UK Lebanon War 2006 Newswire Archive
10-11-2006 16:02
07-11-2006 17:04
06-11-2006 13:02
Smashing Dates for your Diaryto find out why we want to SMASH EDO see
Germany's military to take on global role
28-10-2006 20:49
Germany will today adopt the most radical restructuring of its military since 1945, turning the Bundeswehr into an international intervention force.It will see Germany's military officially abandon its primary postwar task of defending the country's borders in favour of a more robust role for German troops on international missions.
New indymedia-Video from South Lebanon
28-10-2006 12:01

Lebanon - eye witness report and slide show
25-10-2006 12:54

Thousands of Palestinians detained while trying to reach Jerusalem
21-10-2006 15:42

In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...
Palestine Demo at EDO MBM Next Wednesday
21-10-2006 14:55
Show your anger at EDO MBM's complicity in the death of Paestinian civiliansUpdates from tel Rumeida, Occupied Palestine
21-10-2006 14:52
These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending part of October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...
Update on Al Jifflik Tent School (Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group
21-10-2006 14:26
These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending part of October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...
Palestine/Israel week at Sussex Uni
20-10-2006 02:32
The Co-Existence Society Present...PEACE AND CONFLICT WEEK
Four days of talks, films, music and food promoting peace in the Middle East, at Sussex University
state of emergency meeting @ London @bookfair
19-10-2006 15:25

MEETING ROOM 4 1pm - 2pm
Saturday, 21st October, 2006 - London Anarchist Bookfair
10am-7pm, at the Voluntary Sector Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Rd, London, N7 6PA. Tube - Holloway Road
House Demolitions in Jordan Valley
16-10-2006 21:36
These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending part of October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...
Israeli Colonists Steal Palestinian olives in Tel Rumeida
13-10-2006 11:10
These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending part of October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...
12-10-2006 14:07
All and each one of the threats related by brilliant George Orwell is receiving realism to huge steps. We attended a formidable spectacle in which we are imprisoned of the systematic use of social engineering destined to conserve them privileges of few in damage of the most essential rights of the set of the Humanity.Abusing the Arab Peace Initiative
12-10-2006 11:28
The failed Qatari mediation in the still unresolved inter-Palestinian divide was in practice an American success in turning the Arab Peace Initiative (API) into a pressure tool that further exacerbates fractures both in Arab and Palestinian ranks.Civilians as ''legitimate'' military targets, Israeli attacks on Lebanon
12-10-2006 06:27
In the july-war on Lebanon, as well as Israel as Hizbollah have committed serious human rights viollations and warcrimes against as well the Lebanese civilian population as the Israeli civilian population.Despite the ''justifications'' by both parties, they are both subjective to International Humanitarian Law, which forbids, under all circumstances, military attacks on civilians
Israeli Holidays Impede Palestinian Freedom of Movement
10-10-2006 21:45
This post comes from a Brighton based activist spending October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a Palestinian lead group supporting non-violent resistance to the Israeli occupation...