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UK Lebanon War 2006 Newswire Archive

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Art against war in Lebanon. Friday August 25th.

29-08-2006 17:21

“Are you with Spiderman?” enquires a representative of the Hizbollah cultural wing. I am nervously watching British stencil graffiti artist ‘Arofish’ scale yet another crumbling wall in Dhayiya. His design for the space involves images of Lebanese children defiantly flying kites in the ruins of South Beirut. Kite flying is a traditional act of defiance used by Palistinian children to break the Israeli curfews. Here Arofish has also included some ghostly white, unattached kites to represent the children who did not survive the war. He has previously scrawled less than flattering images of Ariel Sharon in occupied Palistine and defaced American bases in Baghdad.

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Bent Jbeil, South Lebanon. Sunday Aug 27th. Photo report.

29-08-2006 17:11

Bent Jbeil is Israel's Fallujah. It has resisted every attempt at occupation over the years. During this war they announced it's capture no less than five times. Each time they had to revise their statement. Towards the begining of the war the Israelis marched straight into a trap here. Seven of their soldiers were killed and loads more wounded. The retaliation was extreme. The town centre no longer exists. The buildings were shelled to rubble. The rubble was shelled to pebbles and the pebbles were shelled to dust.

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Look what they did to Lebanon!

29-08-2006 01:06

They flattened it! With Depleted Uranium (and more)!

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29-08-2006 01:03

The once beautiful Lebanon
Look at it! Look at it! Look at it! What? The map of Lebanon. 'They dump the old weapons and test the new weapons'...

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No Troops to Lebanon!

29-08-2006 00:49

Israel’s war in Lebanon had several aspects: some concern its own territorial interests, others concern the policy of American imperialism in the Middle East of which it is the fundamental instrument, finally others are related to "the instability" of Lebanon and to the resistance of the Palestinian populations which have been unable to emancipate themselves from the national oppression to which they were subjected initially by British colonialism, then by Zionism.

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Phone Blockade of EDO MBM tuesday 29th Aug - Call 01273 810500

28-08-2006 21:58

Tell the arms deakers what you think of them...
to find out about EDO MBM see

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The Liquid Bomb Hoax: The Larger Implications

26-08-2006 09:18

The bomb plot political ploy fits the previous political pattern of sacrificing capitalist economic interests to serve domestic political and ideological positions. Foreign policy failures lead to domestic political crimes, just as domestic policy crises lead to aggressive military expansion.

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Sensible Mandate

25-08-2006 13:42

Peoples do not win wars, only governments.. People only delight in war when they are poisoned by propaganda and indoctrinated by the school, media and religion.. War, this orgy of killing and destroying, is the absolute horror.. Peace can only be made with enemies. Despite everything, we on this earth are condemned to negotiate reconciliation.

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Desperate times – desperate measures

25-08-2006 13:08

One thing is abundantly clear, the empire is in deep shit and like any cornered animal, they are extremely dangerous. The ‘terror alert’ is indicative of just how desperate they are risking even the destruction of the airline industry in order to put the frighteners on the populace. But has it worked? On one level, yes as the events on an aircraft from Spain bound for London reveal, with the xenophobic Brits refusing to travel on the plane with two people who looked “Middle Eastern” onboard.

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Disarming Hezbollah: Setting the Israeli-American Trap

25-08-2006 07:46

As if to emphasis its role as obedient lap dog for Israel and the United States, the United Nations has changed its “rules of engagement” in Lebanon. “New rules of engagement for U.N. troops in Lebanon permit soldiers to shoot in self-defense, use force to protect civilians and resist armed attempts to interfere with their duties, a U.N. document says,” reports Reuters.

