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UK Lebanon War 2006 Newswire Archive

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"Triple Alliance": The US, Turkey, Israel and the War on Lebanon

06-08-2006 22:13

If the Lebanon war were to escalate into a broader conflict involving Syria, Turkish ground troops could be deployed under the terms of the Israeli-Turkish military alliance. It is worth mentioning that prime ministers Recep Erdogan and Ariel Sharon in a 2005 meeting in Tel Aviv decided to set up a "Hotline for the exchange of intelligence" as part of their evolving military alliance. What this suggests is that Turkey is a potential partner in the ongoing war on Lebanon.

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Israel Must End its Gaza-Lebanon Wars

06-08-2006 21:44

The U.S. and Israel are principally responsible for the attacks on the civilian populations of Gaza and Lebanon. Israel must withdraw completely, and negotiate.

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Citizens Weapons Inspectors Enter Prestwick Airport

06-08-2006 17:39

As the UK Government, and the Scottish Police, fail to live up to their responsibilities to prevent the use of UK airports to facilitate War Crimes in the Middle East, a team of Citizens Weapons Inspectors entered Prestwick Airport late on Saturday night to investigate reports of flights carrying bombs to Israel refuelling there.

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Ceasefire now! London demo 5th Aug 2006 – report, pics, audio, video

06-08-2006 14:18

Video Video
For a demo called with only a week’s notice, it was huge. Protestors vented their rage at the ongoing slaughter in Lebanon (and Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan) by marching from Hyde Park, past the US embassy, leaving childrens’ shoes outside Downing Street, and ending up in Parliament Square for a rally. There was a die-in and sit-down protest outside Downing Street at which a number of arrests were reported. Two protestors loudly congratulated the police outside Downing Street for their bravery in protecting the public from Tony Blair, and were not arrested. Photos, audio clips of speeches, and some video footage are attached.

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5 Aug Lebanon Demo: Another Arrest at Downing St

06-08-2006 12:39

The placard
It's a good thing these guys don't carry firearms...

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CIA Soros attacks Lebanese resistance

06-08-2006 11:10

The Lebanese RESISTANCE must immediately stop firing rockets into civilian areas in Israel, Soros' New York-based fake 'Human Rights Watch' says, calling the attacks ''a war crime''.The victims are blamed for defending themselves? 'Human Rights Watch' is a sham.

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Brutal Arrests on Pro-Lebanon Protest (05.08.06)

06-08-2006 10:43

Outside the American Emassy
Brutal Arrests on Pro-Lebanon Protest yesterday (05.08.06) outside the American Embassy and then (not so brutal) later on at Dowing Street.

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More pictures of 5 August London protest

06-08-2006 10:36

In addition to the loads of pictures already published, here are a few more.

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Lebanon London peace demo pics

06-08-2006 02:58

huge crowds at start
With the psychopathic Israeli regime carrying out ethnic cleansing and mass civilian murder in Lebanon on an industrial scale, another A to B march would never seem enough. However the turnout was fantastic for such a short notice demo - must have been 100,000 but predictably the now blatantly pro-israel bbc is claiming a downright insulting 20,000.

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heavy-handed policing at stop the war demo in london (pics)

06-08-2006 00:49

bush and bliar
between 8,000 and 150,000 people (depending on who you believe) marched in london on saturday afternoon, calling for a ceasefire now. police seemed often heavy-handed and out of control, and there were at least a dozen arrests.

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Parliament Street Die In protest about Israeli Aggression

06-08-2006 00:40

Death outside the gates of Downing Street
Protestors took part in a sit down, and dead, protest outside Downing Street. With a group of demonstrators lying down as dead, with many stopping to sit and join them. The protest ended with members of the last groups of activists being arrested.

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London demonstration against Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Palestine - Pics

06-08-2006 00:31

Tony greets protestors as they head to Parliament
A very large turn out especially for something called at such short notice. The protest saw a diverse group of people trying to make the common opinion heard.

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Photos: Pro-Lebanon Protest in London. (05.08.06)

06-08-2006 00:30

Photos of the Pro-Lebanon Protest in London today. (05.08.06)

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Picket/Demo at Liverpool V Maccabi Haifa - 9th August

05-08-2006 22:17

Merseyside TUC, Liverpool TUC, Wirral TUC and Sefton TUC and the
Merseyside Coalition Against the War are supporting the Friends of
Palestine Picket / demonstration at the Liverpool versus Maccabi
Haifa football match on Wednesday 9th August at Anfield and call on
trade unionists to show Israelis that we are totally opposed to
their murderous activities in Lebanon. The football game will be
shown live on Israeli television and the key may well be to bring
banners / placards to show Israeli people exactly what the views of
trade unionists and anti war campaigners are.

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7 Anti war activists arrested outside Downing St

05-08-2006 19:24

Seven anti war activists were arrested at 6pm this afternoon as they lay ‘dead’ in the road outside Downing Street in a protest to demand an unconditional ceasefire in the Middle East.

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Sitting down outside Downing St

05-08-2006 15:14

Presently there are about 150 people sitting outside Downing St, while a pile of children's shoes is growing on the inside of the gates.

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The Qana Massacre And The Risks Of Relying On Israeli Propaganda

05-08-2006 13:26

This article discusses an example of American mainstream media's uncritical bias towards Israel. In this particular instance, CNN and Paula Zahn got burned when they aired an Israeli Defense Force-provided surveillance video purporting to show Hezbollah rockets being fired in Qana on the day a nearby house was bombed, killing scores of Lebanese civilians, including many children. Subsequently, Israel announced that it had no clear proof that rockets had been fired from this location on the day of the bombing.

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Israel is to blame.

05-08-2006 08:54

Support the killers
Israel is now drunk on it's power.

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US-Israeli war aim is to annihilate Lebanon

05-08-2006 08:47

The sharp escalation of the attacks against Lebanon Friday have made it abundantly clear that the objective of this US-Israeli war of aggression is to demolish Lebanon as an independent and sovereign country.

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Is America [& Australia] Watching a Different War? [Yep!]

05-08-2006 02:06

Deep Shit News
Is America Watching a Different War? American, Lebanese and Israeli Panel on How the US Media is Covering the Invasion of Lebanon