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G8: Police take media bus

translator | 07.06.2007 11:08 | G8 Germany 2007

Yesterday, evening the German police surrounded, boarded and then forced the driver of a Dutch independent media bus to leave with them.

Protestors resist the police entering the bus
Protestors resist the police entering the bus

Bus seized with media activists on board and driven away
Bus seized with media activists on board and driven away

Bus surrounded on Tuesday
Bus surrounded on Tuesday

View from inside the bus before it was searched Tuesday
View from inside the bus before it was searched Tuesday

The first search of the bus
The first search of the bus

The bus was parked at an information point in Bad Doberan when, at around 7:30 on Wednesday evening, fourteen police vans, from ten different units arrived. They surrounded the Media Bus. Protesters who were around blocked the bus and the street hindering the ME in their work.

The police finally managed to board the bus and proceeded to force the driver to leave with them on board. This despite the bus having a license to be where it was.

On Tuesday the bus had already be held for some time as it was searched. This is illegal according to the German Journalist's Union.

The official reason for seizure is currently that there was a pirate radio station near. The bus was for editing media, although it is possible that computer wifi antenna were mistakenly identified. Activists are still trying to get into contact with those who were on the bus.