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Threat from Sussex Police to Smash EDO

24-08-2006 18:34

e mail received re 16th december march over edo's complicity in war crimes in lebanon, palestine, iraq and afghanistan

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The enviromental cost of Israel's lunacy. August 24th. Photo report

24-08-2006 18:13

This beach would usually be packed at this time of year. Every lifeguard station would be operational and the sand would be obscured by tens of thousands of sunbathers and local families. This was the hub of Beirut’s growing tourist industry. Now the bars along the sea front are as deserted as the beach itself. It is closed to the public for reasons of safety. Only press and volunteer clear-up teams are allowed in. Last night CNN ran a highly biased documentary about the effect of the war on Israel’s tourist industry. What about Lebanon? Tourism was the fastest growing part of this little country’s economy. Unlike Israel there is no American money to plug the gap left in people’s livelihoods. The damage to the income of the coastal towns and cities is high; the environmental damage is nothing short of a catastrophe

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Cambridge eye witness to Israeli anti-war movement

24-08-2006 13:15

Cambridge activist Genevieve Passamonte was in Israel at the height of the war against Lebanon and Gaza I spoke to her recently about what she saw of the movement against the war and the wall.

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Evidence that Israel has in fact struck military targets - Wed 23rd Aug

24-08-2006 11:33

After three weeks of searching Beirut and South Lebanon for evidence that Israel were striking military targets I have finally found it! I was beginning to give up hope. Twenty long days of visiting bombed schools, hospitals, factories and residential areas. Not a scrap of military metal to be found. I was beginning to think that Olmert was a liar. I was wondering if all that hanging out with Bush and Blair was beginning to rub off on him? Now I am standing on a hill high above the village of Khiam in south Lebanon, and all around me lie the debris of destroyed Tanks, Jeeps, Artillery weapons and APCs. The airstrike that took this place out was certainly efficient. Just one problem. All this hardware is… erm… Israeli.

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Israel’s ‘special’ forces in spectacular cock up - Sun 20th Aug

24-08-2006 11:29

On Friday morning it was announced that Israel had bombed a rural area in the Bekka province. This was a blatant violation of the ceasefire, which had been in place for just 4 days. When asked for an explanation by the UN, the Israelis retorted that they could not discuss the operation for reasons of security. Replace the word ‘security’ with ‘embarrassment’ and the statement makes a lot more sense.

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Ali el-Nahri Remember Their Dead - Sat 19th Aug - Photo Report

24-08-2006 11:27

Over 1000 people are packed into the Mosque at Ali el-Nahri, to remember 5 of the town’s Martyrs who died in the recent war. All were civilians. They had been hastily buried during the hostilities, in some cases before their relatives had even been informed. Today is a chance for them to be remembered. The security seems tighter than usual – my credentials are checked several times. The reason why becomes apparent when the main speaker arrives. Dr Hussain Al Hajj Hassan is a senior figure in Hizbollah and someone who the Israelis have vowed to assassinate. He is a powerful and charismatic speaker. Most of his address is given over to paying tribute to the towns Martyrs. However he is not lost for words on subjects like Israel, Olmert and Bush.

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IDF soldier killed, three others hurt, in South Lebanon

23-08-2006 16:37

An Israel Defense Forces soldier was killed and three others were wounded Wednesday when a mine exploded in southern Lebanon, close to the border with Israel. One of the wounded soldiers, a company commander, was in moderate-to-serious condition; a battalion commander sustained moderate wounds and another solider was lightly injured.The incident apparently occurred when the tank in which the three were traveling ran over an old IDF mine, planted before the Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon in 2000.

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English judge 'aiding and abetting' Israeli-UK war crimes

23-08-2006 16:24

Amnesty today identified the recent Israeli war crimes in Lebanon.

Human Rights Watch identified UK collusion with these war crimes.

Now an English Judge has ruled in favour of genocide.

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23-08-2006 10:53

Embargo - For Immediate Release

Smash EDO - Press Release

Email Andrew or Sarah -

tel 07875708873


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Baalbek, Capital of the Bekka Valley - Sun 20th Aug - Photo Report

23-08-2006 10:49

I’m in a coffee house in Baalbek to meet Mr Ahmad Rayya, who is a senior figure in Hizbollah and the spokesman for the local district. Baalbek has suffered badly from Israeli air strikes, and the evidence is all around us. Our journey here has taken us passed numerous bombsites where shopkeepers and homeowners toil in the dust and rubble to salvage items in preparation for clearance and rebuilding. The backdrop of Baalbeck’s ancient Roman ruins seems strangely in keeping with the destruction below. I start by asking him to summarise the cost of the war to the area.