gathering of the demonstration, 7.30pm: Panel discussion, In general: Activities at refugee camps, deportation authorities, etc. ( g8-migration.net.tf | no-racism.net | No Lager | Dissent!)
Tuesday 5th: Action Day against militarism and war | Blockade of the airport Rostock-Laage (Attention: Most likely this will be changed to June 6th, when the state representatives arrive) (Call | Freie Heide)
From Wednesday 6th on: Mass blockades against the G8 Summit (Call | Block G8)
Thursday 7th: Demonstration from Nienhagen, Kühlungsborn, Bad Doberan, Kröpelin
Get There
There are many buses from several german cities and from Belgium, Austria, and the Netherlands going to Rostock. (Overview of ALB) Furthermore Attac has organized three special trains to Rostock. They start in Salzburg (AUT), Basel (CH) and in Bonn (GER).There are Convergence-Centers in Berlin and Hamburg, where you can try to organize your journey to Rostock, moreover people are planning to make car parades to Rostock, Schwerin or Heiligendamm to be more protected against repression.
The local train operator announced to offer a special Ticket for the time around the summit. It can be used for the public transportation system (2nd to 9th of june, 15 Euros). Tickets can be bought in the ticket selling counters, in regional busses and trains.
The Camp Working Group is trying to organize accommodation for those who come to protest around Heiligendamm. The actual situation is that there will be three camps, one in Rostock, one in Reddelich, and one in Wichmannsdorf. The camp in Rostock is closer to the activities of the first days, the others are closer to the place where the summit takes place.
Map of camps around Heiligendamm (camping-07.de)
The camps have serious financial problems! Please support them with donations if you can.
Make Media
In Rostock-Evershagen there will be an Independent Media Centre, where you can find public computers and an internet access. Mediaactivists will also have the facility to edit their audio and video material. A smaller media centre will be found in the CC-Hamburg and in Berlin there will be public computers.The international Radiogroup will do 4 radioshows in different languages at the same time. The adresses of the streams will be found on http://de.indymedia.org. Many Indymedia activists from all over the world will be there to report about the summit and the protests. Work is in progress to offer you Infopoints at the camps, in Camp Reddelich will be an radio broadcast van.
Stay informed
Beside the websites mentioned above, there are a few other ways to stay informed. These sites offer an english newsletter: the Interventionist Left, gipfelsoli.org and Dissent!.On site it will be helpful to carry a small VHF radio receiver with you to catch actual information.
The Convergence-Centers in Berlin, Hamburg and Rostock will be set up as contact points where you can get the latest infos, local maps, legal hints and similar things.
An international Network of Videoactivists is planning to do at least three different 5 minutes lasting videoreports daily in the time from the 31st of May to 10th of June. From 2nd to 8th of June they want to do a daily live broadcast at 9 PM, the video format used will be OggTheora. It will be moderated in english and german and is supposed to be a mixture of a newsshow and a talkshow where videoclips and interviews of activists will be shown.
If you are interested in helping with the coverage of the summit and its protests, feel free to subscribe to the corresponding mailinglist, where the preparations are coordinated (german | english | mediacentre | translations). Just introduce yourself and write what you would like to do.If you want to work as a radio correspondent please write to jetsam[at]nadir[dot]org or g8[at]freie-radios[dot]de (english/francais/espanol/deutsch). Or at 30th of May at the Evershagener School, where the media centre will be, or you just call (0049 (0)381 490 95 70) or fax (0049 (0)180 502 11 21 32 60).
The protests against the g8-summit really cost a lot of money and all sectors rely on donations. For this purpose are numerous possibilities and can be found on the single sites of the sectors. The Camp and the Independent Media Centre badly need donations.(This article is being updated frequently.)
The Legal Team - EA
30.05.2007 15:29
The number of the legal team (Anwaltlicher Notdienst / Ermittlungsausschuss in german) for the upcoming protests in Heiligendamm, Germany is:
0049 - (0)3820 - 4768111
This number we will be available from the 28th of Mai onwards. People are encouraged to call us whenever they get into conflict with police forces or witness police assaults or arrests. We will then try to take care of the persons concerned.
For people taken into custody by the police, the following information should be held ready whenever possible, so we can ask for it at the phone:
- forname and surname
- date of birth (or approximated age, if unknown)
- hometown
- nationality
- the reason--as said by the police!--why the person has been
taken into custody
In *no case* do want want to hear any description of what really happened! Our phones will likely be wiretapped around the clock!
People that are affected by repression either directly or indirectly and have questions may come to our daily consultation-hour at the camp in Reddelich from 7 to 9 pm. The consultation-hour is also the right time and place to write and hand over notes about what has been experienced
and seen. (Writing the notes on site will make sure that they will not get into the wrong hands. Also, this way, people may ask questions about how to write notes in a way that they are most helpful to us.)
A few general hints on what to think about when planning for demonstrations or actions may be found on our website

and soon also in printed form at various places around Heiligendamm.
Finally, the legal team is still asking for funds:
Schwarz-Rote-Hilfe Münster e.V.
Account-Nr.: 282 052 468
BLZ: 440 100 46
Postbank Dortmund
Reason for payment: Gipfel-EA 2007
IBAN: DE02 4401 0046 0282 0524 68
Some other important phone numbers and addresses
30.05.2007 15:30
* Camp Reddelich: Suhring 1-30, 18209 Reddelich
* Camp Rostock Fischereihafen: Am Grenzschlachthof 1, 18069 Rostock
* Camp Wichmannsdorf: Hoppenberg
* Bad Doberan Infopoint Auf dem Kamp: (3.6 – 9.6), +49 (0)151 55 26 58 09
* Camp Wichmannsdorf Infopoint: +49 (0)162 374 82 87
* Mobiler Infopoint: (ab 5.6.) +49 (0)175 892 78 68
Convergence Center
* Kröpelin Infopoint Marktplatz: (ab 5.6.) +49 (0)176 6727 0957
* Reddelich Infopoint Camp: +49 (0)1577 463 0055
* Rostock Convergence Center Knut-Rasmussen-Straße 8, 18106 Rostock-Evershagen, +49 (0)173 639 2195, +49 (0)381 462 0819 (Welcoming Point)
* Rostock Infopoint Convergence Center: +49(0) 151/ 530 43722
* Rostock Infopoint Camp Fischereihafen: +49 (0)1577 230 2168
* Rostock Infopoint Hauptbahnhof: am 1., 2. und 4. Juni (hinten)
* Rostock Informationsbüro des G8-Protestes: Hermannstr. 36 (Ökohaus), 18055 Rostock
Alternative Infrastructure
* Anti-Sexist Kontakt und Awarenessgroup: +49 (0)176 67 440 646, +49 (0)151 510 95209, +49 (0)381 440 3290
* Block G8 Infotelephone: (ab. 25.05.07): +49 (0)381/ 128 2702
* Bündnis No War No G8: +49 (0)174/ 355 8963
Dark Empire
* Gefangenensammelstelle Rostock I: Industriegelände Siemens, Rostock Schmarl
* Gefangenensammelstelle Rostock II: Polizeiinspektion, 18057 Rostock, Ulmenstraße 54, +49 (0)381 49160, +49 (0)381 4916226
* Gefangenensammelstelle Bad Doberan: Polizeiinspektion, 18209 Bad Doberan, Dammchaussee 1, +49 (0)38203 560, +49 (0)38203 56226
* Gefangenensammelstelle Waldeck: 18196 Waldeck, Hohen Tannen 10, +49 (0)38208 68-270, +49 (0)38208 68-413
* Polizeidirektion Rostock: 18055 Rostock, Blücherstraße 1-3, +49 (0)381 6520, +49 (0)381 652226
* Polizeiinspektion Rostock: 18057 Rostock, Ulmenstraße 54, +49 (0)381 49160, +49 (0)381 4916226
* Polizeiinspektion Güstrow: 18273 Güstrow, Schwaaner Straße 24, +49 (0)3843 2660, +49 (0)3843 266226
Justizvollzugsanstalt Bützow: Kühlungsborner Str. 29a, 18461 Bützow, +49 (0)38461 55–0, +49 (0)38461 55–105
some information in English on German police repression
30.05.2007 15:31
RED AID ANTI-REPRESSION GUIDE: "Was tun wenn's brennt" ("What to do in case of fire")

WHEN THE GOING GETS ROUGH What foreigners need to know about german police and laws for G8

KNOW YOUR ENEMY! Many Informations about police preparations, repression, antirepression (Gipfelsoli Infogruppe, pdf)

UK VISITOR WINNER’S GUIDE About police & protest against G8 in Germany

Police Tactics in Germany

Police powers and presence for the G8 Summit

Pepperspray, CS, & Other ‘Less-Lethal’ Weapons used by Rioting Police from autonomedical collective

