UK Lebanon War 2006 Newswire Archive
Protestor arrested at Davis Cup Picket
22-07-2006 19:39
A protestor was arrested at the picket of the Israel-Britain Davis Cup tennis tournament in Eastbourne.Photos - Stop the War on Lebanon Demo - Manchester 22nd July
22-07-2006 19:10

Manchester 22nd July
March from the BBC to rally in Albert Square
2000 attended
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Sheffield demo against war in Lebanon
22-07-2006 18:44

The real aims of the US-backed Israeli war against Lebanon
22-07-2006 18:05
As the onslaught against Lebanon enters its tenth day, Israeli troops are poised for a full-scale invasion that has been prepared by murderous aerial bombardment, and the far-reaching imperialist aims of the war have become all too clear.With the full political, financial and military backing of the United States, the Zionist regime is attempting to transform Lebanon into an Israeli protectorate. This military operation is a continuation and escalation of the imperialist geo-political restructuring of the Middle East and Central Asia that began with the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and whose goal is the establishment of US domination of the entire region.
The immediate aim of this war—the elimination of Hezbollah as a military and political force within Lebanon—is directed against all mass resistance to Israeli and American domination of the country. The Bush administration and its allies in Jerusalem see this as an essential step toward: 1) the removal of the Syrian Baathist regime, and 2) the launching of a full-scale war against Iran.
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Newcastle Demo 22nd July Pics
22-07-2006 15:13

Update: Protests at Israel/Britain Davis Cup Game,Bournemouth
22-07-2006 13:30
14:26pmProtest against Israel-Britain Davis Cup Game UPDATE...
Sydney rally against Israeli aggression 22-7-06
22-07-2006 12:39

U.S. Speeds Up Bomb Delivery for the Israelis
22-07-2006 08:21
Yankkkeezzz sending precision equipment to aid the Israeli's in their modern day slaughter of the innocents, just like the tractor busting A10's during the Kosovo massacresWASHINGTON The Bush administration is rushing precision-guided bombs to Israel at the Israelis’ request, American officials said. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she would go to Israel tomorrow and then meet Arab and European envoys in Italy.
Israel to ethnically cleans lebanon up to Litani River.
22-07-2006 07:52

Lebanon/Gaza Protest Outside Israeli Tennis Team Venue
22-07-2006 06:29
Sunday, Justice Not Vengeance and Hastings against War are organising a protest about Israeli aggression against Lebanon/Gaza in Eastbourne - where the Israeli national tennis team is playing.Lebanon/Gaza - Successful petitioning in Hastings
22-07-2006 06:16
Justice Not Vengeance has produced a leaflet, postcard, petition and briefings about the current Gaza/Lebanon crisis. We used them to good effect in the centre of Hastings on Friday 21 July, gathering 73 signatures in an hour, in cooperation with Hastings Against War.YES TO PEACE NO TO TERROR "Stand with Israel" rally Sunday in Kenton
22-07-2006 03:06
The Board of Deputies of British Jews is sponsoring a rally in solidarity with Israel on Sunday July 23 from 5 to 6 pm at JFS, The Mall, Kenton.
Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition
22-07-2006 00:30
Please sign this petition and spread the link around the internetIsraeli Military Tactics and Objectives in Lebanon
21-07-2006 23:52
Don't be fooled by 'Kidnapped Soldiers' and 'Rockets raining down on Israel'. That is all a smoke screen for a crime, a robbery in fact. Unforunately a few thousand people will have to die first. But the US/UK think its worth it. Please read on.LEBANON - DIRECT ACTION - TRAFALGAR SQUARE - 6.25pm
21-07-2006 23:05
The BBC are broadcasting direct from Trafalgar Square tomorrow (Saturday) as part of their dance week. With many protestors leaving Hyde Park after the march, spread the word and flood the Square. Take over the media. Stop censorship. Do real direct action to show the depth of feeling about this situation.WALES LEBANON MARCH
21-07-2006 19:53
All-Wales March for Peace and Justice in the Middle East:ISRAEL OUT OF LEBANON,
Israelis are using Depleted Uranium in Lebanon
21-07-2006 18:51
Below are links to photos showing Israeli forces loading their tanks with depleted uranium weapons.B'Tselem - "Israeli Soldiers use civilians as Human Shields in Beit Hanun"
21-07-2006 13:21
An investigation by the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, B'Tselem, indicates that, during an incursion by Israeli forces into Beit Hanun, in the northern Gaza Strip, on 17 July 2006, soldiers seized control of two buildings in the town and used residents as human shields.Liverpool Vigil Fails To Stop War
19-07-2006 21:33