Sheffield Anti-War Demo - Sat Aug 19th
stw | 10.08.2006 11:33 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Sheffield
Following on from Saturday's 100,000+ demonstration, last nights Sheffield StWC
organising meeting laid down a number of plans and activities for the coming
period, which I will set out below in chronological order.
Given what is almost universally seen as a murdeous assault by Israel on Lebanon
and indeed Palestine, and the the continued bloody occupation of Afghanistan
and Iraq, last night we quite rightly decided to step up the action and pile on
the pressure on Bush, Blair, Olmert and their warmongering cohorts to stop the
slaughter and stop it now.
organising meeting laid down a number of plans and activities for the coming
period, which I will set out below in chronological order.
Given what is almost universally seen as a murdeous assault by Israel on Lebanon
and indeed Palestine, and the the continued bloody occupation of Afghanistan
and Iraq, last night we quite rightly decided to step up the action and pile on
the pressure on Bush, Blair, Olmert and their warmongering cohorts to stop the
slaughter and stop it now.
To this end, the following were agreed upon:
1) ASAP. To send a telegram to war criminal Blair on his summer jaunt in the
Bahamas, c/o the British High Commission, calling for an immediate and
unconditional ceasefire in the latest conflict.
2) Tomorrow, Friday Aug 11. To leaflet Friday prayers at as many Sheffield
mosques as possible and talk to people about getting involved in our
activities. Different mosques come out at different times, and this is
generally between 1.30-2.30, so if you have half an hour or so to spare to help
out, please call/text Angela on: 079081 816 078 as soon as you can.
2) Saturday Aug 12 and Monday to Friday 14-18 August. City centre stalls to
build for the forthcoming Sheffield StWC demo (see next item) along with the
Tony Benn meeting and Manchester demo. Please meet on the Town Hall steps.
Stalls will be taking place between 12-2 and it would be useful if you could
let us know in advance if you can do them as there is a good chance they will
be held at various different spots. Please contact Angela, number as above,
with details of when you are free.
3) Saturday Aug 19. Sheffield StWC demonstration. Following on from our two
previous, very successful local protests, we have decided to hold another one
which will assemble at the City Hall steps at noon and march round town to the
Town Hall steps. Given the very effective national StWC initiative at last
Saturday's demo where hundreds of pairs of childrens shoes were laid out at the
Cenataph to highlight how the majority of those killed in the current conflict
are Lebanese children, we have decided to do the same in Sheffield and to place
the shoes on the Town Hall steps. If you have any old children's shoes, please
bring them along. This is an excellent way to hightlight the horrors of war and
who the true victims are.
4) Next Sheffield StWC meeting Tues Aug 22. This will be held at St Matthew's on
Carver Street at 7.30pm and will provide the opportunity to report back on the
local demo and also discuss strategy and tactics to build for forthcoming
events, notably those listed further down.
5) Tuesday Sep 19, Tony Benn speaks in Sheffield! Doubtless you all know that
national StWC President Tony Benn is speaking at Ponds Forge at 7pm, and indeed
many of you have done a brilliant job selling tickets for this event to your
friends, family, workmates etc. Given that last time Tony spoke in Sheffield at
the City Hall it cost a whopping £20, our tickets (£3 waged/£1 unwaged) are a
real snip. To book tickets/organise to collect/pay for tickets, please call the
Sheffield StWC mobile on: 07761 471 441. Anybody who has any money for tickets
sold, please also call this number asap to get the cash in as we need to pay
for the venue, posters etc.
6) Saturday Sep 23. National StWC 'Time to Go!' demo. Wouldn't it be fantastic
if this protest in Manchester provided the backdrop to Blair's resignation? We
all remember the footage of Thatcher leaving Downing Street by car weeping, but
here's the chance to be part of the footage of Blair's departure from office
where 1,000's of anti-war placards, trade union banners and people send him on
his way from Labour Party conference! As he needs a good shove in the right
direction, we need to get loads of people over the Pennines on the Sheffield
coaches, which leave at 10am and cost £10 waged/£4 unwaged, so please start
booking your seats now by calling the Sheffield StWC mobile, as above.
7) Every Thursday, starting Aug 17, workplace leafletting. If you are free
between around 8-9am to help build upcoming events and get people signed up to
Sheffield StWC, please contact Angela's mobile stating your availabilty.
That's all for now, but please distribute this e-mail as far and wide as you
1) ASAP. To send a telegram to war criminal Blair on his summer jaunt in the
Bahamas, c/o the British High Commission, calling for an immediate and
unconditional ceasefire in the latest conflict.
2) Tomorrow, Friday Aug 11. To leaflet Friday prayers at as many Sheffield
mosques as possible and talk to people about getting involved in our
activities. Different mosques come out at different times, and this is
generally between 1.30-2.30, so if you have half an hour or so to spare to help
out, please call/text Angela on: 079081 816 078 as soon as you can.
2) Saturday Aug 12 and Monday to Friday 14-18 August. City centre stalls to
build for the forthcoming Sheffield StWC demo (see next item) along with the
Tony Benn meeting and Manchester demo. Please meet on the Town Hall steps.
Stalls will be taking place between 12-2 and it would be useful if you could
let us know in advance if you can do them as there is a good chance they will
be held at various different spots. Please contact Angela, number as above,
with details of when you are free.
3) Saturday Aug 19. Sheffield StWC demonstration. Following on from our two
previous, very successful local protests, we have decided to hold another one
which will assemble at the City Hall steps at noon and march round town to the
Town Hall steps. Given the very effective national StWC initiative at last
Saturday's demo where hundreds of pairs of childrens shoes were laid out at the
Cenataph to highlight how the majority of those killed in the current conflict
are Lebanese children, we have decided to do the same in Sheffield and to place
the shoes on the Town Hall steps. If you have any old children's shoes, please
bring them along. This is an excellent way to hightlight the horrors of war and
who the true victims are.
4) Next Sheffield StWC meeting Tues Aug 22. This will be held at St Matthew's on
Carver Street at 7.30pm and will provide the opportunity to report back on the
local demo and also discuss strategy and tactics to build for forthcoming
events, notably those listed further down.
5) Tuesday Sep 19, Tony Benn speaks in Sheffield! Doubtless you all know that
national StWC President Tony Benn is speaking at Ponds Forge at 7pm, and indeed
many of you have done a brilliant job selling tickets for this event to your
friends, family, workmates etc. Given that last time Tony spoke in Sheffield at
the City Hall it cost a whopping £20, our tickets (£3 waged/£1 unwaged) are a
real snip. To book tickets/organise to collect/pay for tickets, please call the
Sheffield StWC mobile on: 07761 471 441. Anybody who has any money for tickets
sold, please also call this number asap to get the cash in as we need to pay
for the venue, posters etc.
6) Saturday Sep 23. National StWC 'Time to Go!' demo. Wouldn't it be fantastic
if this protest in Manchester provided the backdrop to Blair's resignation? We
all remember the footage of Thatcher leaving Downing Street by car weeping, but
here's the chance to be part of the footage of Blair's departure from office
where 1,000's of anti-war placards, trade union banners and people send him on
his way from Labour Party conference! As he needs a good shove in the right
direction, we need to get loads of people over the Pennines on the Sheffield
coaches, which leave at 10am and cost £10 waged/£4 unwaged, so please start
booking your seats now by calling the Sheffield StWC mobile, as above.
7) Every Thursday, starting Aug 17, workplace leafletting. If you are free
between around 8-9am to help build upcoming events and get people signed up to
Sheffield StWC, please contact Angela's mobile stating your availabilty.
That's all for now, but please distribute this e-mail as far and wide as you