How to cope with being attacked by the police

Dealing With Image Material Of Demos—And How To Act In The Case Of An Arrest

Gute Nacht G8
Some maps
30.05.2007 15:43
Google Earth Heiligendamm

Google Earth Actionmap

Bad Doberan and surroundings, 1:25.000 and 1:50.000 (scanned as jpg; zip-Archive)

Accompany Aktionskarte

Talking is Over

North Of Mecklenburg:

Bad Doberan and surroundings:

Wismar - Bad Doberan - Rostock - Road Map:

Kuehlungsborn - Bad Doberan - Rostock - Road Map:

Police Headquarters:

Fence inner and outer circle:

Police Map:

Again inner and outer circle:


Delegates, refugee camps...:

more Maps:

Smash the G8
special questions on legal issues for foreigners, such as deportation etc.
30.05.2007 20:24

video-projection at the tv-tower of Hamburg
31.05.2007 04:10
nervous policeman took him in jail fora while
There is also a video oft the case on:

31.05.2007 21:40

Flyer/Programm PDF (4 pages, 300 kb)

For the demostration June 2 we meet 1:30
at mainstation in front of main entrance
right wing.
Monday, June 4, 11 am at Camp Rostock
Forced migration: International solidarity against forced evictions and
their reasons
SQUATTERS, TENANTS, HOMELESS organizing international solidarity AGAINST
EVICTIONS AND REAL ESTATE VIOLENCE, housing rights violations, forced
evictions, "slum" cleansing, gentrification/ghettoization of popular
neighborhoods, SLUMLORDS, squats, informal settlements...
Tuesday, June 5, 11 am - 4 pm at Camp Reddelich
THE CITY WE WANT, THE CITY WE FIGHT: From local struggles to global
PARTICIPATIVE WORKSHOP: We are living in global and in shrinking cities,
in slums and banlieus, in squats and rental housing, in north amd south.
Our living conditions are very different. But more and more, there are
some things we have in common...
Wednesday, June 6, 2:30 - 7:30 pm at MS Stubnitz, Stadthafen
2:30 pm: Freedom of investment and habitat/housing: Global financial
markets, privatisation, investments
with Sebastian Müller, Andrej Holm and Knut Unger (WG Habitat Forum
Environment and Development, INURA, tenants' associations), R. M.,
(Local Organizers of Community Organizations in Asia - LOCOA/India),
Vesna Tomse (urban.lab, Zurich), Wade Rathke (Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now - ACORN/USA), Alfredo Rodriguez,
(SUR/Chile), Ana Sugranyes, (Habitat International Coalition - HIC
General Secretary) and others...
5 pm: Globalising struggles for the right to housing, city, land - -
Meeting of local/urban social movements (homeless, tenants, excluded..)
by and with: WG Habitat at Forum Environment and Development - Mob
e.V./Strassenfeger (Homeless, Berlin)- Habitat International Coalition
(HIC)- International Network of Urban Research and Action (INURA) -
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) - Local
Organizers of Community Organizations in Asia (LOCOA) - MNML, Brazil -
Osaka Homeless Associations - Droit au Logement(DAL) - NO VOX
g - hate
Rostock: 433 police injured, more than 500 protesterws injured, 125 detained
03.06.2007 13:27
8th June - Action Day on Climate Change
06.06.2007 09:48
International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8.
Direct Action for Climate Justice – Resistance is Self Defense!
We all know the terrifying statistics: a million species extinct by 2050, 19 of the 20 hottest years on record since 1980, Greenland and Antarctica melting, droughts, floods, famines … the G8 have had over 30 years to address climate change and only succeeded in providing trillions in subsidies to the very industries that are destroying our planet and our future. And while the G8 continues to line their pockets, island states disappear and hundreds of thousands die as a result of the freak weather conditions caused by their irrational and uncontrollable obsession with never ending economic growth.
We have a ten-year window to act. As the megalomaniac G8 leaders meet in Germany, masked behind a barrier of fences and soldiers, intent on leading us further towards catastrophic and irreversible climate chaos, we must shout, scream and roar ‘no more’. Now is the time to take direct action and shut them down, them and their climate criminal industry friends!
The 8th of June International Day of Action Against Climate Change and the G8 has been called by the International Rising Tide Network. This is a call for autonomous, decentralized actions appropriate for your town, city, or local area. Use this international day of action to support local struggles against oil refineries, gas pipelines, strip mines and coal-fired power plants. Disrupt the financial backers of the fossil fuel industry. Organise workshops to spread sustainable post-petroleum living skills. Find a weak point in the infrastructure of resource exploitation and throw a literal or symbolic wrench in the works. It’s time to visit your local polluters and give 'em hell!
We already know of actions planned across the UK, North America, Germany, Canada and Australia and that’s just the start! By 8th June actions will be planned around the world. Pass this call out on to all environmental justice, climate action, radical sustainability and related movements in all the G8 countries and the Global South.
Rising Tide will create a collection of outreach and agit-prop materials (including this call out in five different languages) that can be used by groups around the world to organise locally. These materials will be downloadable from www.risingtide.org.uk and

Direct action and civil disobedience are the rational response in this time of crisis. Support the 8th of June International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8! Tell us about planned actions for climate justice being planned in your community. Contact us -

In June 2007 the G8 will understand the meaning of rebellion, revolt and revolution. Their recipe for catastrophe will be met with our worldwide resistance!
More info, resources and translations of this call-out in German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Russian and Portugese can be found here: www.risingtide.org.uk/g8
climate action
Full indy de ticker en - breaking news from 29th may to 9th june 2007
13.06.2007 17:01

