UK G8 Germany 2007 Newswire Archive
UK anti-G8 gathering: what went on in Nottingham
29-01-2007 13:56
A meeting was held on Sunday 28th Jan to discuss and begin organising a UK mobilisation against this years G8. Here's some notes on what went down....Mexican president invited to G8 in Germany
28-01-2007 18:19
The German chancellor Merkel has confirmed that the Mexican President Calderon has been invited to the G8 meeting in heiligendamm/Rostock in June 2007.Full article | 3 additions | 4 comments
Germany G8 - 12km Security Fence Construction Begins!
18-01-2007 10:22

The fence consisting of 4,600 dark green steel segments weighing 75 kg (165.3 lb) will be 2.5 metres (8 ft 2.4 in) high and 2.45 metres wide. The segments are attached to cement pillars weighing 900 kg each and topped with razor wire - to prevent anyone from tunneling beneath the fence, 50-cm long steel grating is also being sunk into the ground.
Against the G8 2007 - what happened so far.
17-01-2007 22:45
Since last summer numerous actions against the upcoming G8 summit in Germany allready took place - a first summery (july 06 to january 07) - to be continued ...G8 police raids in Munich
17-01-2007 21:21
in munich different places were raided by the police. Named as a reason was the call to blockade the airport Rostock-Laage published in several broshures and in the call for protests against the socalled security-conference [a privatelly organized sub-summit where politicians, weapons industrials and nato-generals harmonize their strategies,].Make Capitalism History
17-01-2007 13:22
The iron fist of McDonald Douglas protects the soft fist of McDonalds. Militarism represents the dark side of capitalism. We must resist normalization of war and militarization of foreign policy. Culture shock, critical thinking andlove for life and the future can change priorities and free us from fatalism, resignation, helpless-ness and the warrior cult, the bitter fruit of "failed states" (Noam Chomsky).info night on G8 2007 in London
15-01-2007 15:00
What is this all about? Is Rostock a drink and where do I find it?
Where do those riot kids come from? Why should you go to such a place?
Are those "german activists" really as well organised as people think?
Who are "they" and what support is needed?
Smash G8 in Germany 2007 ---
31-12-2006 13:19

UK Meeting to discuss G8 Mobilisation for 2007, Jan 27th, Nottingham
18-12-2006 12:15
A UK-based meeting to discuss the mobilisation against the 2007 G8 Summit to be held near Rostock in Germany (June 6-8).G8 2007 in Germany - some information
14-12-2006 16:20

Mancunians against the G8
11-11-2006 13:57
Manchester folks are in Rostock this weekend. Meeting at Arch Bar on Wednesday to include report back of the talks being held by anti-capitalists in Germany.Anti-G8 International Action Conference, Rostock Nov 10-12
29-10-2006 15:50

AntiG8 meeting, The Basement, Weds 11th Oct
08-10-2006 13:55
The G8 will meet at the Grand Hotel Kempinski in Heiligendamm, nr Rostock, 6th to 8th June 2007. Meet to make plans against them at The Basement, Lever St, Weds 11 Oct at 7.30pmG8 2007 Action Conference: Rostock, Germany 10-12 Nov '06
04-10-2006 09:47
The date for the second G8 2007 Action Conference has been set. A broad preparatory group have agreed that “Rostock II” will begin on Friday 10th November 2006 at 7pm, lasting until Sunday 12th November. The Conference will take place at Rostock University.The preparatory group have published an initial invitation.
Call for Mass Blockades of 2007 G8
01-09-2006 11:40
Here is the English translation of the call for mass blockades of the 2007 G8 summit. The call is signed by Antifaschistische Linke Berlin, Avanti – Projekt undogmatische Linke, Gruene Jugend (Budesvorstand), and X-tausendmal quer; along with individual activists from Attac, Solid, and Werkstatt fuer Gewaltfreie Aktion.For more information about the 2007 summit, see:, and
G8 Germany: hundreds plot resistance at direct action camp
11-08-2006 12:36
“Camp Inski” opened its doors on 4 August in North West Germany. There, more than 500 activists prepare for the protests against the G8 2007 summit, to be held in the nearby town of Heiligendamm. Numerous workshops and action training provide information and skills while at the same time direct actions are already being carried out in the caravan 2007
11-08-2006 12:17
This is going to be a nice bike-caravan with a lot of fun and actions!Global Social Rights Worldwide! Sink the G8!
14-07-2006 12:41
Deregulation of finance markets leads to a concentration of power in the hands of a few banks and investment funds.. The privatization wave and bio-piracy by western corporations are the clearest examples of that expansion. Social rights gained by struggle are already sacrificed on the altar of the market.Infotour G8 2007 in Greece
14-05-2006 12:54

Around the European Social Forum ESF there were 4 audiences of the Infotour Group (dissent!) in Athens and Patra. In Athens there had been 3: At Autonomous Playground, Autonomous Spaces and the Antiauthoritarian, Egalitarian, Anarchist and Libertarian Forum. The Greek left is very segmented, also anarchist and autonomous groups. By this there had been a total of 4 parallel Forums against the official ESF (the fourth was the Antiimperialist Forum, where we didn`t show up). The audiences were mediocre attended, like 25 on the average. But discussions were interesting, many people are enthusiastic and like to be involved in further mobilizations. The new Anticapitalist Network for example would like to do their own presentations on G8 2007 in Mazedonia and Hungary.
G8 2007 Newspaper Online Now!
01-05-2006 20:37
The mobilisation against the 2007 G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, Germany is well under way! A newspaper has been produced by a number of groups involved with the Interventionist Left (IL), one of the radical networks mobilising against the summit, and is out now!