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UK Faslane Newswire Archive

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FITwatch - Faslane Oct 1st

03-10-2007 23:12

MoD OSU cameraman
FIT and police photography units were out at Faslane on October the 1st during the Big Blockade.

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FASLANE 365 "Brief Tale"

02-10-2007 15:32

north gate early morning
Few picture and a little tale.......

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Yorkshire Campaigners Take Nuclear Base by Surprise

02-10-2007 10:40

Protestors have managed to close the Faslane naval base in Scotland by surprising the police with a combination of superglue and paint.

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Faslane 365 Big Blockade - photos

02-10-2007 09:24

Photos from the Big Blockade at Faslane on the 1st of October.

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faslane ppl NEEDED

01-10-2007 19:33

blockades need ppl now- lets keep this going!!

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hundreds descend on faslane for the big blockade

01-10-2007 10:02

100 arrests so far as 600 actvists block entrances to faslane nuclear weapons base. alex salmond sends message of support to protestors

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Bradford fairies arrested in anti-nuclear blockade

01-10-2007 06:36

Several Bradford campaigners, dressed as fairies, have been arrested already during the Big Blockade, the finale to Faslane 365. They were joining hundreds of others in blockading the nuclear submarine base.

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Preparations underway for Monday's Faslane 365 Big Blockade

01-10-2007 00:24

A Vanguard-class submarine capable of launching WMD sails into Faslane
People from across the United Kingdom and Europe are heading towards the west coast of Scotland to participate in Monday's "Big Blockade" of Faslane naval base, home of the UK's nuclear weapons arsenal.

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UK-US Military Alliance Creates Fascist UK-Faslane

28-09-2007 18:49

Who can deny it 'go l**ney, go p*ki, go n*gger, go p**ftah as well as sch*z, go y*ppee and lesser verbal intimidation is heard every day in the UK moreso then most other places in western europe. This is the most common that I have known such verbal abuse since being born in 1961. Who can block now at Faslane?

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Atomic Weapons Establishment a catastrophe waiting to happen

25-09-2007 14:30

The Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) and the Ministry of Defence have submitted a planning application for a new nuclear warhead component factory at the Burghfield site in Berkshire, yet the site has been struggling to remedy as many as 1,000 safety defects uncovered by the government's official nuclear watchdog. And it has only been allowed to remain open because the Ministry of Defence says the work it does is vital.

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Join Big Blockade of Faslane Nuclear Base 1st October

23-09-2007 13:17

Hundreds of peace activists will risk arrest on October 1st when over a thousand people are expected to join in a “Big Blockade” of Faslane Naval Base. This will be the culmination of the Faslane 365 year of actions against Trident, Britain’s weapon of mass destruction. People and groups from all over Britain (and abroad) will use diverse nonviolent methods to block the entrances to the nuclear base and disrupt the ongoing deployment of Trident.

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Anti-Trident Activist Acquitted

13-09-2007 21:16

The photograph submitted by Larkin, clearly showing that he is not in the road
Anti-Trident activist Brian Larkin was today acquitted of breaching the peace during a nonviolent blockade of Faslane, home port for Britain's nuclear weapon submarines.

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Faslane Activist Acquitted

13-09-2007 21:05

An activist was acquitted today on a charge of Breach of the Peace arising from blockading Faslane in opposition to the deployment of and plans to upgrade Trident. Brian argued that the Crown had a particular obligation in this case to demonstrate the facts given that 950 people have been arrested at Faslane since 1st October, with most held overnight for up to 36 hours and then released with a letter from the Procurator Fiscal stating that no charges would be brought. The Fiscal is prosecuting in only 51 cases of the 950 arrests. Brian said that the overnight detention of more than 500 people without trial constitutes a denial of their civil liberties.

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Faslane Big Blockade

12-09-2007 10:30

The Big Blockade of Faslane Nuclear Submarine base takes place on 1st October 2007

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Man arrested at Atomic Weapons Establishment on eve of major arms fair

11-09-2007 06:47

On the eve of the MoD-sponsored DSEi arms fair in east London, there was one arrest at AWE (Atomic Weapons Establishment) Aldermaston in Berkshire, where supporters of the Block the Builders campaign had gathered on Monday morning.

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Protesters Strip Trident Bare!

06-09-2007 16:39

Nudes Against Nukes
On Wednesday afternoon a group of cheeky protesters demonstrated the naked truth about Trident by stripping off outside the gates of Faslane naval base in Scotland.

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Two Pensioners Spend Two Hours Inside Nuclear Weapons Storage Base

05-09-2007 06:48

Two pensioners this morning spent over two hours inside RNAD Coulport, where Britain's Trident nuclear warheads are stored. Joan Meredith, who will be 78 next week, and Irene Willis, 62, entered Coulport shortly after midnight and were only arrested at 0230 when they approached police on the main gate from the inside.

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Second wave at Faslane - 3 more arrested for cycling in to nuclear base

04-09-2007 10:19

At 11.00a.m. today, 3 more peace protesters breached security at the North gate of the Faslane nuclear submarine base, entering on bicycles. This second team from the ‘Faslane 365 Serious Organised Crime Investigation and Prevention Team’ follows the earlier arrest of 3 women inside the base. It is understood that they are being charged under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA). The total number of Scottish SOCRAP arrests is now 6.

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3 Arrested for Entering Faslane Nuclear Base

04-09-2007 09:22

3 women have been arrested this morning (4 September 2007) inside the high security fences at the Trident nuclear submarine base after entering the base to get further information on the weapons of mass destruction deployed by the UK government in contravention of Scottish and International Law. According to the police, the women, who were acting to uphold the law, are being charged under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act, which is increasingly being used to prevent peaceful protests at sensitive sites, including Britain’s nuclear bases.

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Scotland's first SOCRAP charges - 3 arrested inside Faslane high security area

04-09-2007 09:17

Faslane Naval Base, Scotland, September 4, 2007, 06.30 a.m.
Police say 3 women have been arrested inside the high security fences at the Trident nuclear submarine base after entering the base to get further information on the weapons of mass destruction deployed by the UK government in contravention of Scottish and International Law. According to the police, the women, who were acting to uphold the law, are being charged under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act, which is increasingly being used to prevent peaceful protests at sensitive sites, including Britain’s nuclear bases.
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