* 00:23 ( Media activism )
Goodbye from the Indymedia G8 Dispatch team
Thanks to all the dispatchers and translators; thanks to everybody who called us; thanks to everybody out there who made the protests happen and successful. We had a lot of fun and we'll be back. Don't believe the hype!
* 23:40
Berlin: Following a spontaneous demonstration, about 300 people are still on Rosenthaler Platz in a relaxed atmosphere. Police are there with 4 squads and are surrounding the place, but people are able to pass through.
* 22:45 ( Repression )
Berlin: A rally of some 500 people has occupied Hackeschen Markt. There has been some police repression, but it seems the demonstration will able to move.
* 20:20 ( Repression )
The demonstration at the detention centre has effectively come to an end. Between 100 and 150 people are still around, but it looks as if they, too, will leave soon.
* 19:00 ( Repression )
Berlin police have arrived at the detention centre in the Ulmen Strasse. There are still around 200 people protesting. They want to stay despite the organisers' announcement that the demo has officially ended. There are police de-escalation teams around and so far the demonstration has been peaceful.
* 18:50 ( Repression )
People returning to Berlin report occasional police control at Spandau train station. Police seem to be Particularly looking for people returning from the protests around Heiligendamm.
* 17:30 ( Repression )
The solidarity demonstration from the Frieda media centre has been legalised and will take a different route to the detention centre in Ulmenstrasse. Around 500 people are present.
* 16:20 ( Blockades Repression )
Around 300 people are standing in front of the police lines in Friedrichstrasse. Another hundred are in Warnowufer, where police have blocked the street and are ordering people to leave the cross roads.
* 16:00 ( Repression )
Two water cannons have been positioned before the demonstration at Friedrichsstrasses.
* 15:55 ( Repression )
Around 1,000 people are on Friedrichsstrasse. Police have put on their helmets and want to speak to one of the 'leaders of the gathering'.
* 15:45
In a spontaneous protest, between 1,000 and 1,500 people are making their way from the final demonstration towards the detention centre in Ulmenstrasse.
* 15:20
The the demonstration in Kuehlungsborn is proceeding to the beach.
* 15:10 ( Blockades )
The clown from Kuehlungsborn has been freed again. The street is still blocked at the moment.
* 14:55
The majority of people have now arrived to the final destination of the demonstration and the first speeches have begun. The mood is positive.
* 14:50
In Kühlungsborn a bus from Camp Wichmannsdorf was stopped by the police. A clown was taken into custody. Around 100 people have now announced a spontaneous demonstration past the Press HQ to the beach.
* 14:45 ( Blockades )
Around 60-70 people are blockading a Shell petrol station in Evershagen. Nine police emergency vehicles are at the location but are holding back.
* 14:40 ( Repression )
At least four cases of people being taken into custody have been observed. One has been let go again, the other three are being taken to the detention centre. The demonstrators from the train station have arrived; police are holding them back. People are allowed to go through individually but the demonstrators want to go further together.
* 14:20 ( Repression )
Berlin police units are aggressively trying to single people out. The legal teams are there, too, trying to defuse the situation. Many incidents of people being taken into custody have been observed.
* 14:15 ( Repression )
Neue Markt is filled with people. Police are gathering forces and practically surrounding the square. People can leave but not enter without being controlled.
* 13:45
Several hundred people move in a spontaneous demonstration to the harbour, where the final rally has already arrived. People who are going from the train station to the final demonstration meeting point are being police-checked.
* 12:45 ( Repression )
Hundreds of people coming on the train from Bad Doberan have arrived at Rostock train station. Some cops try to push them out, others want to stop-and-search everybody at the entrance. The situation is peaceful but not under police control. Eventually, police seem to give up searching everybody but people have to give bottles away.
* 08:17 ( Blockades )
Protesters on the Börgerende blockade are slowly preparing to leave. After negotiations with the police, a demonstration to Bad Doberan was allowed, where it will meet people from the eastern gate blockade. Together they will travel to Rostsock by train, then march from the railway station to the final rally at the harbour.
* 00:00 ( Blockades Repression )
The use of water cannons at the western gate blockade has injured five people so badly that they had to be taken into hospital. Among them was a DPA photographer, who was treated on the spot for an eye injury. It is likely that two of the injured will have to stay in hospital. One person sustained a severe eye injury and the other a ripped ear drum. Both injuries were caused by a direct hit from the water cannons.
* 22:25 ( Blockades )
Eastern gate: Party. Many of the blockaders are dancing to the music of a soundsystem...
* 21:00 ( Camps )
Evershagen CC: Police have left the convergence centre. However, Nazis are still being spotted in the area. Many activists are staying, food and music...
* 20:45 ( Alternative Summit Repression )
The Dutch Media Bus and all 'passengers' and equipment have been freed. The bus is now available for use at Camp Reddelich.
* 20:30 ( Camps Repression )
Evershagen CC: Police have announced that they will remain around the convergence centre in order to "separate left- and right-wing people". They also said they won't enter the convergence centre compound. People are allowed to go in and out but have to be police-checked and searched for 'weapons'. The popular kitchen will be allowed to bring in food.
* 20:00 ( Antifa Camps )
Evershagen Convergence Centre, Rostock: Around 7pm, between 50 and 70 Nazis had gathered near the centre. Aware of the Nazis' plans to confront the centre, anti-G8 protesters had gathered at the centre to protect it from a possible Nazi attack. Most of the Nazis, however, were encircled and detained by police. At the moment, police are amassing around the Convergence Centre. Negotiations between activists and police are taking place and the situation is rather calm.
* 19:20 ( Blockades )
Western gate: About 300 people are still in the woods. The situation is calming down. There are still water cannons on the street. No delegates cars have been seen passing through the gate.
* 19:15 ( Blockades )
Börgerende: About 300 people are still on the blockade. The mood is generally good, although the People's Kitchen couldn't make it to the blockade. Protesters want to stay overnight.
* 18:25 ( Blockades Repression )
The Street Medics have asked police medics for help to treat a severely injured person on the demo.
* 17:50 ( Blockades Repression )
Western gate: Police start to disperse people from area. There is massive use of water cannons and police units are violently attacking the protesters. Several people have been injured.
* 17:35 ( Blockades )
Börgerende: The blockade is continuing. Some 400 people are sitting peacefully in middle of the road and are planning to stay there for a second night.
* 17:30 ( Blockades )
Western gate: Police are using water cannons against protesters. Protesters are holding a plenary meeting to discuss options for further activities. Some G8 delegates are reported to have been able to pass through the gate, escorted by police.
* 16:45 ( Blockades )
Western gate: Police are blocking the road with water cannons. A car with G8 delegates had to wait for over 45 minutes and eventually had to return back. Some 2,000 people are spread throughout the fields next to the fence and are repeatedly trying to get onto the road. The mood amongst the protesters is great.
* 15:50
Major 'breakthrough' in G8 negotiations: according to media reports, the G8 leaders have agreed to "consider" a reduction of green house gas emissions by 50% by 2050.
* 15:30 ( Blockades )
Western gate: Police reinforcements have were brought in by helicopters. Blockaders have slowly retreated and spread along the fence. Some 1,000 are sitting by the fence, while another 3,000 are moving through the fields next to it.
Eastern gate: Hundreds of people are walking along the fence.
* 15:25 ( Blockades )
Western gate: a naked bloc of 40 people have arrived and started running towards the helicopter parked in the field next to the gate.
* 15:00 ( Media activism Repression )
According to the German News Agency (DPA), special police department Kavala have denied that an undercover policeman was uncovered at one of the blockades yesterday. The lawyers group RAV, on the other hand, says that at least 5 undercover cops were involved in that same situation. RAV will sue the German tabloid Bild because of its coverage of the incident. Bild had suggested that violent protesters had protected the undercover cop.
* 15:00 ( Alternative Summit )
The Alternative Summit has come to an end. The concert starts.
* 14:25 ( Blockades )
Hinter Bollhagen: About 1,000 protesters are spread along the fence. Police do not seem to be able to cope with it, notwithstanding the massive reinforcements.
* 13:30 ( Blockades )
For more than 24 hours now, the blockades of the routes to Heiligendamm have been in place. In Börgerende and at the "race track", activists continue to blockade the roads, while at the western gate police have violently dispersed blockaders.
* 13:00 ( Repression )
Legal update: Eight fast-track trials took place yesterday. Six people were convicted to 6-10 months without probation, while two have been released on probation. Since Sunday, there have been at least 700 arrests.
* 13:00 ( Blockades )
Hinter Bollhagen, western gate: the small group of about 300 hundred people was pushed violently by police to join the bigger 2500-people group. Police are holding the street, protesters are holding the fields. There is confrontation, with police pushing back using tear gas, water cannons and batons and protesters coming back holding banners and trying to regain the road.
* 12:15 ( Blockades )
Hinter Bollhagen: More cops, with water cannons, are arriving at the crossroads just before the western gate of the fence and have closed the road leading there. The Reddelich group have emerged from the forest and arrived there too. People are dispersing into the fields. Meanwhile, about 200 people are at the gate surrounded by cops. They have been given the first warning to leave.
* 11:45 ( Blockades )
