UK G8 Germany 2007 Newswire Archive
Hey Monkey Riot comic out Saturday 27th Oct
26-10-2007 00:05

John Holloway and Vittorio Sergi on Black Bloc and more
06-09-2007 11:24
The following dialogue was written following the events in Rostock on June 2, 2007, ahead of this year's G8 Summit in Heiligendamm.Andrej is free again.. for now
23-08-2007 23:50

See this Indymedia feature for some background:

G8 Heiligendamm- rostock: health update. anybody who had a tick out there...
23-08-2007 11:02
it turned out that some anti-G8 activists contractedlyme disease after being bitten by ticks on their way to blockades around
heiligendamm and rostock.
Black Block in Rostock
23-08-2007 00:48
I wear black for the poor and beaten down…And for the prisoner who has long since served his time
(Johnny Cash)
Black Block in Rostock strikes back during anti-G8 protests
22-08-2007 19:33

Petition In Support Of German § 129a Arestees
20-08-2007 17:21
he following letter can be signed at:
A revolt to live: post-structuralist anarchist resistance against the G8
13-08-2007 14:27
Article republished from Anarchist Studies about the politics and cultures of protest at Gleneagles G8 summit.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
German activists arrested under terrorist suspicion
05-08-2007 07:01

Plage Sauvage 2.0 : relax, revolution just begun!
25-07-2007 13:53
From 10 until 15 of August will take place the second edition of the free and alternative camping in the social center Mezza Canaja, in Senigallia (AN) on the italian Adriatic coast.Who Are the Interventionist Left?
13-07-2007 10:21
The following short article is from the Red Pepper website (, and was linked from the end of the article '5 Fingers Beat 16000 G8 Cops: Are we winning again?' by Ben TrottVideo Anti G8 2007 Germany Documentation
10-07-2007 20:14

G8: A tale of two victories?
09-07-2007 08:55
The following article, by Tadzio Mueller and Kriss Sol was first published on
Pink, Black, Pirate: Taking Stock of Rostock
08-07-2007 15:04
"Black resistance and pink blockades go hand in hand, and pink clowns were defended by black anarchists when the police roughed them up during the actions and demonstrations: pink and black are complementary and not substitutes, like many, including myself, were led to believe in the past few years."5 Fingers Beat 16000 G8 Cops: Are we winning again?
06-07-2007 14:47
The following article, by Ben Trott, was first published on the Red Pepper
German G8 Infotour does 1 in 12 Club Tonight
04-07-2007 22:30
SMASH G8! In UK, in Germany, IN JAPAN 2008!G8 Info-Tour hits Lancaster
01-07-2007 17:15