UK G8 Germany 2007 Newswire Archive
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5,000+ on Anti-repression demo - Berlin
09-05-2007 21:56
From comrades in BerlinEdinburgh Protest against G8 Repression - Friday
09-05-2007 19:50
German Police have carried out roughly 40 raids across Germany or social centres and homes as well as taking out the alternative internet provider This is all done as part of a security operation surrounding the G8 summit due to take place within a month in Northern Germany.G8 Solidarity Action in Amsterdam
09-05-2007 16:55

Demonstration Friday 11 6pm London: Against The G8 and Police Repression
09-05-2007 14:36
This morning (Wednesday May 9th) police raided about 40 buildings in Germany, including several social centres and private homes in Berlin and Hamburg, as well as the alternative web provider . Police forces searched the "Rote Flora" in Hamburg as well as parts of the "Bethanien" in Berlin. Both places are planning to be decentralised convergence centres for the G8 protests of early June.
We want to show solidarity with the German movement and express our right to protest against the upcoming G8 in June. We want to defy police repression and show we are not intimidated by it!
Friday May 11, 6pm
Kempinski Courthouse Hotel
19-21 Great Marlborough St, London, W1F 7HT
Wave of Repression against anti-G8 structures
09-05-2007 12:49
wave of repression against anti-G8 structures** police raid against 40 houses and projects in Hamburg, Berlin, and Bremen*
* communication structure of anti-G8 movement targeted*
Wave of Repression against anti-G8 structures in Germany
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Summary of today's police raids in Germany
09-05-2007 10:56

Whilst German television channels reported live from the razzias in the big cities, according to the populist press farms in Schleswig-Holstein, Brandenburg and Niedersachsen were also affected.
Several reasons were given so far for the raids, which nevertheless seemed to centre on and affect mainly infrastructure and logistics around the protests against the G8 summit.
Raid of "Rote Flora" G8 Convergence Centre in Hamburg
09-05-2007 09:12

Amongst them a social centre in Hamburg, which will open in three weeks as the first convergence centre in Germany.
Raids of G8 Convergence Centre in Hamburg and Social Centre in Berlin
09-05-2007 08:43

In hamburg 4 flats, one office and the the Rote Flora, where the Convergence Center begins in 3 weeks are being raided.
In Berlin it is the Mehringhof, mad, bethanien project (libertad office and Glocal anti g8 office) , fusion, kanalb (radio and media project), (tech collective and alternative internet hoster) ect ect ect.
Notes from the last London G8 meeting
08-05-2007 23:02
There was a meeting last week. Here are some notes from it.Another G8 meeting!
08-05-2007 22:48
Come to the next G8 2007 UK-Mobilisation meeting!THURSDAY 17th MAY 7pm-9pm (ish)
G8 summit / Utrecht(NL): last bicycle caravanist finally released after over 48
08-05-2007 12:31
After a surprising and completely unwarrented arrest of around 100 bicycle activists and members of the "Gr8chaoskaravaan" western european anti G8 bike caravan on Saturday, the last arrestee was finally released last night. Arrestees report of police violence and ill arrest conditions. Legal consequences for both activists and police.Video G8-bike-caravan Utrecht
08-05-2007 10:29
Peoples Action Net made a nice video about the anti-G8 Bicicle demonstration, of which more than 100 people got arrested saturday May 5th in Utrecht, Netherlands.G8 Bike Caravan Action Nijmegen
07-05-2007 17:19
Today a bicycle demo against the G8 was held in Nijmegen, Holland..Full article | 3 additions | 4 comments
Netherlands: anti G 8 bike rally stopped by police. 115 arrested.
05-05-2007 20:01

About 115 people were arrested and brought to the headquarter of the police. The bikes were taken away from the owners and are now in posession of police. Police officials say the people were arrested because they were too many to drive in normal traffic.
Interventionist Left (IL) G8 Call to Action
03-05-2007 09:15
The following is the English translation of the Interventionist Left's (IL) call to action against this year's G8 Summit in Heiligendamm. The IL are a German-wide network of groups (including: AKU Wiesbaden; Antifaschistische Linke Berlin (ALB); Antifaschistische Linke International (A.L.I.) Göttingen; AVANTI – Projekt undogmatische Linke; Für eine linke Strömung – FelS (Berlin); gruppe d.i.s.s.i.d.e.n.t.; the Federal Coordination, "Krieg ist Frieden" (KIF); the German-wide campaign Libertad!; Organisierte Autonomie (Nürnberg); radikale linke (rl) Nürnberg - Projekt für revolutionäre Organisierung; Rote Aktion Kornstraße (Hannover)), publishing projects (ak - analyse und kritik; Fantomas; arranca!; and so oder so) and a number of individuals. More information is available via the IL website, here: www.g8-2007.deShut down G8 Summit! Conflicts make Europe
21-04-2007 09:51

This weekend in the city of Rostock there have been three days of discussion rounds to prepare the demonstrations against the G8 meeting.
On how to block just about everything
16-04-2007 11:13
The upcoming actions against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm will present considerable challenges for the creativity and stamina of activists. After all, the idea is to effectively block all the entry points. The problem is that an enormous army of security and public order forces will be present and try to prevent the same. But history has shown that everything can be blocked. Below you will find some useful stories about the practice of blockades. This text will be updated as new ideas pour in.Resources for International Day of Action against Climate Change & G8
08-04-2007 17:54

G8 2005 Indy Reporter Josh Wolf Freed after 226 Days in Jail
05-04-2007 11:24
Reporter Josh Wolf Freed - Thanks to all who campaigned on this one....Sharing of Unedited Video and Minor Grand Jury Cooperation Leads to Release
On April 3rd, independent reporter Josh Wolf was freed from federal custody after spending 7 1/2 months in prison for failing to turn over video footage to a federal grand jury. The unedited video was the target of the federal grand jury subpoena that caused him to be held at the federal holding facility, in Dublin, CA for over 226 days, a record amount of time for any journalist in U.S. history.
That morning, Josh wrote on his blog, "During the course of this saga I have repeatedly offered to allow a judge to be the arbiter over whether or not my video material has any evidentiary value. Today, you the public have the opportunity to be the judge and I am confident you will see, as I do, that there is nothing of value in this unpublished footage."
Full Story at

Shake G8 bike-ride starts tomorrow
04-04-2007 17:25
Budapest:Shake G8 bike-ride starts tomorrow
From tomorrow on, the protests against the G8-summit (which will take place this year from 6 to 8 June in Heiligendamm on Germans Baltic-sea-coast) roles on.