UK G8 Germany 2007 Newswire Archive
Video of Prisoner Solidarity March, 08/06/07
12-06-2007 23:29

Whats hot and not G82007 Heiligendamm
12-06-2007 19:46
From the streets, blockades and bars- the self- elected unrepresentative group of 8 that make up the whats hot team have this report.Full article | 1 addition | 11 comments
Why your revolution is no liberation!
12-06-2007 16:33

Aberystwyth Activists Arrested at G8
12-06-2007 15:27

The Tyrant Visits Tirana
12-06-2007 13:44

Post G8 protest debrief meeting
12-06-2007 13:33
Come to debrief about the G8 protests with others who were involved, either in the UK or Germany.THURSDAY 14th JUNE from 7pm
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G8 protester blinded by police
12-06-2007 13:18

During blockades of the West Gate during the G8 summit police used water canons mixed with pepper spray excessively. A number of serious eye and ear injuries were reported including Matt from Liverpool. The force of the jet of water was so serve that his eye came out of its socket. Matt has been left blinded in one eye.
Matt was discharged from hospital in Rostock but faces months of operations and discomfort from his injury. A CAT scan has revealed that he had sustained internal bleeding, extensive damage to his Iris and possible damage to his retina.He faces future operations, cataracts, and glaucoma.
Europe’s carbon-trading scheme
12-06-2007 00:50
Conflict over global warming took centre stage at the G8 summit with the European countries Britain, France and Germany taking the moral high ground in pressuring the United States to make a commitment to cuts in emissions.08/07/2007: International Shell to Sea block and shutdown
11-06-2007 20:25

Pics of Saturday's Rostock Demo, 2nd of June
11-06-2007 17:52

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Press Release: Liverpool Demonstrator Nearly Blinded by G8 Police
11-06-2007 14:51
A British demonstrator at the G8 summit was badly injured by German police water cannon on Thursday 7th June.Climate Change & G8 Day of Action - Full Action Reports
10-06-2007 19:10

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Final demo in Rostock.
10-06-2007 17:27

Laage Airport Blockade. Tuesday.
10-06-2007 17:16

The blockade was originally planned for Wednesday. Then it come to light that Mr Bush will by flying in a day early so plans are hastily rearranged. Laage is a military airport and it the middle of nowhere. Upon arrival cops stop the coach and we are told that all demos are banned around the airport for the duration of the G8. However the Police have made an exception as there are thousands of people converging on the area so they offer to escort us to the designated protest area. How considerate of them…
Moving against the G8
10-06-2007 14:48
The following article -- published in the June edition of Red Pepper magazine and written around a month before the G8 Summit -- offers a bit of background to the 2007 G8 mobilisation and the conditions on which it could perhaps be judged a success -- all of which were fulfilled or exceeded last week.We are winning!
Video Rush: 07/06/07 - East Gate Blockade Holds Firm, Protestors Take West Gate
10-06-2007 00:23

G8 summit: Climate compromise masks mounting conflicts
09-06-2007 16:27
The 3,500 reporters and photographers who travelled to the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany, have accomplished their assigned mission. The world has been inundated with reports of progress and idyllic photos: Bush, Merkel and Putin sitting relaxed and chatting in beach chairs; Sarkozy and Blair talking over a glass of beer; a harmonious walk on the beach of the picturesque resort by all of the world leaders.G8 Flushes Climate Camp Down The Pipe
09-06-2007 13:58

Anti-G8 solidarity action in Seoul, South Korea
09-06-2007 06:39