UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
Dissent! website compromised?
26-04-2005 15:24
The Dissent! agaisnt the G8 website may have been compromised. The URL returns a longish error message.London Anti-Authoritarian Festival
26-04-2005 14:45
London Anti-Authoritarians festival on 29th and 30th April at The Institute For Autonomy in Central London. On Friday there'll be a benefit from 8pm until 1am, with Rhythms of Resistance, bands, djs, vegan food. On Saturday there'll be an afternoon of films and discussions from 1-7pm.Climate campaigners scale Prescott's roof + fit solar panels
26-04-2005 12:48

26th April 05
Greenpeace volunteers fitted solar panels to John Prescott's roof and hung a huge banner across his house this morning that says: Oi 2 Jags! Hit targets, not voters.
The Deputy Prime Minsiter is putting Britain's climate change targets at risk by failing to make UK homes more energy efficient. According to the UN, climate change kills 150,000 people every year, and Tony Blair has described the threat as the gravest we face.
Fuel Protestors Considering G8 Summit Action?
26-04-2005 01:02
Report in yesterday's Transport News Network, following the short blockade / picket of Shell's Stanlow oil refinery in Cheshire. Plans for high-profile demonstrations to demand a cut in fuel prices will be discussed at a meeting in Edinburgh today (tues).Re G8 see report below:
ExxonMobil spends $8M on think tanks and eco front groups re climate change
25-04-2005 21:32
Put a Tiger In Your Think TankExxonMobil has pumped more than $8 million into more than 40 think tanks; media outlets; and consumer, religious, and even civil rights groups that preach skepticism about the oncoming climate catastrophe.
See the run down group by group in latest issue of motherjones:

Derby G8 arrestees' bail dropped
25-04-2005 15:30
The 12 people arrested at the Derby G8 protests last month have had their bail dropped.Blair pledges to heal Africa.....again
24-04-2005 22:29
Today is World Poverty Day. The situation is desperate, and ought to be a source of cringing shame to every single person in the developed world. As the UK approaches a General Election how should we assess our government's stance on the crisis?Get on board the resistG8 trains
24-04-2005 22:15
FOR WIDE DISTRIBUTION:Please forward to email lists, friends, family...etc
TRAPESE Roadshow in London, Saturday April 23rd.
20-04-2005 15:43
TRAPESE Roadshow in LondonWHEN: Saturday April 23rd, workshops from 6 to 8 PM.
From 9pm Pub quiz, bar and music to follow.
COST: Free/donation
WHERE: Rampart Street Creative Centre and Social Space, 15 Rampart Street, London E1. Nearest tube Whitechapel.
Feedback from the Festival of Dissent 6-10th April
19-04-2005 20:01
From Wednesday the 6th to 10th of April, people from across Scotland and beyond met in rural Lanarkshire at the “Festival of Dissent!” The key message from the gathering is "all available hands to the decks". You will be spoilt for choice in the number of roles you can take on - check out how you can get involved at REBEL CLOWNS MOVE LOCATION PERMANENTLY
19-04-2005 17:03
REBEL CLOWN TRAINING in London has moved to a new permanent location due to so many big shoes not fitting in beautiful but too small ramparts !!!rabble rousing for SOS Iceland
19-04-2005 15:08
At the rampART - 15-17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LAFriday 22nd from 8pm to 11pm
Direct Action Affinity Group Training for DSEi and G8, London
19-04-2005 09:46
Direct Action - Affinity Group TrainingSaturday 7 May, 10:30am
The Institute for Autonomy, 78 Gower St,London WC1
(nearest tubes: Russell Sq, Goodge St, Warren St. Buses: Tottenham Court Road)
Sunday Times reports Faslane base may 'close' on G8 Demo Day + G8A Int Mtg
17-04-2005 16:46
Sunday times reports many staff may be given the day off. Not that surprising - on most faslane submarine base big blockade days which have happened in the past, many staff are given the day off, essential staff come in early to beat the blockades and some come by boat.The faslance base 'source' is quoted as saying "We’re used to this sort of thing but the people planning it are not the ordinary peaceful protesters" - maybe they should tell Trident Ploughshares, CND and Scottish CND who are, as usual, planning the blockade!
Article also covers the G8Alternatives international organising meeting that has been going on in Scotland this weekend.
Article below for reference:
Edingburgh airport not to be used for G8 deligates - prestwick is new target
17-04-2005 16:09
Newspapers are reporting that Edingburg airport has been dropped in favor of Prestick airport as the arrival point for the G8 delegates. Over 1,500 delegates (and 3,000 journalists) are expected and most will travel by road from Prestwick which is on the west coast and much further away from the G8 venue than Edingburgh. While the new route will offer protesters many new possibilties there are multiple possible routes to block unlike the journey from Edingburgh.Make Poverty History, Drop the Debt Event, Piccys from Nottingham
16-04-2005 21:46

g8 bikeride benefit gig
16-04-2005 18:04
action packed gig to raise money for puncture repair kits & monkey wrenchesg8 bikeride planning meeting
16-04-2005 17:54
planning meeting for people interested in london to scotland bikeride for the g8URGENT ! LONDON REBEL CLOWN TRAINING MOVES VENUE THIS WEEK !
16-04-2005 16:07
Due to overbooking or doublebooking at ramparts, CIRCA training has to move this week.