UK History Newswire Archive
This Sunday: A Participatory Performance of Guy Debord "The Game of War"
19-03-2013 08:28

Orwellian Secret Courts in the UK: Britain on the Brink of Tyranny
11-03-2013 12:13
Judicial trials to be held in secretBy Global Research News
Global Research, March 10, 2013
Law and Justice, Police State & Civil Rights 114 64 7
Britain is on the brink of tyranny.
The Justice and Security Bill, if it becomes law, will enable judicial trials to be held in secret, and it will even be illegal to tell anyone about them. The bill has now gone through all stages in the House of Commons, and will now go to the House of Lords for consideration. In other words, it’s nearly there (

UG#621 - US Capitalism From Start To Finish (911 As Finance Capitalist Endgame)
06-03-2013 20:46

Public Meeting: ‘50 Shades of Resistance’
06-03-2013 11:39
The Anne Frank Trust UK is proud to present its International Women’s Day 2013 public meeting in Manchester: ‘50 Shades of Resistance’.A Son Of Portugal's Carnation Revolution, Forgotten 1974 Anti-Fascist Coup
27-02-2013 19:14

WWW.RADIO4ALL.NET 27Feb2013 warning message: Service Temporarily Unavailable, The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
Anne Frank +You in Manchester
24-02-2013 17:35
The Anne Frank Trust UK is delighted to announce that their flagship exhibition Anne Frank +You, will be on display at Z-Arts in Manchester, from 25th February to the 23rd March 2013.UG#617 - Money, Power and Sociopathy (Competition, Randroids, Economists)
18-02-2013 11:14

Vegetarianism, Reincarnation, Fallibility In The Early Christian Church
16-02-2013 18:49
Papal infallibility did not become Catholic doctrine until 1870. Long before thatvegetarian and reincarnation teachings had been quashed.
UG#614 - Granting Autonomy to The Logic of Money 1 (Capitalism, Debt & Banking)
13-02-2013 13:00

UG#615 - Granting Autonomy to The Logic of Money 2 (Capitalism, Banking...)
13-02-2013 12:53

Dr Azzam Tamimi – The Arab Uprising and its Effect on Egypt & Palestine
11-02-2013 21:16

UG#613 - Economic Disposal of The Worthless (Hidden History of Eugenics in USA)
11-02-2013 02:56

UG#612 - From Conquistadors to Opium Wars (Debt & the Great Capitalist Empires)
07-02-2013 22:18

BBC South East News 28th Jan 2013 Re: Combe Haven Defenders
29-01-2013 20:34

UG#611 - Money as Powerlessness(Economic Parasitism,MMT,Debt in the Middle Ages)
28-01-2013 17:35

SEA uncovers the conspiracy of the Syrian enemies
23-01-2013 12:37
In the current war that takes place in Syria, there are big spaces for the electronic war. One of the activist groups that work in this field named itself by “Syrian Electronic Army” has enabled to hack into many important official sites in each of Qatar, Saudi Arab kingdom and Turkey and to download thousands of secret documents, where Breaking News Network got these documents through mediator after proving the truthness of the reviewed part. An agreement has been done to publish these documents with the Lebanese Newspaper ‘Akhbar’, which got them from the same mediator at the same time.Uri Davies - Britain's Legacy in Palestine Conference 2013
22-01-2013 09:37

UG#610 - From Enclosure to Privatization (Luddism, Magna Carta & Debt)
16-01-2013 10:52

Syrian Army hits gunmen around Syria
11-01-2013 16:02
The Syrian Air force and artillery have targeted several dens of Free Army militia in several areas in Damascus countryside, Aleppo countryside and Edlib countryside, causing large losses of the gunmen and the destruction of their vehicles. Our correspondent in Damascus Countryside confirmed that more than 50 insurgents got killed in targeting their dens by the Syrian Arab Army in Saqba, Duma, al-Sheifounia, Duma and Marj al-Sultan, where other militants were killed during clashing with the Syrian Army units in Zamalka, al-Ziabia and Hijjira.