Bad Doberan: The overnight blockade at the eastern gate of the fence is still holding up and protesters have agreed to stay further. More people are arriving with food, and more cops, too. Some 20 police vans and a tank have just left the site, presumably to the western gate, where some 2,000 people from Camp Reddelich are expected to arrive.
* 10:00 ( Repression )
The overnight vigil in Ulmenstrasse in solidarity with detainees is still there. The 7 participants said they would be happy with some support.
* 10:00 ( Blockades )
About 2,000 people from Camp Reddelich have arrived at Steffenshagen and are continuing their march further north.
* 09:30 ( Blockades )
Between 1,500 and 2,000 have left Camp Reddelich and are walking through the fields up north towards the fence.
* 08:00 ( Blockades Repression )
Between 70 and 80 people have been arrested at the 105 road barricade and have been taken to the detention centre in Industriestr.
* 06:40 ( Blockades Repression )
Two barricades were built on the 105 road at the crossroads leading to Bartenshagen. Some 40 people are penned by police, while two smaller groups are also penned in the wood nearby. One police car was allegedly attacked by a colour bomb. Police have now started to clear the barricade but the road is still blocked. Two journalists were arrested, their press passes taken and stamped "invalid".
* 06:30 ( Camps Repression )
Over 20 police police cars were making some noise outside Camp Reddelich very early in the morning again. The Camp's security turned the alarm on and people were awaken. Police 'assured' them that they did not want to storm the camp but was only because a large group of people had left the camp and formed barricades nearby. All police cars have left now but there is still a helicopter hovering overheard.
* 05:00 ( Blockades )
About 200 autonomous protesters tried to get to the security fence at about 4.30am this morning, but stopped shortly after Reddelich after clashes with the police, who managed to take possession of the barricade they had built near Steffenshagen, then dismantled it, whilst protesters took to the fields and nearby woods.
* 00:30 ( Repression )
Rostock: 8 people are doing a vigil at the detention centre in Ulmenstr., Rostock and intend to stay there overnight.
* 23:00 ( Blockades )
All remaining blockades have decided to stay overnight. In Boergerende, there are about 600 people; about 120 between Nienhagen and Rethwisch; and about 500 at the eastern gate near Bad Doberan.
* 22:15 ( Repression )
Legal update: So far 200 arrests have been made today, of which 60-70 were in a parking lot near the Rostock Laage airport. Two lawyers were not allowed through but, instead, warned that if they came back they would be arrested. At both detention centres in Ulmen and Industriestr., all lawyers were kicked out of the the lawyers room. An alternative media bus from Amsterdam was seized by police and the driver was physically forced to drive the bus. A Stern photographer was arrested for "inciting violence".
* 22:00 ( Blockades )
Between 800 and 1,000 people are still on the blockade at Gate 2 (Bad Doberan). They all now sitting together in one big blockade and prepare to stay overnight. Police is staying at the back. Other people either went back to the camps or dispersed into the woods.
* 21:00 ( Camps Repression )
The situation in Camp Rostock seems to relax now as police cars drive away. Meanwhile, the situation at the Boergerende blockade seems to have calmed down too. Police are hold back and there are no signs of an eviction. Approx 1,500 people are still holding up in Boergerende, 1,000 at the 'gallop course' at Gate 2 of the fence.
* 20:30 ( Camps Repression )
Camp Rostock: Police are still stationed with substantial forces round the camp. Legal teams are present and negotiations are going on. Police want to search the Camp but have not shown, however, a search warrant - only a request. So, for now, there is no legal basis for a search of the Camp. At the moment there about 3,000 people in the Camp.
* 20:00 ( Media activism Repression )
The Amsterdam Media Bus has been seized by police, the pretext being that they had suspicions that there may have been a priate radio station run from the bus.
* 20:00 ( Blockades Repression )
An NDR reporter was overheard reporting that there are Molotovs on the big blocade at the eastern gate of the fence. When he was confronted by protesters as to where he got that from, he said he was depending on information from the German News Agency (DPA). However, when their correspondent there was asked about it, he said he hadn't seen nothing and "they" probably got that from DPA. Meanwhile, cops are now walking among protesters, a provocative action in itself, according to the organisers. They, too, were overheard that they were searching for 'evidence' to prove the story.
* 19:55 ( Blockades Repression )
About 100 police cars and two water cannons are standing outside Camp Rostock. Allegedly 100 policemen are standing next to the International Hedonistist barrio and another 400 surrounding the Camp. The situation has not escalated, however.
* 19:50 ( Blockades )
Gate II, Galopprennbahn (near Bad Doberan): Several thousand people are still on the blockade. The situation is relatively calm and peaceful but police units of one hundred are charging into the crowd every now and then withdraw again. There has been no confrontation and so far no arrests. Police units running into the crowed are apparently going back and reporting to their commanders about 'masked people'.
* 19:35 ( Blockades Repression )
The Dutch Media Bus is stopped and surrounded by police in Bad Doberan.
* 19:25 ( Blockades Repression )
Situation at the Boergerende blockade becomes more tense. Police are trying to surround the protest, using batons. 1,500-2,000 people, however, continue the blockade. So far there has been at least one arrest.
* 19:15 ( Blockades Repression )
The sit-down blockade in Hinter Bollhagen near Gate 1 has been forecfully dissolved by police. Protesters are withdrawing, some having been hurt by pepper spray and batons.
* 19:00 ( Blockades )
Police have announced that they will prevent food supplies to activists at blockades. Water and meals are not being let through any more. A doctor had requested that Disaster Control provide blankets for protesters as they face the provision of cold. Police, however, have not approved this.
* 18:35 ( Blockades Repression )
Hinter Bollhagen: A peaceful sit-down blockade near Gate I of the fence, with approximately 100 participants, is being brutally dispersed by police. A water cannon is being used and cops are reportedly beating people up.
* 18:20 ( Blockades Repression )
Police start to flog into the front rows of the blockade in Boergerende. At the same time, heavy equipment is being moved towards Rethwisch.
* 17:30 ( Blockades )
Up to 1,000 people are walking by the fence towards Hintert Bollhagen.
* 16:50 ( Blockades Repression )
The clowns at the Western Gate in Hinter Bollhagen were penned in by a Snatch Squad in black uniform for a while. They were then ordered to leave the place or get arrested and were escorted to Kühlungsborn. The Western Gate is now deserted.
* 16:25 ( Blockades )
Police have brought in two water cannons and a sweeping tank at Gate II. The atmosphere is slightly tense and the blockade is slowly moving backwards.
* 16:15 ( Blockades )
At present about 2,000 people are on the blockade in Rethwisch. They are spread over approximately 1km. The atmosphere is relaxed. Water supplies have arrived but the food is hindered by cops at Admannshagen.
* 16:15 ( Blockades )
Except for some 30 clowns and 30 cops facing each other about 200m off the fence, everything else seems to be calm.
* 14:55 ( Blockades )
More than 2,000 people are still on the road block in Boergerende-Rethwitsch. The police occupied the crossroads after Rethwitsch leading to Bad Doberan and Boergerende-Rethwitsch.
* 14:50 ( Blockades )
The four registered rallies/blockades surrounding the Rostock-Laage airport have all ended now. Protesters were almost outnumbered by police, accompanied by some army in armoured vehicles.
* 14:35 ( Blockades )
A motorway blockade on the A19 has been brutally ended. About 60 people were arrested.
* 14:15 ( Blockades )
Gate 2 (Bad Doberan): Police are removing the 50 or so activists, who were sitting in front of the gate, some 300 meters away, where a large group of protesters are standing.
* 13:45 ( Blockades )
Today, the Federal Constitutional Court confirmed the complete ban of demonstrations against the G8. The alliance "Sternmarsch" (march starting from several locations towards one place) is not going to register further events. A speaker said: "We don't consider ourselves responsible for the course of events in actions and demonstrations. The democratic path has been closed for us".
* 13:40 ( Blockades Repression )
The 200 or so people blocking Doberanstr. near Rethwisch are being forcefully removed to the side of the road. There is a large police presence, accompanied by water cannons. No arrests have been reported.
* 13:30 ( Blockades )
The blockade from Admannshagen have successfully gone round the police lines, and more than 500 people are on their way to the 'Küstenstrasse'. At the Eastern Gate (II), demonstrators have started to dismantle the Nato barbed wire.
* 13:30 ( Blockades )
The big demonstration at Gate II of the fence seems calm, although a large number of cops are present. Protesters say most of the roads have been blocked, either by protesters or police, except for a small road through with some delegates are said to have been 'smuggled'.
* 12:55 ( Blockades )
Organisers say there are over 10,000 people on the blockades. Some 5,000 have 'settled down' directly in front of the police-controlled Gate 2 of the Fence in Bad Doberan. Six helicopters have dispatched 100 police in front of the blockade and 2 water cannons are standing by. No arrests or serious injuries have been reported there yet.
* 12:55 ( Blockades )
10.000 people are blocking the G8. More than 5.000 have settled down directly in front of the police-controlled gate 2 of the Fence in Bad Doberan. Six helicopters have dispatched 100 police in front of the blockade.
* 12:15 ( Blockades )
Official vehicles of delegations are on the road from Lichtenhagen via Elmenhorst towards Nienhagen.
* 12:15 ( Blockades )
A few 'fingers' have made it through police lines and police are now withdrawing gradually to catch up with them.
* 12:00 ( Blockades )
About 2,000 in the fields near Admanshagen are being chased and confronted by police, who started using water cannons and tear gas. A few people affected by tear gas are being treated by medics. Police are refusing to talk to anyone, including legal teams and organisers. A few helicopters are still hovering overhead. Meanwhile, the 105 road is still blocked by police.
