UK G8 Germany 2007 Newswire Archive
Police use massive force against G8 demonstrators in Rostock
04-06-2007 19:39

[video] Three short movies on Rostock riots
04-06-2007 18:40
Few videos from Saturday clashes with the policeG8 Protest - Bristol Solidarity
04-06-2007 18:20
CRITICAL MASS, Friday 8th June8am in the MORNING!
Assemble on St. Augustines Parade at 8am sharp to move off when critical mass forms.
G8 protests in audio and pictures
04-06-2007 17:07
Large protests are taking place in Rostock, Germany, against the G8.Haringey Critical Mass This Saturday!
04-06-2007 16:31
The annual bikers bash bringing a breath of fresh air to Green Lanes autobahn! ...join us on Saturday 9th of June for the 2007 Haringey Critical Mass. A leisurely ride down the Green Lanes to reclaim our streets and send a wave of fresh air to local people and those meeting in Germany.Imperial Multilateralism in Crisis
04-06-2007 11:32
For half a millenium, the West-first Spain and Portugal, then England and lastly the US-ruled the world. This position is now seriously put in question by the newcomers.. Officially the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank represent global interests and bear worldwide responsibility. In reality, they are dominated by the US.. The left has not yet adjusted to the imminent upheavals.G8: 1. a police arson on a bike-convoi and 2. a case of denied first aid
04-06-2007 02:36
1. A convoi of 35 bicyclists was brutally attacked by riot cops near Rostock today.2.Police and a doctor denied to give first aid to some French activists who were injured due to a car accident
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The Saturday riot in Rostock (2)
03-06-2007 19:52

Police Operation Failed: 1000 people injured
03-06-2007 19:13
This article is a translation from
The mass demonstration started peacefully, but later there were serious riots in Rostock. According to most recent information 433 policemen and 520 demonstrators were wounded. The situation went out of control after police tried to arrest alleged rioters.
video clips of police repression in rostock
03-06-2007 18:27

Brian Haw – six years in the square!
03-06-2007 17:56

The w(r)eek of Live 8 returns..
03-06-2007 17:27

The Saturday riot in Rostock (1)
03-06-2007 17:24

Clowns force closure of the G8 (probably).
03-06-2007 16:51

Fortunately following the outbreak of the Samba virus a few years ago there are now many safeguards in place to protect the movement from this phenomenon. Symptoms of the illness are easy to spot and following treatment victims can make a full recovery. It remains unclear whether activists will in time develop immunity to the condition. People are being advised not to panic as the situation is being closely monitored. Although the situation in Germany had passed the previous peak witnessed in Scotland in 2005 no one is using the word pandemic yet…..
Rostock Saturday. The international demo.
03-06-2007 16:32

Rostock Saturday
03-06-2007 16:11

G8 Roundup Extra - 2 June - Anti-Nazis Arrested - RTS Party Attacked
03-06-2007 14:58
Yesterday, Sat 2nd june, most of the news dealt with reports from the main Anti-G8 demonstration in Rostock, and the clashes that occurred after the march at the rally / concert in the harbour. Here´s a quick run down of some of the other reports:Vidfeo Rush: Police Attack Move Against G8 Protest and Concert
03-06-2007 14:44

Police Repression of Antifa Demo in Schwerin
03-06-2007 14:13

German Fascists called a demonstration on the same day as the major mobilisation against the G8 in Rostock. Antifa mobilised an anti-fascist response to the planned demo in Schwerin, north-west Germany.
Schwerin was eerily quite for a Saturday morning. German cops setup road blocks on the city's arterial roads in an attempt to filter out fascists and anti-fascists. The city's streets were deserted and the tram system was suspended. Posters showing a Nazi swasticka being chucked in a bin adorned roads around the city. There was little evidence of the "Master Race" mobilising in Schwerin but reports came in later that they had mobilised in Berlin and other parts of Germany. For the most part, local people we spoke to seemed confused about the nature of the counter demo, perhaps mirroring the somewhat confused interpretation of what really constitutes the radical left and right in Germany.