UK G8 Germany 2007 Newswire Archive
Photography Exhibition : Images from anti-G8 demonstrations at Rostock 2007
08-04-2008 22:09

A first shadow of G8 repression goes through Siberian Russia and Japan
10-03-2008 19:26
After leaving Russian FSB detention, left activists is returned to sea by Sapporo authorities
Sapporo-Otaru. 10.03.08 – 13:00 GMT: The German left activist Dr. Martin Kraemer has been refused landing in the port of Sapporo-Otaru. He has been condemned by Japanese authorities to remain stay put on the Panama vessel BM-2, which had brought him from Sakhalin on Friday, 7th of March. “Just released from special confinement by the Russian political police FSB, it’s now the Japanese repressive forces who try to top them.
In Russia, I got kicked and received an official death threat in custody, but this is worse,” says Martin: “Today’s blow against Japanese dignity set in before I could even open my mouth in this splendid country.” The surprising decision by Japanese immigration officers was announced today after receiving central instructions at 16:00 o’clock local time (8:00 GMT). At that time, Dr. Kraemer had already spent 66 hours waiting in the port of Otaru to get landing permission.
Collapsing the European security architecture
09-03-2008 20:41


For greater security-critical behaviour in Europe - A concrete proposal for the resistance movement against the G8 2009 in Italy
Each protest enables us to draw conclusions of how to do things better next time. In the same way, we can draw conclusions from the mobilisation against the G8 summit 2007 in Heiligendamm on how to achieve successful and broad resistance. Apart from three large self-organised protest camps and an international infotour in the months leading up to the summit, there were attempts to have international exchanges and establish networks beyond Germany. The decision was made not to respond to the G8 climate debate but to frame the protests in terms of other self-determined topics the movement was focussing on: migration, antimilitarism and global agriculture.
Looking ahead to the G8 2009 in Italy, this text takes up these points to propose a campaign against the new “European Security Architecture“. We outline some developments in police cooperation on a European level and call for a kind of antirepression work that goes beyond a simple critique and a scandalising police violence, and that is coordinated on a European level. Such political antirepression work would have to take new forms of social control seriously as an integral reference point for radical movements.
No! G8 Japan Info Tour
27-02-2008 21:49

The next G8 2008 will take place from July 7th to 9th in Hokkaido Japan, near the lake called Toya-ko. Perhaps the fact that the venue is called the 'Windsor Hotel' shows where the G8's interests lie.
Interview with Japanese anti-G8 activist, speaking in Notts tomorrow
26-02-2008 11:30
Unique opportunity to listen to and talk with Japanase anti-G8 activist in the run up to the G8 in Japan this summerTalk 8pm, Hot vegan food for donations 7pm
Wednesday 27th February
Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St, Nottingham
No G8 Japan info-tour in Cardiff: 23rd Feb
20-02-2008 20:15
The tour is also making a visit to a fancy dress shop in Cardiff...Japanese G8 Info Tour comes to UK
13-02-2008 20:18
From 22nd to 28th February, Japanese activists are coming to UK to do an information tour about the anti G8 mobilisations this year in Japan.Private Investigator, Server Threatened for serving Federal Court Judgments.
28-01-2008 04:35

Thia happened with P.I Floyd Smith in 2005 whom we paid over $20,000.00 he was threatened and abandoned.
Raids on activists prior to G8 ruled illegal by German Constitutional Court
04-01-2008 21:16
The highest court in Germany has ruled that the raids earlier this year just before the G8 on activists in Germany in several federal countries by different police forces were illegal.The raids were conducted using anti-terrorist legislation initially introduced to fight terrorism (or armed struggle if you wish) from the left in the 70ies.
Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
post-G8: Hamburg against state repression
15-12-2007 21:23

Khalid Awan a victim of "creative legal theories" and religious profiling.
28-11-2007 17:03

G8 TV - complete clip collection
26-11-2007 13:56

Olympic Fire Covers London In Smoke - sound and pictures
25-11-2007 01:10

Olympic fire:BBC Pictures page

We Are The History
18-11-2007 19:35

Six years after the G8 Summit in Genoa the trails against protesters and members of the police forces are still continuing. the trials against the police and carabineri have been delayed to benefit from the new regulations of prescriptive periods. The procecutors Canepa and Canciani show strenght in the trials against the 25 activists. Never before in the context of street protest such high charges were asked for.
In Germany activists call for a protest on November 17th. Under the slogan "Against the surveillance state and arbitrariness" people demand that a few people should not get punished for a legitimate and collectiv protest by facing them with specially contructed charges.
unknown major Babeuf manuscript discovered in Moscou yesterday
17-11-2007 03:21
Moscou: unknown 1790-manuscript of the French Social Revolutionary Graccus Babeuf found in former Soviet collectionShift articles online
16-11-2007 20:18
All articles of #1 of the new zine 'Shift' are now freely available at meeting for the summit against everything, Sat 10th, 4pm at the LSE
05-11-2007 21:55
Following the first and succesful meeting to organise a summit of anarchists, anti-authoritarian and autonomists in London, we are meeting again this Saturday, 10th of November, 4pm at room S50, St Clements building, London School of Economics. See how to get to the LSE:
Campus map:

Campaign against the “11th European Police Congress“
05-11-2007 10:52

Against a “Global Security Architecture”, for more security-critical behaviour!
In the recent months more information about the investigation methods of security forces has been revealed: data storage, online searches, so-called “textual analysis of political pamphlets“ (used in the paragrpah 129a investigations against anti-G8 activists in Germany) and so forth. Police and intelligence services want to attain unrestricted access to personal data and internet user profiles. Internet providers are now forced to save their data traffic long-term in order to relieve the police databases.
The debate around the introduction of biometrical passports has called into attention the fact that the industry has already developed complex surveillance systems: Iris-scanning, RFID chips (e.g. for supermarkets or on ID cards) or automatic facial recognition. In the context of border control “privileged travellers” are supposed to be able to cross borders “automatically”. The new “European Agency for the operative cooperation in the field of management of external borders” (FRONTEX) is in charge of assessing permanently the risks and dangers at the borders of the EU, and to provide more coordination and control. Technological armament is at the centre of the agency’s policies.
reader: Why your revolution is no liberation!
01-11-2007 22:26
The "Why your revolution is no liberation" reader, published by several german and austrian antifascist groups to criticise a wrong analysis of capitalism widely spread in the anti-globalisation movement is for free download now. Read the introduction on antisemitism and antizionism of the anti-globalisation movement here"For A Summit Against Everything": First Meeting tomorrow at the bookfair!
26-10-2007 11:24
The first meeting for the Summit Against Everything is happening tomorrow, during the Anarchist Bookfair: Room 325 at 1pm.But what is this Summit? Quite simply, a gathering of anarchists and anti-authoritarians, to take place in 2008 in London . The "where", "when" and "what it will all be about" questions are to be answered tomorrow and at the preparation meetings that will hopefully follow!