civil disobediencer | 21.07.2006 23:05 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Repression | London
The BBC are broadcasting direct from Trafalgar Square tomorrow (Saturday) as part of their dance week. With many protestors leaving Hyde Park after the march, spread the word and flood the Square. Take over the media. Stop censorship. Do real direct action to show the depth of feeling about this situation.
With tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of protestors leaving Hyde Park after their meaningless A to B march on Saturday, wouldn't it be great if loads of us went on to Trafalgar Square.
The BBC are broadcasting a live dance event at 6.25 from the Square, and it would be a chance to really get across the depth of feeling about these horrific events and the part that Blair has in not putting the slightest bit of pressure on Israel after its war crimes.
So tell others, build a movement tomorrow, and flood Trafalgar Square with banners. If we're not allowed in, then make noise noise noise. Make ourselves heard on the censored and controlled media.
Non-violent direct action. Tomorrow. Trafalgar Square. BBC1 6.25pm
The BBC are broadcasting a live dance event at 6.25 from the Square, and it would be a chance to really get across the depth of feeling about these horrific events and the part that Blair has in not putting the slightest bit of pressure on Israel after its war crimes.
So tell others, build a movement tomorrow, and flood Trafalgar Square with banners. If we're not allowed in, then make noise noise noise. Make ourselves heard on the censored and controlled media.
Non-violent direct action. Tomorrow. Trafalgar Square. BBC1 6.25pm
civil disobediencer
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