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UK Lebanon War 2006 Newswire Archive

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Demos Banned for Arab League Ministers Meeting - Mon 7th Aug - Photo Report

11-08-2006 23:12

A planned demonstration today was banned by the Lebanese government. The action had been called outside a meeting of Arab league ministers. This was in the same area where a spontaneous demonstration outside the UN building following the Qaa outrage became violent, with considerable damage being done to the building itself.

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Sanayaa Park Refugee Centre, Lebanon - Sun August 6th - Photo Report

11-08-2006 16:15

Sanayaa Park is one of the many homes to the thousands of refugees that are flooding into Beirut at present. The small ornamental garden near the Beirut financial district has become a village for people fleeing from the south or southern Beirut suburbs. It is hot and dusty and hundreds of families sleep on mats in the open air with no shelter and few facilities. Sleep is difficult with the constant sound of bombing and sonic booms from Israeli fighter jets.

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Lebanon's Increasing Refugee Crisis - Sun 6th Aug - Photo Report

11-08-2006 16:12

Exact figures for the amount of refugees in Lebanon and Syria are hard to come by. Everyday the situation changes. Today for example several new districts of Beirut have been leafleted, so now thousands are flooding out from the suburbs in question, looking for shelter anywhere in the city they can find it. There is also a fear that with the world looking the other way (i.e. towards London’s ‘foiled terror plot’) the Israelis will exploit the one-track media window to get away with mass murder. They have a history of doing this. Ask any activist or journo who was in Palestine during 9/11.

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South Beirut After a Night of Bombing - Sat Aug 5th - Photo Report

11-08-2006 16:05

This morning Israel announced that it had hit several Hizbollah strongholds in the south of Beirut. That their targets had been carefully selected and were areas where they were storing arms and ammunition. So we went to the neighbourhood of Dhayiya to take a look for ourselves. The last time I saw devastation on this scale I was covering the aftermath of the South Asia Earthquake. Entire blocks have disappeared into piles of rubble and twisted metal. The first and most obvious thing is that aside from a few small shops and work units this was clearly a densely populated residential area. Locals tell us that the buildings destroyed include a mosque, an orphanage and a neighbourhood health clinic. The death toll is unknown this area has been bombed periodically over the last week. How many bodies lie under the rubble is unclear but human remains have a very distinctive smell and the odour is everywhere.

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Driving Into Lebanon - Friday August 4th - Photo Report

11-08-2006 15:27

The border with Syria is total chaos. Going into Lebanon is easy, coming out hundreds of cars and lorries are stacked up in a never-ending queue. Some are HGVs desperate to get their goods and vehicles out of the war zone. Others are packed with refugees; the lucky ones with the right documentation and enough money to escape.

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Homeless in Anata

11-08-2006 11:11

Whilst the world's media is now distracted away from Israel-s destruction of another country, the Israeli occupation of Palestine becomes more administratively savage and swift whilst no-one is looking. This article is about Israel's illegal demolition of family homes in Greater Jerusalem and the West Bank. See 'Big Issue in the North out Monday 14th August for the article with pictures.

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Unpalletable Truths for Weaklings.

11-08-2006 10:40

"Zionism is a colonisation adventure and therefore it stands and falls by the question of armed force. It is important ... to speak Hebrew ... it is even more important to be able to shoot" Vladamir Jabotinsky 1923.

We Are Untouchable. You are too robotically programmed or shit scared to look!

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Indymedia Photography from Lebanon

11-08-2006 08:31

A man tries to remove a stretcher with the charred remains of a bombing victim.
IMC-NYC photographer Andrew Stern reports from Lebanon.

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Public Service Announcement for Electronic Lebanon

11-08-2006 07:48


In the weeks after Israel launched its attack on Lebanon, a team of New York-based artists, designers, and multimedia producers converged on a warehouse location in Brooklyn to create a Public Service Announcement for Electronic Lebanon. The two minute PSA is intended for wide distribution and public viewing. A laptop version of the PSA, for projection, is also available for download. Activists and others seeking broadcast-quality versions of the PSA are asked to contact EI.

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The Pentagon's "Second 911"

11-08-2006 07:19

"Another [9/11] attack could create both a justification and an opportunity to retaliate against some known targets"

One essential feature of "defense" in the case of a second major attack on America, is "offense", according to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff: "Homeland security is one piece of a broader strategy [which] brings the battle to the enemy." (DHS, Transcript of complete March 2005 speech of Secr. Michael Chertoff)

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Join the civilian convoy to South Lebanon on August 12th

10-08-2006 21:56

On August 12, at 7 am, Lebanese from throughout the country and international supporters who have come to Lebanon to express solidarity will gather in Martyr's Square in Beirut to form a civilian convoy to the south of Lebanon.

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Fake Terror Obfuscates Lebanon and Iraq Failures

10-08-2006 18:58

Unable to window dress the obvious failure to eradicate growing resistance in Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan—even with the mighty propaganda power of a complaisant media—the neocon intelligence apparatus has staged yet another terrorist event, or would be terrorist event.

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Weekly report: Israeli warcrimes in Palestine

10-08-2006 16:01

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)

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Sheffield Anti-War Demo - Sat Aug 19th

10-08-2006 11:33

Following on from Saturday's 100,000+ demonstration, last nights Sheffield StWC
organising meeting laid down a number of plans and activities for the coming
period, which I will set out below in chronological order.
Given what is almost universally seen as a murdeous assault by Israel on Lebanon
and indeed Palestine, and the the continued bloody occupation of Afghanistan
and Iraq, last night we quite rightly decided to step up the action and pile on
the pressure on Bush, Blair, Olmert and their warmongering cohorts to stop the
slaughter and stop it now.

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Hi-di-hi Prestwick!

10-08-2006 09:46

Loitering with a Tent, an ad hoc affinity group established a peace camp in Glasgow Prestwick's main car park for around 11 hours in protest of the illegal military flights that are being allowed through what is marketed as a civilian airport.

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Israeli Anarchists Blockade Air Force Base

10-08-2006 08:48

Around 20 Israeli anarchists on Wednesday blockaded the entrance to Ramat David air force base in the north of the country, from which fighter planes have been taking off to bombing missions in Lebanon.

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Photo Essay from Lebanon - 2

10-08-2006 04:15

Palestinian Refugees from Ain al-Helweh Refugee Camp, Saida (Sidon)
These images are stories in themselves

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Photo Essay from Lebanon

10-08-2006 04:03

This is how we must bury our dead now - in masses
These images are stories in themselves

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Civil Defense members removing corpses from Marwahin, Lebanon

10-08-2006 02:52

young girl from Marwahin
Civil Defense members removing corpses from Marwahin, Lebanon