* 11:30 ( Blockades )
Evershagen: Like a lot of other places, both entrances into the Evershagen Convergence are 'blocked' by two police vans each. People coming in and out are being checked and their names/photos compared to police profiles from previous days.
* 10:50 ( Blockades )
More than 2000 people near Admannshagen are leaving across the fields along the country lane towards the demonstration exclusion zone. Police seems to be a bit stretched. About 30 vehicles were stopped on the motoway towards Rostock-Laage, kilometer 96,5.
* 10:30 ( Blockades )
Approximately 1,500 people are now at the rally at Admannshagen. The mood is good. People from Camp Wichmannsdorf have left. Hardly any police.
* 10:00 ( Blockades )
People have left Camp Wichmannsdorf. Not many police can be seen around.
* 10:00 ( Blockades )
About 5,000 people from Reddelich, mostly from Block the G8, have reached the demonstration exclusion zone near the village of Brodhagen. A sound system has also just arrived. Trying to get past the police lines, they are now walking through the fields. 8 helicopters are hovering overhead.
* 09:30 ( Blockades )
About 300 people have gathered in a field near Admannshagen (about one mile north of the 105 road). Police are searching people who approach the place but they let them through. Relaxed atmosphere at the junction Bargeshagen (105) as well. Police controls on the road in the direction Admannshagen.
* 09:00 ( Blockades )
People started to leave the camps and head to different blockade points. Three buses are stop-and-searched by police on the 105 road near Sievershagen. The situation is still calm.
* 03:00 ( Repression )
A big numbers of police cars were making some noise outside Camp Reddelich very early in the morning. The Camp's security turned the alarm on and people were awaken. The cops left shortly afterwards. Many campers believe this was just to intimidate them and prevent them from sleeping so that they don't have enough energy for the blockades today.
* 21:50 ( Repression )
Kühlungsborn: The anti-repression demo has ended at the Baltic Sea, after calling at the international press centre (where mainstream journalists will be based during G8 coverage). Police did not succeed in preventing participants from continuing their demo up to the beach as the clowns 'clowned' through their chain. The protest concluded with the clowns bathing in the the Baltic Sea.
* 20:55 ( Repression )
Kühlungsborn: The anti-repression demonstration is has now 1,000 participants. They have arrived at Kühlungsborn and now want to 'welcome' Bush symbolically.
* 20:45 ( Repression )
The anti-repression demonstration in Kühlungsborn may continue now.
* 20:40 ( Blockades Repression )
Weitendorf: One of buses stopped by police on the motorway has been let free and is heading back now.
* 20:30 ( Blockades )
Weitendorf: Things seem to be coming to an end. About 200 people are being walked surrounded by police on the B103 road, probably to the train station, as there are no shuttle services.
* 20:00 ( Repression )
Schwaan: It has been confirmed that eight arrests were made today at Schwaan station not six, all under the Crime Prevention Law.
* 19:45 ( Blockades Repression )
Weitendorf: On the B103 road near the village of Weitendorf, between the airport and the highway, several road blockades took place. Some brutal arrests were made, especially by Berlin police units. Earlier, the sound system had announced that police were walking around to single out people and snatch them. A car, probably belonging to the French delegation, was briefly stopped.
* 19:15 ( Blockades )
Weitendorf: Six helicopters have just left the Rostock Laage airport together. Probably Mr. G.W. Bush was flown in one of them to Heiligendamm.
* 19:10 ( Camps Repression )
Camp Wichmannsdorf: An anti-repression demonstration started a while ago from Camp Wichmannsdorf and is heading towards the main press centre of ARD in Kühlungsborn. The 150 or so protesters were stopped by police at the outskirts of Kühlungsborn and may not go any further. A press conference is supposed to be taking place at the moment and is not to be disturbed by the protest.
* 19:05 ( Blockades )
Weitendorf: George Bush has landed in Rostock Laage. Slogans like "George Bush - terrorist" become louder and louder.
* 18:50 ( Repression )
At least 6 people have been arrested so far at Schwaan station, one of them is know to be Polish.
* 18:00 ( Blockades Repression )
Weitendorf: About 1,000 demonstrators have already arrived at the designated area for the demonstration. A bus from Camp Rostock is currently stopping at a parking lot on the motorway and is being police-checked. Another bus was stopped and, after being checked and filmed, people were walked by police to the demo. About half of the 250 or so people who were stuck in Schwaan waiting for the shuttle service, have since arrived. Police seems to hold back so far and members of Berlin police 'deescalation teams' are present. The demonstration is taking place in accordance with the conditions set by the Higher Administrative Court.
* 18:00 ( Blockades )
Weitendorf: Loudspeakers are informing people of the situation. The demonstration will start as soon as all have arrived and is intending to continue until Bush flies off in a helicopter. A 'kitchen' is providing a nice soup, a drums band is playing free jazz and the mood generally sounds good. There's also a lot of mainstream media.
* 17:00 ( Repression )
'Suspicious' cars driving from Rostock to the Rostock-Laage airport are being diverted by the police to a parking lot off the motorway to be searched and passengers' details taken. The 'Amsterdam Media Bus' was stopped a while ago and people are being checked and filmed one by one. At train stations, police checks are also intensifying. A group of 100 or so protesters are stuck at the Schwaan bus station, where buses to the airport usually pass, but the buses are not stopping at that stop now. Some of them already had their personal details taken by some 50 cops.
* 17:00 ( Alternative Summit )
Rostock: The G8 Alternative Summit has just started.
* 16:15 ( Anti-militarism )
In Weitendorf, south of the airport Rostock Laage, several hundred people are assembling for a rally. The PA has been controlled and the banners have been checked. Heavy controls at Rostock main station.
* 14:50 ( Anti-militarism )
Rostock: The anti-militarism demonstration in Warnemünde has finished.
* 14:30 ( Migration Repression )
Rostock: Towards the end of yesterday's migration demo, some Clowns were making fun of cops using, among other things, water pistols. At one point, a cop 'confiscated' a water pistol, and his carrying it was a nice pose for mainstream photographers. Later on, Spiegel published a story that 8 cops were affected by chemicals used by the clowns. They later edited the story on their website to say police are accusing the clowns of that.
* 14:00 ( Anti-militarism )
Rostock: The announced rally at the Hanse-Kaserne has been called off by the organisers. About 50 people had been waiting for about one hour. The police was present with two water cannons.
* 14:00 ( Repression )
Camp Rostock: Around 2am this morning, several people from the Camp Security group were stop-and-searched by police for about two hours. Their walkie-talkies were seized for suspicions of planning criminal offences. The people concerned were forced to mask up to be photographed.
* 14:00 ( Anti-militarism )
Rostock-Warnemünde: the anti-militarism demo has reached the end point at the Underground station, with 1500-2000 participants. The mood is high; there are many speeches and police are standing at a distance from the rally.
* 14:00 ( Anti-militarism )
Rostock: About 300-400 hundred people gathered at the Caterpillar headquarters. A short rally with some speeches was held, then people carried on to EADS, where police numbers increased significantly. Protesters were escorted by cops on the train and were searched as they boarded.
* 13:00 ( Anti-militarism Repression )
Rostock: The anti-militarism demonstration in Warnemünde has started with some 500 participants, but people are not moving yet. Police have restricted the demo to one lane of the road. At the train station, police are stop-and-searching people arriving and taking their personal details.
* 12:50 ( Repression )
Rostock: A German national was sentenced to 10 months in prison this morning in a fast-track trial. The charges were attempted severe bodily hard and breach of the peace. He was released on bail and is on the way home.
* 12:00 ( Anti-militarism )
After calling off the Israel protest at the Security Fence in Vorder Bollhagen, many protesters went to join the anti-Catterpillar action in Carl-Hopp Str. Caterpillar is a company that manufactures bulldozers used by the Israeli army to demolish Palestinian houses and lands. Others went to join the anti-militarism demo in Warnemünde.
* 11:40 ( Blockades )
About 4000 people have almost reached the fence near the racing course. 2000 are trying to block the street leading to gate 2. Police is arresting people, but there are not many police around. 12 helicopters in the air.
* 11:40 ( Anti-militarism Repression )
An action at the Security Fence in Vorder Bollhagen, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 1967 war and the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and protest against the apartheid wall, has been called off because organisers refused to be escorted by police and because police pre-conditions restricted the number of participants to 15 people. [call]
* 11:30 ( Repression )
Rostock-Evershagen, 11:30: Like a lot of other places, both entrances into the Evershagen Convergence are 'blocked' by two police vans each. People coming in and out are being checked and their names/photos compared to police profiles from previous days.
* 06:30 ( Repression )
The Kavala (G8 special police department) have banned all the events on Thursday, including those outside the banned zones I and II, that the Star March coalition had registered as 'substitute events' should a complete ban be confirmed by the Federal Constitutional Court later today. [press release]
* 22:30 ( Repression )
The Legal Team's interim report: So far approximately 322 detained +++ At least 10, mostly youngsters, awaiting trial +++ Unlawful prolonged detention +++ Grave violations by the police, including against lawyers +++ Authority wrangling between Kavala and operational commanders: the operational commander criticises police tactics during the demonstration.
* 22:30 ( Repression )
German-Polish border: The occupation of the train by Polish activists, who were refused entry into Germany, has ended now. After anti-terrorist squads were brought in, police gave the activists half an hour to leave, and so they did.
