UK Rossport Solidarity Newswire Archive
Shells road torn up!!
03-04-2011 10:45

Shell’s work suspended by Day of Action
02-04-2011 10:01

Shell’s haulage stopped for 4 hours
02-04-2011 09:55

4 Actions against Shell in their first day of work in Rossport, Ireland
30-03-2011 13:32

French plans to topple Gaddafi on track since last November
29-03-2011 14:43

According to the Italian journalist Franco Bechis, plans to spark the Benghazi rebellion were initiated by French intelligence services in November 2010. As Miguel Martinez from the progressive ComeDonChisciotte website observes, these revelations which have the blessing of the Italian secret services should be interpreted as the sign of existing rivalries within the European capitalist camp..>

Shells Work begins in Rossport!!
29-03-2011 12:08

Shells Work Stopped for 4 hours
22-03-2011 22:21
This morning 5 members of the Rossport solidarity camp blockaded Shell Oil from accessing thier proposed compound in Glengad Co.Mayo.Shell's Glengad site blockaded!
21-03-2011 19:32

Rossport Solidarity Camp is Up!
20-03-2011 19:07
Today 20 people helped set up the foundations of the 2011 Rossport Solidarity CampWork Weekend at Rossport Solidarity Camp
16-03-2011 21:18

Massive Security presence at proposed Shell compound in Co.Mayo
11-03-2011 11:19

Shells Work Stopped twice in two days
09-03-2011 22:25

May Day! May Day! Rossport Solidarity Camp Summer Gathering Sat 30 April -Mon 2n
09-03-2011 11:00
Come up to the Rossport Solidarity Camp Summer Gathering for the May Bank Holiday weekend to see for yourself what's at stake and learn more about the campaign.Anti-Shell Non-violent direct action workshop
09-03-2011 10:58
A non-violent direct action workshop is taking place on Sat 9th -Sun 10th April. All are welcome, open to complete beginners-no experience necessary!Shells survey work stopped agein
02-03-2011 16:03

Stopping Shells Survey Work
25-02-2011 18:04

Anarcha feminist Weekend a Roaring Sucess!
23-02-2011 11:53
The weekend of 19th/20th February saw over 40 women and trans people and lots of children gathered at the Rossport Solidarity Camp house for a few days of workshops, discussions and skillsharing.Hollywood star slams Shell as ‘The Pipe’ wins IFTA award
20-02-2011 15:53
The Pipe, a documentary about the conflict caused by the controversial Corrib gas project, has been lauded at the Irish Film and Television Awards (IFTAs)Shell action in Solidarity with Rossport
16-02-2011 17:35

Shell's dangerous high pressure raw gas pipeline approved
30-01-2011 17:24
Action is needed against Shell's Corrib Gas Pipeline in Co Mayo, Ireland