UK SOCPA Newswire Archive
Freedom to Protest in Portsmouth
22-01-2009 11:13
John Molyneux was arrested on the 3rd of January and charged under Section 11 of the Public Order Act (1986) after helping to organise a protest against the massacres in Gaza. His 'crime'? Exercising his freedom to publicly express political dissent in association with others.Netcu Watch // Steve Pearl and Netcu we know where you work...
21-01-2009 20:09
After some netcu related hilarity during the past few days demonstrations at Harlan, HLS Wooley and HLS Occuld we took PCs Bacon and the officer we know as "Dave" in to the main Cambridgeshire Police Headquaters. And a police officer dropped a real clanger.5th day of parliament square hunger strike
16-01-2009 19:59

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Tree occupation for peace on Whitehall
16-01-2009 12:37
Breaking news, more details to followlembit opek "orders" arrest of barbara tucker in parliament square
15-01-2009 00:16
early this afternoon, lembit opek had barbara tucker arrested outside the gates of parliament because the noise from her campaigning for the children of gaza was interfering with him being filmed prancing about on some electric bike - she intends to sue in the high court and give the money to the children of gazabrian haw narrowly escaped parliament square ban in court today
24-12-2008 01:18
at westminster court, judge caroline tubbs banned brian haw (the parliament square peace protestor who has been there for more than seven years) with an exclusion order covering the westminster area. barristers eventually managed to have the ruling suspended pending an appeal, but the threat is still very much there.SOCPA 2005 - Bollocks As Usual...
21-12-2008 10:25
I have been refused authorisation of my "Family 4 Life" SOCPA 2005 Notification (September 11, 2008) of my human rights regarding HRA 1998 and have lodged (Dec.16/2008) N244 - an urgent appeal for an immediate oral hearing application to the Royal High Courts of Justice as a judicial review CO-12068/2008 to order the Commissioner to authorise... what an absolute crock of shit!Civil Rights in the UK | Wed 10th Dec LSE 3pm + 6pm Events
09-12-2008 18:26

6pm Eve Session in the New Theatre, E Block Houghton St
Action Proposals so far - see below - please bring your own..!
Sean Kirtley's Birthday + Xmas Prisoner Support + Sequani demo
08-12-2008 21:15
Anarchist AR prisoner Sean Kirtley has a Birthday coming up soon on December 11th so please remember to send cards and letters of support. There will also be a solidarity demonstration happening outside Sequani labs on the 10th of December.Building a Civil Rights Coalition at the LSE | This Wed 10th Dec
07-12-2008 11:53

Wednesday 10th December, 6pm Public Meeting (and 3pm Seminar)
New Theatre, Building E, LSE Houghton St WC2 (nearest tube Holborn/Temple)
Who said the police never lie? Lakenheath 8 trial update.
03-12-2008 00:39
On Monday 1st December 10 am, the Lakenheath 8 began their trial on charges of SOCPA 128 and Criminal Damage.Wreaths were laid at the door of Ipswich crown court in remembrance of Margaret Moss, one of the defendants who died in 2007, and for all the victims of cluster munitions.
After a late start due to an unforeseen ‘Irene’ incident the trial started at 1.30pm.
First into the witness box for the prosecution was Mrs.'I know nothing' Rice, deputy director of Air Staff, responsible for all policy matters relating to United States visiting forces. She has held this position in London for 18 years.
Welcome to the Zanu-Labour Police State
02-12-2008 16:04
Should not all border entry points, now manned by uniformed guards, not display an official welcoming sign: Welcome to the Zanu-Labour Police State?Dear Barrie - about that SOCPA bollox...
02-12-2008 11:37
Nov 20. 2008 - Southwark Crown Court - appeal as retrial on basis of rights to a fair trial denied at Westminster Maggots Courts... found guilty "no real crime committed" absolute discharge, fines quoshed, court fees quoshed... and westminster are still trying to drag me back for two more old socpa charges from 2006... yes that's right 2006.High crimes and breach of parliamentary privilege
28-11-2008 16:51
Yesterday Damian Green a senior opposition politician was arrested and held for nine hours.Wanted -Court Support!
27-11-2008 13:35

Right to the City at the LSE
23-11-2008 16:27
The broad purpose of the event is to strengthen our network, build solidarity and consider concrete actions necessary to strengthen civil society's response to the ongoing crackdown. We will consider the politics of police power, surveillance, prisons and detention, aswell as possibilities for liberation from this 'open prison' society we now inhabit. Lefebvre's Right to the City, collective control of public space and housing will all be considered. Please come along and help us to connect traditonal HR activists with planners, housing and wider migrant support networks.Why Human Rights? 10th Dec 6pm LSE
18-11-2008 16:52

Why Human Rights?
Public Meeting
Wednesday 10th December, 6pm
New Theatre, LSE Houghton St WC2 (nearest tube Holborn/Temple)
police stop students filming in parliament square: barbara tucker arrested
13-11-2008 12:52

VIDEO: 7/7 Survivor Daniel Obachike - The Peter Power Terror Drill Inquest
12-11-2008 17:12