* 21:30 ( Anti-militarism )
Hundreds of people demonstrated today against George W. Bush's visit to Prague. The protest was particularly against the planned stationing of US missiles in Tschechien.
* 20:45 ( Repression )
A police check point has been set up by the detention centre on Industrie Str and people's ID's are being checked when passing through there.
* 20:15 ( Repression )
According to the Legal Teams, 53 people were arrested today, 17 of whom have been released already. Since Saturday, there have been at least 315 arrests, the greater part of which were for "violation of the laws of demonstration"/the "ban on disguises". There have been also 10 arrest warrants. Nine cases are supposed to be brought in front of a court this week in a fast-track trials. Most of these will take place on Wednesday.
* 20:00 ( Repression )
German borders: Border controls into Germany are reportedly being tightened against anti-G8 activists. Cia.bzzz.net, a Polish activist website, reported earlier that a train carrying Polish anarchists was stopped by German border police at Gumience-Szczecin. They were told that they would be arrested immediately if they continued their journey. In response, the anarchists occupied the train and hung banners out of the windows. A while ago, 5 German activists joined the occupation and it sounds like a party atmosphere. More police are also arriving. The train has been totally removed from the timetable and, since the activists have tickets valid for one day, it is expected that the occupation will go on till 3:30am. Earlier today, 18 activists on a bus from Poland were stopped and sent back home. Later on, another 3 people were stopped at a petrol station just after passing the border from the Netherlands. Two of the three have been declared 'safe' but have not got their passports back yet. The third is still being investigated and might be sent back to the Netherlands.
* 19:35 ( Migration )
Despite police provocations, thousands of protesters have arrived at the final rally point of the demo, the city harbour. Music is playing, the mood is high and participants apparently did not let the long stopping of the march bring their hopes down.
* 19:15 ( Migration )
Rostock: About a thousand of the demonstrators spontaneously marched down to the harbour, accompanied by a sound system and lots of riot police. At the harbour, they are being joined by many more activists.
* 18:30
About 70 people took part in a solidarity demo in Bern.
* 18:10 ( Migration Repression )
The organisers have called the demonstration off because it was simply not possible to go on. They found the change of route proposed by police unacceptable. Cops is standing very close all around the demo; at front and back there are water cannons. The organisers have also announced that they want to try and continue the closing rally at the city harbour as planned, but police have announced that it won't tolerate any spontaneous protests.
* 17:00 ( Migration )
Rostock: The march has reached Park Str. and the police are now saying that it can't go through the inner city because the number of protesters has exceeded the "2000 limit". The police figure is 8,500, although people on the march say it's probably less. Riot police are arriving.
* 16:00 ( Migration )
Rostock: After hard negotiations with the police, the demo has finally started to move towards the harbour, but 'escorted' by lines of police on either side. Some 50 meters later, however, it was stopped again. Approximately 5,000 are on the March. A small spontaneous demo, with some 200-300 participants, has also started and is marching down Wismarsche Str. towards the main march.
* 15:15 ( Migration )
Rostock: Police have just announced that the rally and march can carry on as long as people don't cover their faces and carry 'weapons'. The mood is positive and colourful, with a Samba band and clowns dominating the picture.
* 14:50 ( Migration )
Rostock: The organisers of the "Global Freedom of Movement and Equal Rights" demonstration have just announced over the sound system that police have declared the rally and march as illegal because there are some "500 potentially violent protesters" and that they will not allow it to continue. Organisers, however, are not accepting this and are trying to negotiate. Music is still playing.
* 14:10 ( Migration )
The rally has just started, although the international speakers are still being 'processed' by police.
* 13:50 ( Repression )
The Grey Bus from Theaterstraat (a bus carrying protesters from Amsterdam) was stopped-and-searched by cops for about 3 hours at Hamburgerstrasse earlier this morning. Eight people from several countries were arrested and taken to the detention centre in Industrie Str. Charges are probably related to carrying things like caps, gloves and lemons. A 15-minute solidarity protest was held outside of the detention centre. The bus is now on its way to the Migration rally.
* 13:30 ( Migration )
Rostock: Between 2000 and 3000 people are waiting at the Fluchtelingslager. Police have just arrived and started checking everyone, including the speakers from Africa. The organisers are waiting for that to finish to start their rally.
* 13:30 ( Camps Repression )
A train from Reddelich only goes as far as Bad Doberan. Replacement buses are being used. In Sievershagen, buses are being stopped by police and people's bags are being searched. Buses then continue their way.
* 12:30 ( Migration Repression )
On their way back from the Sonnenblumen House demo, protesters were attacked by cops again. Police pushed people onto the train and then hit some of them while they were all inside.
* 12:30 ( Camps Migration )
Rostock: People coming from Reddelich going to the migration rally got off at the Thiefelder train station to find a lot of riot police waiting for them. They were put back on the train again to be sent back, then let go a while later and are now heading to the main Migration Rally.
* 12:00 ( Repression )
Rostock: A bus carrying protesters was stop-and-searched at Holbeinplatz. Police said they are looking for "weapons". The Legal Team was hindered in its work and told to leave the square. So far three arrests have been been made.
* 12:00
A protest took place at the hotel where the Japanese delegate to the G8 are are staying took place around midday. 12 activists, mostly from Japan, entered the lobby and voiced loudly their complaints. Among other things, the protest was about the Japanese precarity and the global war politics of the Japanese government. Japan will be hosting the next G8 in 2008.
* 11:45 ( Migration )
The Sonnenblumen House protest seems to be over now. People are heading to the station, slightly pushed by police.
* 11:35 ( Migration Repression )
Sonnenblumenhaus: A protester from Cameron has been seriously injured by cops (probably broken nose). He apparently happened to be standing in the middle of the Black Bloc, so cops charged in and snatched him violently. An ambulance has just arrived and he's been taken to hospital.
* 11:30 ( Repression )
Rostock: Violence seems to have died down a bit now. Three or four arrests were made, allegedly because people were covering their faces. A journalist was injured when his camera was pushed violently into his face. Medics and legal observers are on the site. Police CCTV vans have arrived. Police have blocked the road and are standing in groups some a few meters away from protesters. People are not penned in or kettled yet.
* 11:00 ( Migration Repression )
Rostock: Riot police started to charge into the protest at the Sonnenblumen House and snatch certain people after filming and observing them for a while. 3 Arrests have been reported so far but the legal observers were pushed away and not allowed to get their details. Police are reportedly being very aggressive for no apparent reason.
* 10:50 ( Migration )
Rostock: About 1,500 have already gathered at the Sonnenblumen House in Lichtenhaben to remember the 1992 Nazis attack on the refugee 'reception centre' and a hostel for Vietnamese workers. More people are expected to arrive. Speeches started a while ago and the atmosphere seems to be relaxed.
* 10:00 ( Migration )
Rostock: Some 2,000 had gathered at the Immigration Department in Werftstraße (where refugees and migrants are dealt with) since 8am. The atmosphere was nice, with a Samba band and street theatre, who performed, among other things, a show called “Germany looks for the super German”. The Department was closed, allegedly for a "sudden software breakdown". People are now heading to the Sonnenblumen House in Lichtenhaben, where a remembrance called “3 Days in August” of the 1992 neo-Nazis attack on the refugee 'reception centre' and a hostel for Vietnamese workers will be held.
* 09:10 ( Repression )
Rostock: A fleet of 20 or so police cars, with their sirens and flash lights on, was seen passing by the Rostock Convergence Centre, probably heading towards the Sonnenblumen House, where a rally is supposed to take place from 10am.
* 09:00 ( Camps Repression )
Rostock: A group of 200-300 people coming from Camp Reddelich found over 100 cops in riot gear awaiting them at Rostcok's central station. They are now being searched one by one, some having their personal details taken. The hallway, where the process is going on, had been cleared from people so that there's no eye witnesses.
* 23:15 ( Repression )
A group of concert goers were suddenly and, seemingly, groundlessly attacked by a police unit on their way back to Camp Rostock. One person received a hard blow to the head and remained laying on the ground for around 10 minutes without moving, but still conscious until an ambulance came. Meanwhile another person was taken into custody. A journalist was only let through after putting on a lot of pressure.
* 21:20
After being let free a while ago, three German clowns went back into McDonald's to translate for the foreign Clowns but they were arrested straight away. The legal observers don't know what the charges are yet.
* 20:50
The Clowns are being let free, having been held in a police pen for several hours following their action at a McDonal's. They all, of course, had their personal information taken and the rest of it.
* 19:20
Rostock: A new police unit has taken over from the old one, which had assured the protesters at Industrie Str that they can carry on as long as they don't block the road, and gave them 10 minutes to desperse or... The are between 20 and 30 cops and 10 to 15 protesters.
* 17:30
The Star Marsh coalition is tomorrow lodging a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court against the general ban on demonstrations around Heiligendamm.
* 17:15
