UK G8 Germany 2007 Newswire Archive
G8 - Closing march, harbour rally and prison solidarity pics
08-06-2007 22:21

During the march, their were halts when a soundsystem had to be negotiated into being able to travel with the crowd into the harbour area.
With hundreds of protesters arriving at the harbour rally, speakers began to relay their thoughts of how the actions against the G8 went - the feeling was generally jubilent with some speeches throwing up some interesting facts such as the various propaganda lies pushed by the police and printed in the press.
During the rally a large group spontaneously took to the streets marching down the road towards the prison to show solidarity with all those still detained. As they set off the police scrambled to block in and surround this group for several hours before they dispersed. A number regrouped at the prison and are awaiting more news on those still inside.
Bush's lies and cons
08-06-2007 20:50

German high court upholds police ban on G8 summit protest
08-06-2007 20:37
On Wednesday, the federal constitutional court, Germany’s highest court, confirmed the police ban of a demonstration against the G8 summit scheduled to take place June 7. Protesters had planned to carry out a so-called Star March to the Baltic resort of Heiligendamm where leaders of the world’s largest economies are currently meeting.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
G 8: activist lost his eye due to police water cannon
08-06-2007 18:56

Nottingham folk report from G8 in Germany #3
08-06-2007 17:30
This is the third report from some Nottingham folk who have travelled to Germany to take action during the G8 summit, which takes place from 6-8 June 2007 in a hotel in Heiligendamm next to Rostock at the Baltic Sea. For more coverage of the G8 summit, and links to the other reports, see the feature article.
G8 night in London tonight
08-06-2007 15:33
Films and feedback from the G8 in Germany, followed by benefit for the Gatwick No Borders Camp (Sept 07), feat. Headjam, Innocent Kidd and DubNegChanging the action against G8
08-06-2007 14:53
Thursday 7th of June saw a series of solidarity protests and actions around the planet to protest the unjust and unsustainable actions of the illigitamite and unwanted body that call themselves the G8. Remember, we are everywhere, thats where our power is. Our world is not for sale, its time to think local, act global while also thinking global while acting local. Time to change the way we play this game.....Norwich petrol station shut down on DoA Against Climate Change and the G8
08-06-2007 13:15

Street Rave at East Gate G8 Blockade - thursday night
08-06-2007 11:01

G 8 : German police boat hits Greenpeace boats
08-06-2007 10:48
2 boats of Greenpeace were hit by a german police boat trying to stop them reaching the Kempinski-Hotel (where the G 8 takes place) from the seaside. 3 Greenpeace activists were injured.G8 West Gate Blockade, Thursday 7th
08-06-2007 09:53

By this time police had already brought in water canons and were ready to protect the road. Even though several groups of people managed to cross the police lines and do sit down protests as well as building some barricades. The stand off lasted for most of the day, effectively blocking the road 200 meters away from the gate for the whole day. Later in the afternoon, whilst the main group of people that by that time had ground to more than 3000 people were keeping their ground in front of the police lines, several smaller affinity groups spread around the fence trying to stretch police resources whilst others carrying on with smaller actions in different parts of the road.
Later in the evening police eventually dispersed those still on the blockade, injuring several people.
Barricade Blockades West Gate Area - thursday
08-06-2007 07:53

G8: a very brief summary in pictures, videos and a few words.
08-06-2007 03:51
...a very brief summary -in pictures, videos and a few words- of the G8 events of late, beriddled as they have been by police brutality[videos below], agent provocateurs[1] (which in any decent journalism would have entirely overshadowed a few radicalised, state repressed groups' retaliation for the violence commenced by the authorities[2]) and the completely distorted "journalism" by the corporate press..Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Russian G8 delegates blocked and car bashed
08-06-2007 00:04
At the West Gate of the G8 summit a car carrying Russian delegates attempted to pass protesters. It was blockaded and damage was inflicted to the car.06/06/2007: Video Rush - March to Road Blockades
07-06-2007 22:11

Please sign my petition in support of my right to asylum
07-06-2007 21:23
Dear Friends,Please sign my petition and spread it far and beyond.
My name is George Mwangi. I am a 31-year-old Kenyan male asylum seeker with a partner and 2-year-old daughter and my asylum case is pending reconsideration since 24th August 2006. My Home Office reference is M709238, and Port reference: SP/02/9080.
George Mwangi
The blockade of the West Gate.
07-06-2007 20:07

Full article | 2 additions | 5 comments
Second Life Demonstrations and Cre-8 Tribute Garden
07-06-2007 19:49

SLLU, Second Life Left Unity, has created a Tribute Garden for people who are in the game to leave a candle, flower or other tribute in memory of the victims of capitalism/globalisation.
Heading for the blockade of the west gate.
07-06-2007 19:04