UK SOCPA Newswire Archive
Never Mind the B*****s?
22-02-2010 18:00
I have been further arrested on two separate occasions for public expression of "bollocks" and "blair". Both cases were dropped on the date of trial under somewhat convenient circumstances, the CPS offering no evidence. The first case was dropped the week the Sex Pistols released their 3oth anniversay edition of the album "Never Mind the Bollocks - Here's the Sex Pistols". The second case was to be attended by Lady mary Warnock, picking up the torch of common sense from Professor Kingsley and QC John Mortimer who valiantly defended our right to use that Saxon Age old word of bollocks.Animal Protection Party shops thrive in spite of police clampdown on SHAC stalls
22-02-2010 05:39
The Animal Protection Party have opened another shop, which they say have "gone from strenght to strength" in spite of the massive police clampdown on fundraising stalls for AR groups like SHAC. After the police raids on SHAC they claimed that SHAC had raised £1 million through street stalls & closed down the SHAC [which they said were ALF] stalls. The APP shops however stay open.Camden Animal Lab campaign residents "We are up against heavies".
19-02-2010 20:31
There are plans to build a high level [3+] virus contianment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden Council house estate alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. Residents have been campaigning against the lab plans. Some have said that "we are up against heavies" and others have spoken of "dirty tactics" by those who are in support of the lab plans including aggression.Stop UKCMRI [Camden Bio Hazard] Lab meeting at Camden Town Hall update.
19-02-2010 03:23
There are plans to build a high level [3+] virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden on a council house estate in Camden, alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. This week residents met with councillors at Camden Town Hall as a follow up to the meeting at St Mary & St Pancras Primary School meeting. Read the notes below regarding this meeting.Stop The Stevenage GSK/Wellcome Trust/Mandelson Animal Torture Park
18-02-2010 18:59

Call out to Brendan / London Animal Rights and Bedford Animal Rights.
18-02-2010 18:48
In October 2009 plans were unvelied by the government, Glaxo Smith Kline, Wellcome Trust and Stevenage council for a new Stevenage Bio Sciences Park. This will of course contain new animal testing labs. The plans wee unvieled in October and have been met with SILENCE. Is there a campaign other then struggling local activists who do not want the lab? Will there be a national group?Big Pharma security thug threats to kill gay AR activist with crack cocaine.
15-02-2010 19:54
A thug working for a private security firm on behalf of a pharmaceutical company have threatened to kill animal rights activists with crack cocaine & make it "look like suicide". The homophobic thugs have said they will rape & kill the man his family members with crack & a noose. The thugs burgled his house and stole family photos & told the AR activist " we will rape your gran, your mum & aunt".Activists sent details of child & threatening letters from government/MI5/DWP
04-02-2010 15:07
An activist with a child was sent strange letters from the Department of Work & Pensions detailing his child benefit & details of his parents pension. He was then telephoned with the warning "We know everything about you & if we want we can get your parents pension money interfered with at any time". The activist said the person phoning was a woman & that she had " an Australian or New Zealand accent. What's scary is that he did not any time given the DWP his mobile phone number.Hogmanay in Parliament Square
25-01-2010 09:48

Christmas in Parliament Square
30-12-2009 16:17

B&K Universal- Blood on their Hands RALLY
29-12-2009 00:37
activsts from he north will decend upon b and k universal in grimstonand rally the blood and MURDER they cause
suppilers of hls
sequani labs
and the mod
plus many other vile groups
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Maria Gallastegui arrested at the Cenotaph War memorial.
04-11-2009 21:35
Long-time Peace Campaigner, Maria Gallastegui was arrested this afternoon at the Cenotaph War memorial in Whitehall, London.229 Minute Afghanistan Vigil, Cenotaph, London - pictures.
04-11-2009 21:19

Report and 20 photos of Stop the War march and rally on Saturday 24th October
28-10-2009 11:15

Sean Kirtley Released From Prison After Appeal Victory!
17-09-2009 18:06
THE FINAL NAIL IN THE SOCPA COFFINBrian Haw in Parliament Square - 3,018 days and counting!
06-09-2009 05:19

Dialect - Global Economic Crisis or Global Confidence Trick?
29-08-2009 00:11

plus Rejuvenating Easton and part 1 of John Pilger on ‘hypnotist’ Barack Obama.

Brian Haw Parliament Square anti-war vigil - Day 3000 - pics
20-08-2009 00:27

Open letter to David Cameron about Brian Haw
19-08-2009 09:38

Brian Haw will shortly clock up day 3,000 in Parliament Square
14-08-2009 14:35