Rostock: All those who had been kettled (surrounded by cops) at the detention centre on Industrie Str. have been freed now. One group was kept for about 2.5 hours and were not given any food or drinks. The reason, police said, was breaching of the law of carrying "disguise objects" (things you can cover your face with). Besides, they said that you breach this law if you carry a cap, a scarf and a hoodie at the same time, but if you have only one of these, then it's OK. Everyone was filmed while being made to wear their 'disguise cloths', and the footage was compared with older police footage.
* 17:00
Rostock: The "Move Against the G8" festival has started at the harbour. There are some 1,000 people. Some 50 cops are stop-and-searching people and taking their personal details if they had anything on them that "could be used as a weapon" (chains, spikes etc.).
* 17:00
Groß Lüsewitz: The Agriculture Day of Action rally has arrived at the biggest GMO test field, just before Groß-Lüsewitz. Most of the 300 or so participants had gone there by bicycles after the demo in Rostock ended. While some stayed behind in the field, others carried on for the rally in Groß-Lüsewitz. Police presence is very high, with dogs and horses. In the morning, a 1,000 square meter GMO field was "harvested".
* 16:15
Rostock: The spontaneous protest in front of the court in Werder Str. drew about 150 participants, who tried to block the court entrance by sitting down. Reports say the protest has ended.
* 15:45 On the B105 road, near Alt-Sievershagen, about 10km before Bad Doberan, some 30 clowns were dancing in McDonald's. A big police unit, with about 30 vehicles and riot gear, are surrounding the clowns and their cars and preventing them from moving.
* 15:30
Rostock, 15:30: The Agriculture Day of Action day has finished now with closing speeches, with speakers from Brazil, Mali and Nicaragua among others. The demo had grown to about 5,000 participants. Police has been mostly calm, although they have been checking rucksacks. Cops kept running but because people reacted sensibly they didn't give them any excesses for escalation. Some participants are now driving to Groß-Lüsewitz, where a rally is supposed to take place.
* 15:30
Groß Lüsewitz: A protest against Groß Lüsewitz-based AgroBio-Technikum, a centre for agro-biotechnological research opened in 2004, and its controversial GMO research and field trials is taking place. Beside the locals, about 50 activists are present. The rally from Rostock not arrived yet.
* 15:00
Rostock: Police are carrying out stop-and-searches in different places throughout the city on people who look 'suspecious'.
* 14:40
Some 20 'normal' people who were just arriving their to join the protest were stopped by the police and kettled. Negotiations ongoing.
* 14:35
Police got into their cars again and started chasing people in their cars.
* 14:30
Some 15 people are doing a sit-down in front of the court on Neue-Werder Str, where the arrestees from yesterday are supposed to appear before a judge. More protesters are expected to arrive.
* 14:30
Some 10 police cars with lots of cops, all in riots gear, just arrived and started to chase the 'people in black' down the streets.
* 14:15
A group of 20-25 people from Camp Rostock have just joined the solidarity protest in Industrie Str. The cops immediately started to put their riot gear on as most of the new arrivers are wearing black. Protesters, who now number about 60, are standing on the pavement in front of the detention centre.
* 13:30
Rostock: People are starting to leave the solidarity protest outside the detention centre in Industrie Str., some just wandering about. There is still 40-45 people. Cops said as long as they are not blocking the road, the protest will be allowed to continue peacefully.
* 12:30
Rostock: Following a rally at the Faculty for Agricultural and Environmental Science, approximately 3,000 people started marching around the city centre as part of the Agriculture Day of Action. Many big puppets and one huge puppet monster can be seen, and many international banners. A small rally at a Lidl supermarket was held on the way. There is a large police presence but the situation is still quiet.
* 12:25
Protesters have been moved away onto the pavement.
* 12:15
Rostock: The bigger group of protesters joined the smaller one outside the prison's door. More cops with dogs.
* 12:10
Rostock: There are 3 police cars and some 15 cops. A small group of protesters, who arrived before the cops, are standing immediately outside the prison's door, while the rest, who arrived after, are not allowed to go nearer.
* 12:00
Rostock: Some 60-70 people have gathered outside the detention centre in Industrie Str. in a solidarity protests with the people who were arrested yesterday and are still held there. There is some police presence but the situation is still calm.
* 08:30
The Legal Team said 164 people were arrested yesterday, 17 of whom will be charged. Two of cases are said to be fast-tracked.
* 01:50
Rostock: After being kettled for a short while, people have been released and are heading back home.
* 01:35
Rostock: Cops are chasing people down the streets. They have also broken into the place where the music was coming from, Anker. They are trying to shove people to Doberaner Platz at the end of the road.
* 01:15
Rostock: A Reclaim The Streets party in Doberaner Str., which was so far going nicely, is being violently repressed by police at the moment. 5 police units in riot gear arrived and stopped the party very violently for no apparent reason, beating the 500 or so party goers with batons.
* 21:50
Camp Rostock: Police are said to be retreating now.
* 21:15
Camp Rostock: About 30-40 cops, 4 or 5 water cannons and one sweeping tank outside the camp, but no violent confrontations at the moment.
* 20:45
Camp Rostock: About 200 people from Camp Rostock wanted to go and hold a solidarity protest at the prison where the people who were arrested earlier today are held. However, they were confronted with police and water cannons a few hundred meters outside the camp.
* 20:00
Rostock: According to the Legal Teams, at least 100 were detained on the Rostock demo today.
* 20:00
Schwerin: According to the Legal Teams, as of 6:00pm over 100 nicked at the Schwerin central train station were still detained without being charged. More recent reports, however, say most of them have been released now.
* 19:35
The concert organisers want to continue with the concert anyway. The situation is calm now.
* 19:20
Irie Révoltés are playing now. People are dancing the police out of the place.
* 18:45
The concert is interrupted again.
* 18:40
The concert resumes. A lot of arrests and water cannons in action.
* 18:25
A cloud of tear gas could still be seen in the harbour area. Two water cannons are still there but not in action. Snatch squads are trying single out people from the crowd or leaving groups to arrest them. Accesses and exits from the harbour area are only from the front and back, but not the lanes to the city centre any more.
* 18:15
The situation calms down somewhat. There are bigger groups of people in front of the stage and towards the Speicher. In between, police and water cannons. All roads to the city centre are closed in both directions. Polices forces from several federal states as well as the federal police are involved.
* 18:05
The concert has stopped.
* 18:00
Police are using 5 water cannons in the festival area, and three additional ones in the streets, to extinguish on a burning car and burning barricades (made of garbage containers). A bigger group of people is being pushed away in the direction of the Speicher. The concert on the stage goes on an audience of several thousands.
* 17:45
Rostock: The demo organisers say some 80.000 people took part in the international demo today.
* 17:30
A water cannon and tear gas are being used by cops against the remaining demonstrators at the only exit from the rally area, so people are not able to leave although the speeches and music have stopped.
* 17:30
Snatch squads in black gear with dogs were seen in Rostock shopping centre following a group of demonstrators who dispersed into the inner city. A 'check point' and stop-and-searches on Rosa Luxemburg St. and other main streets.
* 17:05
Rostock: A freelance photographer was beaten up by about 20-30 cops near the stage in the Harbour area during the big Rostock rally. Her camera was completely smashed. She herself was hit straight with batons on the head, but luckily for her she was wearing a helmet, which prevented heavier injuries.
* 16:40
Police are withdrawing from the harbour area and water cannons are being taken away too.
* 16:15
Some 20 cops were seen at the Bramow train station, near Camp Rostock, and more police cars driving in that direction, presumably to conduct controls or arrest demonstrators coming back from the Rostock demo.
* 16:10
Rostock: Riot police units have charged into the crowd near the stage again and are now surrounded by people. Bottles and stones are been thrown at them.
* 15:40
Rostock: The situation seems to be calming down a little. There was an announcement from the stage that the music will be stopped until the police retreat and police have allegedly said they will.
* 15:30
Rostock: Police have retreated to the edge of the harbour along the trees line, but are still 'charging' into the crowd every now and then on that side of the demo. Several more people have been arrested and more injuries.
* 15:20
Rostock: An ambulance was seen taking someone with injuries. Several injuries have been reported but no details yet. It is not only the so-called Black Bloc that is being attacked but also other 'normal' protesters.
* 15:10
Rostock: A group of 40-50 riot cops, who had charged into the demonstrators, were surrounded by people putting their hands up peacefully, while pushing towards them, until they drove them out of the crowd, but then the cops turned around and started hitting with their batons again. This hands-up pushing was repeated again a while later.
* 15:00
Rostock: Confrontations have kicked off on the Rostock march as it arrived in Am Strande street by the Harbour, where the concert is supposed to be held. Blocs of riot police rushed into the crowd for no apparent reason and split the mass into two parts, hitting people randomly. Some demonstrators reacted back by throwing stones, bottles and sticks. At least 5 injuries and over 10 arrests have been witnessed so far.
* 14:15
Schwerin: The first bus of people who were arrested at the central train station has arrived at a 'detention place' in Graf-Yorck Street. The second bus, which has 6-7 minors aboard, has just left the station.
* 13:45
