UK History Newswire Archive
What did he know and when did he know it? Cameron Coulson and those pesky emails
22-07-2011 13:23
The political/corporate class must be rueing the day email arrived, it is proving to be the undoing of many a powerful individual and perhaps even the downfall of the government? But only if the media do the job they claim to be doing, investigating malfeasance at every level.Boy, Do We Need A Hippocratic Oath For Journalists
21-07-2011 20:52
For the record: Around June 17 or 18, both Edward S. Herman and I each began submitting manuscripts to the Guardian of London, prompted by false and misleading claims that had been made by the British writer George Monbiot on June 14, in his weekly commentary for this prestigious newspaper. "Left and libertarian right cohabit in the weird world of the genocide belittlers," was the title the Guardian had given it. At Monbiot's own website, the title he had chosen was more direct: "Naming the Genocide Deniers" (June 13).The Post-9-11 Decade by Numbers: The American Holocaust
18-07-2011 07:57
"The only thing that will save millions more Afghans from death will be that America can no longer afford to kill them."The strange silencing of liberal America
07-07-2011 19:50
How does political censorship work in liberal societies? When my film, 'Year Zero: the Silent Death of Cambodia', was banned in the United States in 1980, the broadcaster PBS cut all contact. Negotiations were ended abruptly; phone calls were not returned. Something had happened. But what? 'Year Zero' had already alerted much of the world to the horrors of Pol Pot, but it also investigated the critical role of the Nixon administration in the tyrant’s rise to power and the devastation of Cambodia.After The Apocalypse Screening Q&A
06-07-2011 23:16

'West Papua – The Road to Freedom', 2nd August 2011, Oxford
05-07-2011 22:30
Invitation to attend 'West Papua – The Road to Freedom', 2nd August 2011, Oxford, UKWest Papua has been illegally occupied by Indonesia for over 40 years. As part of the
ongoing campaign for freedom, the Free West Papua Campaign and the International
Lawyers for West Papua are honoured to invite you to a very special conference: West
Papua – The Road to Freedom.
After The Apocalypse: Screening on 5th of July
25-06-2011 18:56

It's a 65 minute documentary about a pregnant woman's battle to keep her unborn baby against the wishes of a hostile medical profession, in Kazakhstan.
A Tribute to Anti-War Campaigner Brian Haw, Driven by Revulsion at the Murder of Innocents
20-06-2011 09:24

When I was a child, I read the Guinness Book of Records, and marvelled at the stories of the people who, in ancient times, removed themselves from everyday reality, like Saint Simeon Stylites, a Christian ascetic who lived on a tiny platform on top of a pillar in Aleppo, Syria for 37 years in the 5th century AD.
NATO`s Global War Experience
19-06-2011 22:49

Sunderland Working Class Bookfair June 18th
15-06-2011 23:32
The latest Working Class Bookfair will take place in Sunderland on Saturday the 18th of june, 11-5pm, followed by early evening music from the Summer Tumblers.Books, barbecues, beer, soft drinks and good company should make for a good day out.
FBI to Expand Domestic Surveillance Powers as Details Emerge of Its Spy Campaign Targeting Activists
14-06-2011 18:15

Civil liberties advocates are raising alarm over news the FBI is giving agents more leeway to conduct domestic surveillance. According to the New York Times, new guidelines will allow FBI agents to investigate people and organizations "proactively" without firm evidence for suspecting criminal activity. We speak to former FBI agent Mike German, who now works at the American Civil Liberties Union, and Texas activist Scott Crow, who has been the focus of intense FBI surveillance from 2001 until at least 2008. Using the Freedom of Information Act, Crow received 440 pages of heavily redacted documents revealing the FBI had set up a video camera outside his house, traced the license plates of cars parked in front of his home, recorded the arrival and departure of his guests, and observed gatherings that Crow attended at bookstores and cafes. The agency also tracked Crow’s emails and phone conversations and picked through his trash to identify his bank and mortgage companies. “It’s been definitely traumatizing at different points,” says Crow. “But if we don’t come out and be open about this, then they’ve already won, and the surveillance and the ‘war on terror’ wins against us.”
200th Anniversary of the Luddite Uprisings: Technology Politics Then and Now
03-06-2011 23:12
Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Luddite Uprisings: Technology Politics Then and NowDate: Wednesday June 8th, 7pm
Venue: Feminist Library meeting room, 5a Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7XW, Nearest tube Lambeth North,

Organised by:
Luddites200 Organising Forum

No admission charge, donations welcome. Please contact organisers about disabled access.
Sheffield Anarchists Bookfair: Luddites Organising Forum
24-05-2011 11:50

Swindon Town FC appoint Fascist manager
23-05-2011 20:42

Free Love and Socialism Cycle Ride: 17th June
22-05-2011 16:39

Lars Von Trier defames Denmark and praises Hitler
19-05-2011 21:49
At a press conference for the Cannes Film Festival, today 19 May 2011, film director Lars Von Trier answered questions about the Nazi aesthetic in his film Melancholia, by expressing open sympathy for Hitler and the Nazis. Lars Von Trier's e-mail address is
Royal Wedding and Royal Censorship
12-05-2011 09:09

Commemorating Palestine's Nakba
11-05-2011 16:27

President Shimon Peres and other Israeli officials ignore its decades of slaughter, destruction, and ruthlessness against regional Arabs, belying any notion of morality. Palestinians understand well, by far paying the greatest price, ongoing daily.
False flags: An American tradition
10-05-2011 08:56

They're "big lies," defined by Merriam-Webster as "deliberate gross distortion(s) of the truth used especially as a propaganda tactic."
America's decade from September 11, 2001 to May 1, 2011 was punctuated by the (big) lie of our time and (big) lie of the moment.
Put another way, the official stories are falsified, myths, widely believed fantasies contrary to reality.