UK G8 Germany 2007 Newswire Archive
UK Anti-G8 Mobilisation meeting: Feedback from Reading 25/04/07
04-04-2007 13:25

Rave Against the G8 - Resistance Art Festival TAZ
31-03-2007 09:17
Resistance Art Festival will be kicking off alongside the 2007 G8 protests...Come one, come all...
See Free4alternatives:

Free4alternatives is an activists group coming from the Free Spaces scene (Free Party, Teknival, Squat, Trailer site, TAZ,...) fighting against liberty deprivations and standardization of masses for the right to alternatives and autonomy...
G8 UK NGO Campaign 'Your Voice Against Poverty' (london demo june 2nd)
29-03-2007 08:20
After the Make Poverty History 2005 Scotland G8 campaign the uk NGOs are calling on people to protest in london on June 2nd ahead of the G8 summit in Germany.
Meanwhile in Germany planning continues for massive protests and blockades of the summit. German NGOs have challenged the G8 on having done too little to meet the promises they made on poverty alleviation at the Gleneagles summit in 2005. This year's G8 falls mid-way in the period for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and it's clear that countries are also a long way off from achieving these goals.
Announcing IMC-UK-PHOTO
27-03-2007 00:26

International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8.
23-03-2007 11:39
The 8th of June International Day of Action Against has been called by the International Rising Tide Network. This is a call for autonomous, decentralized actions appropriate for your town, city, or local area.No to the G8 - Trade Unions on the Global Stage
15-03-2007 08:51
The following is a call by trade unionists in Germany and internationally against the 2007 G8 Summit in Heiligendamm. Groups and individuals can sign up here:
Support the Block G8 Call for Blockades of G8 in Heiligendamm
13-03-2007 17:56
The following text is the concept for mass blockades of the G8 Summit inHeiligendamm, produced by the "Block G8" network ( The
network are looking for international groups, networks and organisations
willing to sign up to the Block G8 Call for blockades (below). The list of
groups in Germany and beyond who have already signed this call are at the end
of this mail. The names of future signatories will be published on our website
and in future publicity. If you would like your group`s name to be included on
the English language Block G8 flyer which will be distributed internationally
via the Rostock III Action Conference in April (see:,
please let us know by March 31st at the latest.
To sign up, please email

See you on the streets around Heiligendamm!
g8'07 uk visitor winner's guide
10-03-2007 18:56

"Hitler no longer to be an honorary citizen of Bad Doberan"
10-03-2007 18:36

Formally, Adolf Hitler is still an honorary citizen of Bad Doberan. He was elevated to this status by town officials in 1932.. Prior to the NSDAP coming to power here, Bad Doberan had been the first municipality to grant Hitler this title.
Heiligendamm, where this year's G8 summit will be convened, belongs to the administrative district of Bad Doberan. The two towns are connected by the Lindenallee (Lime Tree Avenue), which Hitler once praised as "the most beautiful of Germany". The Dammchaussee ('Dam Road'), the road leading into the Lindenallee, was subsequently renamed 'Adolf-Hitler-Strasse' (Adolf Hitler Street).
Call for International Anti-G8 Demo in Rostock, June 2
02-03-2007 11:20
The following is a call for an international demonstration against the 2007 G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, to be held in Rostock on Saturday 2 June, 2007. To sign up to support the Call, goto: www.heiligendamm2007.deAnd remember to stick around for other actions and events throughout the week! See: and
'Block G8' call for mass blockades of the G8
02-03-2007 11:15
The following call for mass blockades of the G8 summit has been published by a broad coalition of groups, from anti-fascists to non-violent action groups, BUNDjugend (the German Friends of the Earth youth organisation) to radical-left networks, socialist youth organisations to the Green Party Youth Steering Committee, trade union organisations to christian organisations, libertarian theologists to activsts from attac... More groups are being invited to sign up. Do so here: www.block-g8.orgThe great global action 2007
14-02-2007 00:02

If you want to know the great action global 2007 it watches east video

Rhythms of Resistance joins the Bremen Carnival to raise awareness about the G8
13-02-2007 18:40
Rhythms of Resistance Manchester joined the Rhythms of Resistance bands in Germany at the Bremen (Germany) Carnival parade to put the politics back in the streets.5000 Against NATO Conference in Munich
13-02-2007 16:44

About 1000 At Anti-G7 Protest in Essen, Germany
13-02-2007 16:35

Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Munic: Thousands protest against the NATO (pics+report)
11-02-2007 17:26

Horst Teltschik, organizer of the NATO-security conference in an interview given to BR 2
Actions in the run-up to G8
07-02-2007 19:28
Here is a list of some of what has been going on in Europe agaist this June's g8 summit in GermanyQueeruption 9 Feedback & Anit-G8 Benefit Party
03-02-2007 00:11

An afternoon about Queeruption 9 in Tel Aviv, Israel and Palestine.
1-8pm, donations probably to support weekly queer demos in Al-Kuds, Palestine
8pm till late
Queers against the G8, benefit party (
Saturday 3rd Febuary 2007
RampART Social Centre, 15-17 Rampart St, off Commercial Rd, London. Whitechapel tube.
See below for daytime programme and flyer for party info.
Shut Em Down! Dissent Lives On... Report of UK Anti-G8 Gathering
30-01-2007 16:56
SHUT EM DOWN! Dissent lives on....G8 2007, 1st UK Gathering (A Personal Report).
Following on from last years anti-G8 UK info-tour, organised by Cardiff Anarchists along with Russian and German friends, this weekend saw the first UK-based gathering discussing resistance to the 2007 G8 Summit. Approx 35 people, from across the country and beyond, showed up to create what must be one of the most speedy and productive gatherings in UK history...
Dare to dream beyond the G8: the Resistance doesn’t end June 8
29-01-2007 18:19
But what if we look at the G8 protest not as an end, but as a beginning? If we believe in the success of our plans and activities, it could inspire people to take action long afterwards. We could develop new tactics and new ways of working together. And with this knowledge and inspiration, we don’t go back to our old life, but let resistance bloom all over Europe and whole world next summer and afterwards. United in our belief that we really are “more powerful than they can imagine”.