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UK G8 Germany 2007 Newswire Archive

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Some info about German police repression

18-05-2007 17:20

Here are some documents translated into English about German police tactics and strategies - useful for anyone going to the G8 Summit protests.

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Personalities Support "Block G8" Call for Mass Blockades

18-05-2007 16:09

Musicians, MPs, Academics, Media and Civil Society Personalities Support "Block G8" Call for Mass Blockades of G8 Summit

Prominent musicians (like the British pop band Chumbawamba, Tocotronic lead-singer Dirk von Lowtzow, and electro-pop artist Bernadette La Hengst), MPs (like Ulla Jelpke, Nele Hirsch and Heike Hänsel of DIE LINKE), academics (like Prof. Joachim Hirsch (Frankfurt), Prof. Wolf Dieter Naar (Berlin) and Prof. John Holloway (Mexico)), media personalities (like journalist Naomi Klein (author, 'No Logo')), playwrights and poets (like Howard Zinn and Dennis Brutus), and civil society personalities (like Walden Bello (Director, Focus on the Global South), Vandana Shiva (Founder, Navdana) and Sven Giegold (attac Coordination Committee) have all pledged their public support for the Block G8 campaign for mass blockades of the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm next month.

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"ums Ganze" bloc on June 2 demonstration in Rostock

18-05-2007 15:26

This is a translation of a call (incomplete) for the "ums Ganze" bloc on the demonstration on June 2 in Rostock.

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Stop the nazi demonstration to the G8 in Schwerin

17-05-2007 22:17

While thousands of anti-G8 activists will held a mass demonstration in Rostock/Germany at the 2nd of June, the fascist party NPD announced that at the same time they are going to demonstrate in Schwerin/Germany. Up to 1500 neo-nazis will try to present themselfes as the "only real anticapitalists" to media and population. That has to be averted! And now there is a trailer for mobilization.

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Call for a Superhero Block at the G8 2007

17-05-2007 11:15

G8 poster invitation of the "The Dispensables"

The Dispensables and precarious Superheroes called The Unbeatables are calling for a block at the mass demonstration and at the mass blockades against the G8 summit. Both entities are part of the ongoing struggles to understand and resist contemporary conditions of precarity of live and work.

Video: Superhero block, Euromayday Hamburg 2007

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Announcing Flash Radio G8 2007 Podcast

17-05-2007 00:27

Flash Radio is a podcast from and about the G8 2007 in Heiligendamm Germany. Subscribe to our podcast about the actions against the G8 or listen to it online. From the 2nd June through till the 10th our 30 minute podcast will contain selected material recorded by our embedded citizen reporter teams.

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Dancing Down the Borders!

16-05-2007 21:52

The shake g8 bike caravan to the G8 Summit passed the German-Polish border in Schwedt today (16.05.07). In fancy-dress, with cheerleaders, dancers and a dj we danced down the border, quite literally! We were taped by the associated press and local tv station. There was a large amount of police, and they were clearly expecting us. But all managed to pass eventually except for our support vehicle, the police who claim it is "unroadworthy".

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Haringey Critical Mass 2007

15-05-2007 15:01

Can't make it to Germany? Sick of the all those cars getting in your way on the autobahn! Don't despair...join us on Saturday 9th of June for the 2007 Haringey Critical Mass. A leisurely ride down the Green Lanes to reclaim our streets and send a breath of fresh air to those meeting in Germany.

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London Solidarity Protest Against G8 Repression

14-05-2007 11:53

protesters standing on the pavement by the Kempinski hotel

About 50 people gathered at the Kempinski Hotel in London on Friday, 11 May, to show their solidarity with the victims of the G8 raids in Germany last week, and to express their opposition to the G8, capitalism and all that [call]. Kempinski is the hotel group hosting the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, Germany, next month.

The Met had 'designated' a pen on the opposite side of the street, but protesters refused to be penned in and stayed by the hotel, without entirely blocking the pavement. Some leaflets were given out and not much more happened.. well, apart from the FIT struggling to get good shots of people's faces.

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Now More Than Ever: Smash G8!

13-05-2007 22:44

Information about the International Demonstration at 2nd of June in the city Rostock in Germany and about the mobilisation to the Leftradical, Antifascist and Revolutionary Blocs in the center of Rostock.

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Solidarity Protest at the German Consulate in Edinburgh

12-05-2007 13:09

About 20 -30 people participated at the solidarity protest against the G8 related police raids in Germany from Wednesday 9th of May.

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Protest against G8 Repression

12-05-2007 12:45

Huge raids were carried out in Germany on the morning of Friday, 9 May. In response people gathered outside the Kempinski Hotel in London, part of the hotel chain hosting this year's G8, to show their solidarity.

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Solidarity Action (G8) at Kempinski London

11-05-2007 19:54

Police Allready There
Around 50 people gathered at the Kempinski Hotel in London tonight to show solidarity with the victims of the wave of repression against G8 activists in Germany.

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!! G 8 BREAKING NEWS !! police declares protest march on june 7th illegal

11-05-2007 12:24

Incredible! As reported today on indymedia Germany a spokesman of the Einsatzleitung of the police declared the planned international anti-G 8 protest march in Rostock on june the 7th for illegal and forbidden!

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Germany: Raids against G8 opponents

10-05-2007 21:37

"Operation aimless" by Federal Supreme Court prosecutors triggers even more mobilization capacity for G8 protests

Press release by the persons concerned

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No G8 Demonstratio in Vienna: Stop the Raids!

10-05-2007 16:11

On May 10, 2007 a spontaneous demonstration took place in Vienna, Austria. Some 150 people met around 4pm at Schwarzenbergplatz and marched to the nearby German Ambessay to protest against the repression against the anti-g8 movement in Germany and the eviction of the Köpi, a squatted autonomous center in Berlin.

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SO36 statement regarding yesterday's raids

10-05-2007 15:48

Among others, the Berlin-based group SO36, a "provider of Internet services for activists" such as email addresses, mailing lists and hosting of websites, was raided yesterday morning. Here's a translation of their statement published on

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German Consulate Attacked!the messanger

10-05-2007 12:04

Copied from Indymedia Scotland:

As a show of solidarity with the victims of police repression in Germany, the German Consulate in Edinburgh has been redecorated in lovely yellow.

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the police raids and the kids riot (Hamburg, may 9th, 2007)

10-05-2007 09:21

Riots in Hamburg after a demonstration against the police repression in Germany.

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1000 At Solidarity Demonstration in Hamburg (G8)

10-05-2007 08:07

More than 1000 people gathered yesterday evening at the Rote Flora, one of the Social Centres raided by the police yeserday morning. Police tried, unsucessfully,
to prevent the demonstration from happening.