UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
Be a Geisha at the G8!
28-05-2005 10:03

Join the geisha of gaiety on a passionate mission of peace and progression.
G8: letter to object to clampdown on protests
28-05-2005 10:01

Sheffield Green Party is actively defending our civilian liberties and right to demonstrate in the face of the June summit. You can read and sign the letter to object to the clampdown on protests (before 31st May)
LEAKED: G8 Climate Decisions Draft
26-05-2005 01:31
"Draft G8 Climate Change and Sustainable Energy text for FASS– May 3rd". This is the leaked draft G8 decisions on Climate / Energy.WHY CLOSE THE G8? (audio from the film)
25-05-2005 15:45

(MP3 - 14 mins 14secs - 48kbps mono - 4.9MB)

CIRCA in Time Out
25-05-2005 15:33

Their next stop is London (this weekend) then Birmingham, Sheffield, Manchester and Newcastle before heading up to Scotish cities, Aberdeen, Glasgow and finally Edinburgh.
RESIST G8 // 5th South-East Assembly
25-05-2005 10:18
Resist G8//5th South East Assembly5th South-East Assembly of Resist G8
25-05-2005 10:11
Next meeting of the SouthEast regional assembly in London.Resist G8 Benefit Gig - Reading - 4th June
25-05-2005 00:21
2012 show in town!
24-05-2005 22:44

SHEFFIELD GIG, 11th June, 8:30 at The Cricketers on Bramal Lane.
Road closures - G8 Justice & Home Affairs meeting
24-05-2005 16:29
Road closures - G8 Justice & Home Affairs meetingAs you may already know, Sheffield is hosting the UK Presidency G8 Justice & Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting from 15-17th June. Consequently, the Council and South Yorkshire Police have agreed some road closures to accommodate security needs for the meeting. These closures will mean no access for vehicles. These are:
Resist G8 events in Reading - Timeline.
24-05-2005 11:43
In July the G8 will attempt to meet for their annual summit at Gleneagles, Scotland. In Reading, many groups are mobilising – with initiatives happening leading up to the summit, as well as protests during the summit itself – both here and in Scotland. Here’s a timeline of events planned so far…Carlisle Calling
24-05-2005 11:36
There will be a Public meeting about the G8 in Carlisle this FridayINTENS5VE REBEL CLOWN ARMY "BIG SHOE CAMP" this weekend in London
24-05-2005 10:24
A 2 day intensive BIG SHOE camp in preparation for the G8 and other parts of life will be taking place in London this weekend. Participants will be required to attend both days.G8 NVDA Training in London
23-05-2005 23:32
We are offering an Non-Violent Direct Action training in London on June 18th from 11am - 4pm at a central London venue to be confirmed.Leeds G8 Panel - 24th May - 7pm
23-05-2005 22:18
What is the G8, who is going to protest there and why?A panel of speakers and open discussion - ALL WELCOME
23-05-2005 13:57

As world leaders prepare for their G8 summit photo op, a new network of art activists are touring the UK (19 May - 6 July), inspiring resistance with an exploding caravan, a free feast, prayers to products, a clown army and creative civil disobedience trainings.
Donate against the G8!
23-05-2005 12:14
Donations can now be made via the Dissent! webpage!or visit
Meeting to prepare for G8 London Convergence Space
23-05-2005 11:57
Meeting to be held to prepare for the establishment of London Convergence Centre for those travelling to Scotland via London. Lots of help needed !