Rostock: Demonstrators at the Rostock central station are still preparing to march and will continue to do so for at least another 20 minutes. There are about 40 big puppets and two samba bands at the front of the march. A black bloc of several thousand people are on the march too. It was announced from the rally stage a while ago that Nazis are heading towards Rostock but not to worry.
* 13:15
Rostock: The big demo has started to march from the Rostock central train station.
* 13:05
Shwerin: The 150 or so Antifa activists penned in at the Schwerin train station are all being arrested right now. So far 30-40 have been put on a green police coach as well as a public transport bus commandeered by police. There are approximately 100 left in the pen in the process of being arrested and their personal details taken. Legal observers are also trying to get people's names through the windows. While being walked to the buses through a corridor formed by police vans, arrestees are being interviewed by mainstream media.
* 12:30
Rostock: The demo coordination group said that all buses carrying protesters have arrived in Rostock without any police controls.
* 12:20
The National Democratic Party (neo-Nazis) are demonstrating at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. There are some 200 Nazis in Güstrow. Another 5 buses of Nazis are on their way to Berlin.
* 11:50
Schwerin: Police have cleared the square outside the train station and cordoned it off. A water canon has been brought in. Antifas are still inside the pen and it looks like they might be arrested soon (police have put helmets on etc.). There are some legal observers and mainstream media.
* 11:00
Some 100 Antifa activists are penned in by police at the main train station, while a helicopter is hovering overhead. The city looks deserted and there are anti-Nazi signs (a Swastika in a red rubbish bin) all over the place.
* 10:50
Schwerin: Cars driving into the city are being stopped by police and people asked whether they are going to the demonstration. There are some 100 Antifa activists at the central train station at the moment waiting for the court decision.
* 09:00
Bombodrom: The Bombodrom action has successfully finished this morning. Everyone has now left the 'settlement' area and most people headed back to Rostock. No repression by military police was reported.
* 09:00
The Nazi demonstration and the antifascist counter-demonstrations today in Schwerin have been banned again. People turning up for the latter are being turned away by police at the starting point and handed legal warnings that they would be arrested if they returned. Police have also set up check points outside Schwerin to prevent cars from driving into the city. There are, however, two other registered rallies organised by other parties in other parts of the city and people can go there. A Supreme Court decision is expected at around 10am today.
* 02:00
There will be a new radio frequency in and around Rostock during the next days on 87.9 MHz.
* 01:15
On Friday evening, police forces were spotted behind Evershagen and also in Bad Doberan welding shut pothole lids.
* 01:10
Around 10 cops in riot gear rode on along the last train from Schwerin and controlled the identification papers of some of the 50 passengers throughout the trip. At the Rostock train station they were controlled by other cops again and, in some cases, backpacks were also searched. The personal data of the people checked was sent by radio to the police headquarters. The train eventually arrived at 1:05am.
* 23:55
Camp Rostock: Internet (wireless) connection is up and running since 18:30 all over the camp. Cables are being set up at the moment. The Indymedia tent should be ready tomorrow.
* 23:40
Camp Reddelich: The Internet connection is working now and a public access tent with 10 computers has been set up. Computers are being used heavily by campers just a few minutes after they went online. There is also a public wireless network and the telephone is working too. Radio and video activists have already started action.
* 21:30
One of two buses coming form the Netherlands was pulled over by the police soon after crossing the border at around 14.00. In total, 4 cops came on board the bus and two searched through everyone's bags. They also took the passports and ID's of all passengers and scanned them in. They looked through all other bags stored in the bus but didn't search too closely. People were asked whether they had any banners or signs on them as well as where they were going to. Later on in the evening, the other (media) bus was pulled over between Reddelich and Rostock and was searched and prevented from going any further.
* 18:30
Many shops in Rostock have boarded up their fronts for fear of 'vandalism' after the police advised them to do so [pics].
* 18:15
From now till 10pm, there will be an info point at the southern exit of the Rostock central station. There will also be a 'registered rally' some 300m to the south of station. They have a tent and people can get hot drinks there up till tomorrow evening.
* 18:10
The cops have stopped being aggressive and retreated so the setting up of the info point is resumed.
* 18:00
The police hinders the setting up of the info point on E. Schlesinger St. (to the south of Rostock central station), a previously approved 'long-term rally'. The organisers are negotiating with the police at the moment.
* 17:15
The Bike Caravans against the G8, from the East and West, have all arrived in Bombodrom to join the anti-militarism action. They will continue towards Rostock tomorrow, then some will head towards Heiligendamm.
* 16:30
Bombodrom: A second 'settlement' has been set up, with some 100 people. The first has over 500. Both are around a conning tower. There is no immediate military police presence and normal cops are not allowed there as it is a military site. People are setting up tents now and there is a plenary meeting soon.
* 15:30
Police are reportedly controlling cars on the B105 road entering Rostock from the East, just before the city highway.
* 15:20
Approximately 250 people have started to 'settle' in the Bombodrom area. The second demo is still on its way. A conning tower is being painted with pink and pink pyramids are being deposited (background: this happened once before and the army hates pink so much that they destroyed it when they couldn't get the paint off). Many banners can be seen, the atmosphere is relaxed, and the Clowns Army are watching over the pyramids.
* 14:30
Police are randomly checking rucksacks at Rostock train station.
* 13:00
The anti-militarism actions in Bombodrom have just started. Around 13:00 the rally in Schweinrich began with some 500 people. Another rally is taking place in Neu-Lutherow. At approximately 14:30pm people from both places will join to march to the Bombodrom area to 'settle' there. At the moment a group called 'Lebenslaute' are playing classical music in Schweinrich. Some 60 people use classical music to do actions (they have marched and trampled across a GMO field in the past). Their slogan today is "G Major Not G8".
* 11:00
For the second time in two weeks, the Kavala (a special police coordination unit during the G8 protests) did not turn up for a scheduled meeting with the Camps organising group. Another attempt to talk to the police failed this morning. The meeting was supposed to discuss the police behaviour in relation to hindering the setting up efforts. Two weeks ago, the Kavala did not turn up for another scheduled meeting. A Camps spokesperson considered this a "sabotage of their efforts to negotiate with the police". "In such conditions, negotiations don't make any sense," he added.
The setting up of the camps is being subjected to ongoing controls. The camps working group blamed police for this and considered it "an escalation by the police." It is also becoming clear that the three camp sites will not be sufficient for the protesters expected to come.
* 09:00
The Federal Police have agreed on a "compromise" to have only two 'communication managers' in plain cloths on each of Attac's special trains carrying protesters to Rostock on June 2nd. Previously, the condition was to have 15 cops on each train.
* 20:30
The highest court in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has overruled the previous court decision and decided that a general demonstration ban on June 7th did not violate the constitutional rights of protesters. A general injunction over a 40 square kilometre area had been designated by police as a demonstration-free zone due to a "state of emergency". So the so-called Star March on June 7th , which was intending to go all the way to the Kempinski hotel, will now be confined to the B105 road. [press release (de)]
* 18:00
The Nazi demo and the anti-fascist counter-demo, planned for June 2nd in Shwerin, have been allowed by a court to take place, after having been banned by the police. The Nazi demo now has a new route in the southern part of the city but they have also registered another demonstration in Ludwigslust (30km south of Schwerin).
* 18:00
The Federal Police is planning to have 15 cops on each of the 3 Attac trains carrying demonstrators to Rostock. Attac and the coalition organising the international demo in Rostock on June 2nd are currently 'protesting' against this. [press release (de)]
* 13:00
After a counter-recruitment protest was announced and publicised, the army has cancelled a planned recruitment event at the Job Centre in Rostock today.
* 11:00
Activists from the German Peace Society - United War Opponents did a banner-drop this morning at the Rostock offices of EADS, a large European company that manufactures military aircraft and weapons. The action, which lasted for about an hour (10-11am), was against armament and arms exports. [report (de) | pics]
* 12:15
Four Robin Wood activists 'blocked' two roads leading to Heiligendamm, in Bad Doberan and Hinter Bollhagen, around mid-day to protest against the G8 protest bans. The environmental activists hang two huge banners about the general ban across the roads using 'rope bridges' (press release).
* 23:00
A caravan carrying equipment and stuff from Wendland to build the Wichmannsdorf camp was stopped around 4:30 today by 100 or so policemen who were apparently waiting for them some 5km before Neubukow. After the 14 trucks refused to be searched without being given a convincing reason, police said they were looking for stolen bikes, so they went through all the bikes the caravan was carrying, which had been donated to them, checking their registration numbers. This, in addition to searching all the vehicles and taking people's details, took them some 6 hours. Some 10 old bikes that did not have numbers were confiscated, in addition to another 2 police said were reported stolen at some point in the past.
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