UK G8 Germany 2007 Newswire Archive
G 8 BREAKING NEWS: breakthrough to the fence !
06-06-2007 14:25

Wednesday Rostock-Laage Airport rallys
06-06-2007 14:23

Plan B has started already: join to the battle of joy.
06-06-2007 00:01
There are certain moments when it seems appropriate, without it ever being a matter of calculation, to address everybody in a manner as simple and direct as possible. One of these moments has arrived.Porto Ahainst the G8
05-06-2007 23:20
Report on street action against the g8 in Porto (Portugal). June 2nd - Saturday morningDown With Police Terror Against the Anti-G8 Demonstrators!
05-06-2007 23:15

For Mass Protests Against State Terror Based on the Social Power of the Working Class!
Down With the Witchhunt Against the “Black Block”!
Spartakist Leaflet - see attached PDF files: statement in English, German and French and Spartakist Jugend (Young Spartacus) statement from 27 May 2007
visit of Kuehlungsborn
05-06-2007 22:17

Rostock demonstration for global freedom of movement and equal rights for all.
05-06-2007 22:12

After hours of negotiation the demo finally leaves with over 10,000 people on it. Outside the town centre it is stopped again because the streets are too narrow or something. Despite these pathetic excuses the crowd still refuse to react in a violent or confrontational manner.
10,000 is over ten times bigger than anything that Germany's Nazis have ever manged. They think that borders are a good idea...whose winning?
Rostock No Borders. Moronic cops attack demo at the sight of pogrom.
05-06-2007 21:25

Given the history of Lichtenhagen you would have thought that the cops might keep a low profile?
Yeah right...
Rostock No Borders2. Foriegn Office Blockade.
05-06-2007 20:35

Online radio podcast dedicated to anti-G8 protests now on Wiki
05-06-2007 18:27
Check it out
As G8 gathers rich nation hypocrisy is exposed in attack on Philippines infants
05-06-2007 17:30
Rich nations will claim at the G8 meeting that they want to help developing nations. Yet when it comes to protecting the interest of their corporations they are prepared to overturn legislation to keep up profits, regardless of the impact on infant health. Plus action that can be taken to support the Philippines as it comes under pressure from the US and action to hold corporations to account.Why G8 has failed the Afrikan continent
05-06-2007 16:56

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Video Rush: Rostock, Lichtenhagen Solidarity Rally, Police Attack Again
05-06-2007 07:39

Rostock Sunday. Global Agricultural day of action.
04-06-2007 23:36

Black Bloc in Rostock
04-06-2007 23:14
Black Bloc at the anti-G8 manifestation in Rostock, 2nd JuneRostock: rap against fortress Europe
04-06-2007 20:46

The march organisers were apparently told by the police to follow an alternative route, but they refused and thousands of people made their own way to the harbour with the help of a sound system playing some banging tunes and an amazing political rap about Europe's border regime.
G8 Migration Demo ends with RTS Streetrave
04-06-2007 20:41

G8 Demo for Global Freedom of Movement - Rostock Pics
04-06-2007 20:32