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UK Lebanon War 2006 Newswire Archive

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Symbolic Die-in and Collective Scream Against War - London 25th July

24-07-2006 22:59

In the face of the official "no-comment," come and raise your voice and lend your
body in response to the killings in the Middle East. See also urgent appeal for financial support below.

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24-07-2006 20:53

zionist leaflet
With public support for Palestine, and now Lebanon, increasing in the recent events, which has involved the murder of 377+ Lebanese civilians in just 13 days by Israel. Zionists are feeling the pressure to stop the truth of what is happening coming out to public at large.

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Every civilian death is a tragedy, but some are more tragic than others.

24-07-2006 19:30

... the bigger picture ...
A leading zionist legal expert muses on special and chosen victims:
"These differences and others are conflated within the increasingly meaningless word "civilian" — a word that carried great significance when uniformed armies fought other uniformed armies on battlefields far from civilian population centers. Today this same word equates the truly innocent with guilty accessories to terrorism."
Alan Dershowitz

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Israel and International Law

24-07-2006 15:35

The use of military force without approval of the UN Security Council is prohibited in international law.. Humanitarian international law is in effect during an armed conflict..Israel's conduct can be branded as illegal before international and national courts, above all before the world public. The land can also be driven into political isolation for ignoring international law standards.

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The Crime of Lebanon and Palestine - Are Iran and Syria Next?

24-07-2006 15:16

By any interpretation of international law, Israel today is committing massive and egregious war crimes and crimes against humanity against the defenseless people of Palestine and Lebanon. It's doing it with the full support and encouragement of the US and willful compliance of the West, most of the Arab world, the UN and the dominant corporate media worldwide acting as cheerleaders for the mass killing, crippling destruction, and immiseration of innocent civilians in Lebanon and the Palestinian Occupied Territories. Israel falsely claims its duel assaults are in response to Hamas' capture of an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier near Kerem Shalom crossing, southeast of Rafah, on June 25 and Hezbollah's cross-border incursion on July 12, killing eight IDF soldiers in the exchange that followed and taking two others prisoner.

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THE JERUSALEM POST: Israel Plans Occupation & PAUL KRUGMAN: Black and Blue

24-07-2006 13:55

The War on Lebanon

PLUS: Bush and Blacks

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Profiting from the Occupation:corporate interests fuelling conflict in Palestine

24-07-2006 12:25

What do Tesco, Waitrose, Connex and Caterpillar have in common? They are all profiting from Israel's occupation of Palestine.

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UK Govt Sources Confirm War With Iran Is On

23-07-2006 21:54

Govt sources confirm war with Iran is on before the end of the year. Multiple global crises are converging in the next few years, and we are faced with systemic collapse within the following 10-15 years.

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London demo in solidarity with Lebanese and Palestinians.

23-07-2006 15:48

Singing in the rain.
Considering the short notice (less than one week) the demo was impressively large. Thousands came from all over the country to enjoy the heat-wave in Britain’s most polluted city and protest about the slaughter in Lebanon. Fortunately for everyone the weatherman had lied and it rained from early on in the demo till just before the end. Having been cooked here for over a week it has to be said that the rain was lovely.

Difficult to say how many came there were other regional mobilizations around the country. Definitely over ten thousand.

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The ever popular US Embassy.

23-07-2006 15:07

Bush gets the finger.
The demo was unsurprisingly at its most loud and angry when passing the US Embassy. The blatant way in which Bush and his chums are siding with Israel at present demonstrates yet more hypocrisy and double standards in the so called ‘war on terror’.

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Robert Fisk: A gripping diary of one week in the life and death of Beirut

23-07-2006 14:03

The local Beirut papers are filled with photographs that would never be seen in the pages of a British paper: of decapitated babies and women with no legs or arms or of old men in bits. Israel's air raids are promiscuous and - when you see the results as we now do with our own eyes - obscene.

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Round up of July 22nd Lebanon solidarity protests

23-07-2006 11:59

This is a round up of 7 different reports with photos from the day of solidarity for Lebanon on Saturday July 22nd 2006.

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23-07-2006 11:57

ITN lunchtime broadcast knocked off air at beginning of lead story.

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Middle East: Cradle or Graveyard of Empire?

23-07-2006 09:49

No, the abysmal failures in Iraq have not dissuaded Washington from embarking on yet another adventure. George W. Bush and his warmongering allies are preparing themselves for another major incident in the Middle East. This time Iran is the main challenge in the establishment of the new world order and a direct target.

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Israel, Lebanon, Palestinian Conflict: an Educational Solution

23-07-2006 05:09

Public Information Campaigns in Israel are vitally needed to educate the Israeli Public to (1) the illusory threat of a free and independent Palestine, indeed how this would benefit Israel, and (2) the stain left on the Jewish heritage and soul of Israel by such persistent aggression.

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IsraHell's fair game (part 2)

23-07-2006 01:31

IsraHell drops leaflets in Lebanon telling the people to leave...then KILLS them
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Lebanese people, massacred by U.S. backed IsraHell's war machine.

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Lockheed Bombs Expedited to Israel To Bomb the Little Ones of Lebanon

23-07-2006 00:23

Lockheed is today's father of Major Barbara. It is the world's biggest merchant of death, and is expediting delivery of its bunkerbuster bombs to burn the babies of the Mideast

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The New Totalitarianism

23-07-2006 00:18

A pretty comprehensive article on where we are now

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photos and short report london lebanon demo 22/7

22-07-2006 23:02

usual suspects
7 - 30,000 protestors, depending on who you believe, marched from whitehall to hyde park today. then they went home

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London erupts in mass protest against Israeli crimes.

22-07-2006 20:11

Demonstrators assemble in the centre of London’s government district.
Around 10,000 people of conscience marched through central London today in fierce opposition to Israel’s mass slaughter of the Lebanese and Palestinian people and the British government’s complicity.