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B&K Universal- Blood on their Hands RALLY

hull against b and k | 29.12.2009 00:37 | SOCPA | Animal Liberation | Liverpool | Sheffield

activsts from he north will decend upon b and k universal in grimston
and rally the blood and MURDER they cause
suppilers of hls
sequani labs
and the mod
plus many other vile groups

northern activists will rally against b and k universal in grimston to end to call for the end vile breeders b and k
we will rally at the gates of b and k
we will be calling an end to animal cruelty and the suffering they cause
we will be rallying with banners megaphones and plenty enthusiasm

together we will end animal suffering

please meet at the gates of b and k universal in grimston in hull at 12 . 30 pm

The Field Station, Grimston, Aldbrough, Hull, HU11 4QE


hull against b and k
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Display the following 4 comments

  1. When? — G. R. Ammer
  2. date — hull against b and k
  3. Heads up from Hull — Hull resident
  4. Right, I'm ready........ — Steve Mclean