UK Smash EDO Newswire Archive
Bristol 21/22 March - EDO Decommissioners defendant solidarity events
15-03-2009 12:07

This event is an act of solidarity with all the EDO Decommissioners awaiting trial, but especially the 2 defendants remanded in prison since January 17 2009. Of these 2, one Robert Alford remains in HMP Lewes in Brighton, whilst the other Elija (James) Smith), is now held at HMP Bristol.
AND - Solidarity dinner plus talk & film with Ciaron O'Reilly – Sunday 22 March from 6.30pm
Attack the arms factories - Solidarity with the EDO defendants
09-03-2009 16:22
EDO MBM is a daughter company of ITT America. ITT are the 12th largestmanufacturers of weapons in the world, currently producing electrical
equipment designed and used for warfare world wide.
Free The EDO Two
09-03-2009 15:19
Resisting War Crimes Is Not a CrimeFree Robert Alford and Elijah James Smith.
21st March 4 till 5.30, Horfield Prison, Cambridge Road off Gloucester Road, Bristol. Meeting at Golden Lion at 3pm onwards.
ITT Corp Pay $1.8 Million Fine Get Off Bribery Charges
04-03-2009 20:18
...Smash EDO benefit gig tomorrow
28-02-2009 11:07
As a part of the "Artivism" week of events there will be a benefit gig for Smash EDO tomorrow, 1st March, at the Prince Albert, Trafalgar Street, Brighton from 8.00pm.Ornella Sabin, 1of 9 activists on trial for decomissioning Brighton arms factory
27-02-2009 22:58

All night demo at EDO to commemorate the anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq
27-02-2009 18:19
Remember the War?The invasion of Iraq began on the night of 19th/20th March 2003. Since then over a million people have died as a result of the invasion and occupation. EDO have been making money out of the suffering of the people of Iraq. The company produce components for the Paveway III and IV, the most used missiles in the 2003-4 bombardment
Andrew Beckett: Decommissioning the arms trade
24-02-2009 11:18
Comment is freeDecommissioning the arms trade
When government agencies cloak arms exports to Israel in secrecy, we have a moral and legal right to prevent their damage
Artivism: it’s anti-war art week in Brighton
19-02-2009 15:05
“We will oppose the art of war with the art of peace”Brighton is hosting the first ever ‘Artivism’ event: a week of anti-war creativity including art exhibitions, music, poetry and workshops. Between 24th Feb- 1st March artists, activists and performers will come together at various Brighton locations to take a stand for peace.
Drones parked in our own backyard, to Bomb our own People
18-02-2009 22:05
In a shocking discovery reports have emerged from simply Google Earth images evidence of three drones parked on an airfield in some remote destination within Baluchistan, the images were captured by orbiting satellites and archived within Google Earth data warehouse to suddenly be discovered recently. Though there is no denying that during the Musharraf regime bases were rented out to the American army costing them a massive deficit to the tune of $10 Billion. But what probably irks the nation is that the Pakistani government have categorically denied that the Pakistani bases are being used to launch drones-The problem with extremists
18-02-2009 18:07
Take it to the limitnormblog 18/02/2009 15:52 Norm
The problem with describing a view as 'extreme' and the person who holds it as an 'extremist' is that it assumes some nearby point relative to which the putative extreme and putative extremist are thus distantly situated; and it assumes that it's the very distance that matters. Take the idea that people are to be considered extremists if they 'fail to condemn the killing of British soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan'. Not even if they approve of or condone it; if they merely fail to condemn it.
Update: EDO Decommissioners Get Charged With Conspiracy
17-02-2009 11:52
Yesterday in Brighton magistrate's court defendants in the EDO Decommissioners Casehad charges of Burglary dropped and replaced with Conspiracy To Cause Criminal Damage.
Waterford occupiers keep factory alive
15-02-2009 03:45
Noel is part of a group of workers who are keeping the Waterford Crystal flame burning.He is among a dozen who make sure that 18 tonnes of molten glass continue to be produced by the plant’s furnace every 24 hours.
The furnace must stay working for production at the factory to continue.
If the furnace stops, the glass will solidify and the repairs would cost 8 million euros.
Israelis, in Crisis, Vote for a Government of War
14-02-2009 12:46
Dust of Tuesday's voting battle settled down and the battle of forming the next Israeli government has just begun. With Benjamin Netanyahu poised for premiership and Avigdor Lieberman, leader of a “racist and fascist” party (as condemned by Talia Sasson of the Merez party) very well positioned to be the king or queen maker of the next ruling coalition, the Palestinian people and the whole region will have to brace as from next March for an Israeli government of war.Demonstration at Brighton Magistrate's Court in Support of the EDO 6
13-02-2009 12:23
13th February 2009Demonstration at Brighton Magistrate's Court in Support of the EDO Decommissioners
For more Details call 07754135290

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Censored Brighton Council Motion Against EDO MBM published by Wikileaks
12-02-2009 10:19
A copy of the motion of censure that Green Party councilors tried to table at 29 Jan 09 full city council meeting, is now available at the website.Convenors of the council meeting blocked the motion on 16th January 2009 just hours before EDO MBM was decomissioned by six peace activists.
The document was leaked because the Green Party said they would press release the refusal (see handwritten note) but never did.
MAYDAY! against EDO page set up
04-02-2009 13:07
On bankholiday Monday, May the 4th, there will be a mass event against EDO/ITT in Brighton.Keep the day free!
Support The EDO 9
02-02-2009 15:26
MASSIVE DAMAGE AT BRIGHTON ARMS FACTORY.Nine activists were arrested at a Brighton weapons factory in the early hours of January 17th
Support The EDO Decommisioners
31-01-2009 15:48
Write to Our Prisoners (see below)Sign our Petition

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